Summary of iiSBE AGM & SB13 Graz (Part: 8)
Author: webmaster Published:2013-11-16 Read: 7843 reads

Resized Image  2013年10月1日適逢奧地利國會大選剛結束,奧地利公民的投票參與度很高(投票率最少八成),但對選舉結果並不會很在意,這與台灣的選舉文化有著莫大的差異。在奧地利,選前除了看板外,未曾看過宣傳車,選後隔天也沒有掃街拜票。這或許是一個成熟的民主選舉典範,民眾會主動關心政局,對最後結果也都會予以尊重。
  On October 1, 2013, coincided with the end of the Austrian parliamentary elections. Austrian citizens have a very high voting rate (of at least 80%) but they didn't really pay much attention to the election results unlike the election culture in Taiwan. In Austria, only billboards were seen in the lead-up to the election. There were no trucks with blaring speakers or winning candidates parading through the street to thank voters for their support. This may be an example of a mature democracy. The people took an active interest in politics but they also respected the ultimate outcome.

Resized Image  考察團一行漫步舊城區,聖史帝芬大教堂鄰近建築群未因繁榮的商業氣息而走味,哥德式、巴洛克、分離派建築一磚一瓦與現代化的鋼筋建築共譜老城新氣象。百餘年的建築在台北常因都更計畫,保存與維護已趨漸不易,老歷史也隨之凋逝,這值得台灣執政者借鏡,尤其是文化的保育投資。環城大道地面的音樂家石牌刻有舒伯特、蕭士塔高維契、卡拉揚等大師姓名,以表紀念;街頭藝人的演奏器樂,更添這座「音樂之都」獨特風采,維也納在此的城市定位格外鮮明!最後大夥在碧草如茵的「維也納市立公園」圓舞曲之王小約翰史特勞斯雕像前合影留念,為此行劃下完美句點。
  The delegation went on a stroll through the Old District. The buildings near the St. Stephen Cathedral seemed immune to the bustle of commercial activity. Gothic, Baroque and Sezession buildings all co-existed in harmony with modern architecture in steel and concrete. In Taipei, urban planning meant that buildings over a century in age are increasingly hard to preserve and maintain so the past has faded away with them as well. Vienna is therefore a role model for the Taiwanese authorities especially when it comes to cultural conservation and investment. On the Ringstrasse, the stone tablets are carved with the names of great musicians such as Schubert, Shostakovich and Karajan. The playing of instruments by street performers added to the unique ambience of the "City of Music" and emphasized the essence of Vienna! Finally, the delegation gathered for a group photo in front of the statue of Johann Strauss II in Stadtpark with its velvet green lawns, bringing the trip to a perfect conclusion.

Resized Image  在結束了所有考察行程後,考察團一行自維也納當地時間18:50搭乘長榮航空BR62班機經曼谷,於10月2日16:25平安抵達桃園機場,圓滿結束本次的考察行程。
  After completing the itinerary of our visit, the delegation departed Vienna on Eva Air BR62 at 18:50 Vienna time. After transiting through Bangkok, the delegation arrived safely at Taoyuan International Airport at 16:25 on October 2. Our tour was a complete success.

Resized Image  本次祐生藉由參與iiSBE年度理事會議以及SB13 Graz國際會議,第一手掌握國際間推動永續發展之最新情勢,也更加凝聚與國際友人之情誼,為日後國際合作預留契機與空間,一起為人類永續的未來貢獻一己之力。
  By means of attending the iiSBE AGM and SB13 Graz this time, Archilife Research Foundation not only acquired first-hand knowledge of the latest trends in international sustainable development but also strengthened friendships with international allies. This will provide opportunities for future international cooperation and allow us to make a contribution to building a sustainable future for mankind.
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