Sketch of Archilife Study Tour, July 2024
7月份見識之旅活動,於2024年7月14日由呂明澐小姐帶領24位祐生見習生及家長們,至竹北進行與萊姆有約暨新屋蜂農體驗見識之旅。上午參訪東海萊姆園,園主向眾人介紹園區的生態和萊姆的栽培過程,教大家如何分辨檸檬與萊姆的不同,並自豪地說明其結合了生態防治和有機無毒種植方式,栽種出來的萊姆果粒大、皮厚肉多,且不似檸檬皮苦,無論作為鮮果直接食用或製成萊姆醋,都極具營養價值。除了萊姆外,園區內也種植其他水果及園藝香草植物,雞隻及鵝到處跑跳,生機盎然。一行人隨著園主腳步來到地下室,空氣中瀰漫著一股微酸的氣味,一排排層架上儲存著超過一年以上自然發酵的萊姆醋。園主依自身及親友回饋,提及萊姆醋不僅風味獨特,還對健康有許多益處,且發酵時間越長,效果更佳。接著進行萊姆醋DIY,眾人依指示將萊姆切片,並與糖和糯米醋依比例裝瓶,進行DIY的同時,大家亦品嚐園主特調的蜂蜜萊姆醋,冰涼酸甜的滋味瞬間令人暑氣全消,更讓人期待一年後親手釀製的萊姆醋。下一站前往進益摃丸文化會館,在導覽員的講解下,了解到新竹早期與福州交易頻繁,故習得製做摃丸的方法,進而在當地飲食文化中占有一席之地。大家也親嚐自身新鮮製作的摃丸,鮮嫩多汁的口感令人難忘,這道經典小吃彷彿讓人品味到其背後承載的歷史與文化。 For the study tour of July 14, 2024, Ms. Lu Ming-yun led 24 ARF interns and their parents on a trip to learn about limes in Zhubei and bee farming in Xinwu. Visiting Donghai Lime Orchard in the morning, everyone learned about ecosystem in the orchard and the cultivation of limes. The owner also taught everyone how to differentiate between lemon and lime, and proudly explained the combination of biological control and organic planting to produce large, fleshy limes that have thick but less bitter skin. Their limes are highly nutritional whether eaten fresh or made into vinegar. Besides limes, there are other fruits and herbs, as well as chickens and geese. Following the owner to a basement, everyone saw rows and rows of natural lime vinegar that has been fermenting for over a year. According to the owner and feedback from friends and relatives, lime vinegar has a unique flavor and many healthy benefits. In fact, the longer the fermentation is, the better the effect is. During the lime vinegar DIY session, everyone sliced the lime and bottled the slices with correct proportion of sugar and rice vinegar, and even tasted special blend of honey lime vinegar. The refreshing sweet and sour drink let everyone look forward to their own fermentation a year later. At the next stop – Jin Yi Meat-Ball Cultural Museum, everyone learned that the method for making meat balls was picked up through the frequent trading between Hsinchu and Fuzhou in the early days, becoming a part of local food culture. Savoring the tender and succulent meat balls, everyone was reminded of the history and culture behind the classic street food. 下午來到新屋的蘭園養蜂場,首先進行手作蜂蜜肥皂DIY體驗,在等待肥皂乾燥的同時,大家戴上防蜂面罩來到室外,近距離觀察這些勤勞的小生物。導覽員打開蜂箱蓋後,先以噴煙器噴煙驅散蜜蜂,使蜂群穩定下來、降低其攻擊性,讓眾人得以窺見蜂巢全貌。透過導覽員的細心解說,見習生們了解蜜蜂的生活習性、胡蜂和蜜蜂的差異,以及蜂群中的社會分工。得知工蜂們只需短短兩天內便能完成一個完整的蜂巢,無不令人讚嘆不已。介紹完蜂巢結構後,導覽員將蜂巢外邊ㄇ字型淺色儲蜜的儲房切下,分給眾人品嚐,未經後續處理的蜂蜜如水一般流淌,搭配蜂蠟口香糖般的口感,讓人忍不住一嚼再嚼。依照各地花卉四季盛開時段,蘭園也會將蜂箱帶到中南部,讓蜜蜂們採集花蜜,成了另類的遊牧民族。最後,導覽員拿出蘭園自產的蜂蜜供大家品嚐,讓眾人體驗到因花卉品種與採蜜時的氣候不同,蜂蜜風味也各具特色。冰涼爽口的萊姆醋、飽含古早風味的摃丸湯以及香甜的蜂蜜,都成為難以忘懷的美食記憶。而這趟行程不僅滿足了眾人的味蕾,也收穫了豐富的知識與體驗。至此,本日活動已近尾聲,大家一起合照留念後搭車返程,並期待於下次見識之旅再相見。 At Xinwu's Lanyuan Bee Farm in the afternoon, the tour began with a DIY honey soap making. While waiting for the soap to be dry, everyone put on protective face shield so as to observe the busy bees up close. After opening the cover of the bee box, the tour guide sprayed smoke to disperse the bees, calming them and reducing their aggressiveness, enabling everyone to see what the hive looked like. The tour guide's detailed explanation enabled interns to understand the daily habits of bees, differences between wasp and bee, and social structure of bees. Everyone was amazed to learn that worker bees only need two days to construct a hive. After introducing the hive structure, the tour guide gave everyone a piece of honeycomb to taste. The combination of liquid honey with chewy bee wax was an irresistible treat. Depending on blooming season in different areas, bee boxes may also be transported to central and southern Taiwan to allow bees to collect nectar. Tasting the honey produced in the bee farm, everyone learned how the flavor of honey varies due to flower species and weather during nectar collection. Refreshing lime vinegar, nostalgic meat ball soup and aromatic honey left indelible memory, satisfying everyone's palate and enriching knowledge and experience. As the day's tour came to an end, everyone took a group photo before heading back home and looked forward to the next study tour. |