Sponsorship of Open Culture Foundation and MOPCON 2023
Author: webmaster Published:2023-12-12 Read: 3510 reads


  In Archilife Research Foundation’s forecast of future trends, development of digitalization and information technology is predicted to have critical impact on the way of living in the future. Thus, ARF has begun sponsoring large-scale open source forums in Taiwan since 2011 in the hope of contributing to knowledge sharing and talent cultivation in the industry through actual participation in related events.

  自2017年起,本會也與開放文化基金會進行合作,以聯合統籌贊助的方式持續投入資訊領域。2023年之中,我們支持了COSCUP開源人年會,以及SITCON Camp夏令營的舉辦。開放文化基金會也持續致力於「開放科技」、「網路自由」與「數位人權」三大主軸的推動,並以國際交流合作、OpenChain 開源合規實務等方式落實進行。另一方面,2023年資訊領域AI與AR相關議題方興未艾,MOPCON也以「Implementation & Crossover」為2023年主題,探索前沿技術的實際應用和跨界整合,聚焦於 AI、跨平台、行動應用與雲端服務等領域。

  Since 2017, Archilife Research Foundation has been cooperating with the Open Culture Foundation (OCF), continuously investing in the IT industry by jointly organizing sponsorships, and in the year 2023, it has supported COSCUP and SITCON Camp. OCF also continued to push for “open technology” , “Internet freedom” and “digital human rights” through international exchanges and cooperation, and OpenChain implementation. Furthermore, with AI and AR-related issues still generating much buzz in the IT industry in 2023, MOPCON has focused on AI, cross-platform mobile applications, and cloud services with “Implementation & Crossover” as its theme in 2023.
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