Summary of SB08Melbourne, Australia (Part: 3)
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同時,為了完整呈現祐生共生化的理念並分享台灣舉辦SB07 Taipei的相關經驗,專題演說結束後,在主辦單位安排的歡迎酒會中,黃晉英團長與團員們也逐一發送SB07 Taipei成果報告書給與會的學員們並與之熱烈交流。 Also,to fully present the symbiotic concept and share with them our experience in organizing SB07 Taipei, Secretary General Huang and members distributed to students participating in the shower party arranged by the organizer SB07 Taipei Final Report, and enthusiastically exchanged with them. 在圓滿達成會議首日的任務後,黃晉英團長特地挑選另類澳洲風情的餐廳宴請考察團,讓大家有更多機會接觸當地生活,也增添此行更多令人回味無窮的回憶。 After smoothly accomplishing the missions for Day 1, Secretary General Huang treated delegation at another Australian stylerestaurant to let them understand Melbournian life. It also brought delegation a memorable evening. 9月20日,考察團一行打鐵趁熱繼續參與學生會議後續議程,不僅分享所學專長外,也協助與會的各國學員更細緻地理解共生化的意涵,使其能更進一步拼湊屬於他們在地化的共生化。晚間,黃晉英團長體恤團員們一日的辛勞,宴請大家品味墨爾本當地的中式料理,席間,也請團員們發表當日與會的心得與收穫。 On September 20, the delegation participated in Student Sessions. Apart from sharing their expertise with worldwide students, the delegation explained in detail the context of symbiosis to help them promote symbiosis in their hometowns. In the evening, Secretary General Huang took the delegation to a Chinese restaurant to express her appreciation for their hard work. At dinner, delegation expressed what they had learned and seen at the conference. 9月21日,考察團兵分二路,由黃晉英團長帶領蘇慶華教授、林芳銘先生、李彥頤先生、周伯丞先生、張桂鳳小姐、劉光盛先生、陳秋玉小姐、李創源先生及鄭瑋寧小姐參加iiSBE年度秋季理事會,其餘團員則參與學生會議,協助學員們完成學生會議結論聲明。值得慶賀的是,在本次iiSBE年度理事會中,黃晉英團長也順利以社團法人台灣永續建築環境促進會理事長一職取得iiSBE一席理事,往後將更積極介入iiSBE的會務活動,延伸並擴散祐生的國際影響力與知名度。在休息空檔,黃晉英團長也充分利用時間分送SB07 Taipei成果報告書,向與會人士們闡述祐生的共生化理念。 On September 21, the delegation was divided into two groups. Secretary General Huang took Prof. Su Ching-hua, Mr. Lin Fang-ming, Mr. Li Yen-yi, Mr. Chou Po-cheng, Miss Chang Kuei-feng, Mr. Liu Kuang-sheng, Miss Chen Chiu-yu, Mr. Lee Chuang-yuan, and Miss Cheng Wei-ning to the iiSBE Autumn Board Meeting. Others continued to help students finishing the conclusions and declaration. It was good news that Secretary General Huang won a director at iiSBE as the president of iiSBE Taiwan. Therefore, she can participate in iiSBE affairs more aggressively to extend the influence and awareness of ARF worldwide. During the break, Secretary General Huang also distributed SB07 Taipei Final Reports and explained the symbiotic conceptthe to attendees. 晚間,考察團在開幕酒會會合,參與大會精心策畫的開幕式,在一連串來賓致辭後正式展開SB08Mebourne四天的議程。為讓來自世界各地的人士清楚地認知台灣推動永續建築各項努力的成果與發展,本次亦在展場上設置攤位,透過簡報與書面資料展示予大眾,而黃晉英團長也展現驚人活力,來回穿梭在各國與會人士之間,耐心傳遞共生化概念,並親切地與久未碰面的老朋友們,如:Kazuo Iwamura夫婦、Raymond Cole教授等敘舊話未來。其餘團員們也仔細過濾與會人士,希望發掘真正的明日之星。 In the evening, the delegation participated in the grand opening ceremony elaborately arranged by the SB08Melbourne organizer. After the addresses of honorable guests, the 4-day SB08Melbourne officially began. In order to let participants from different parts of the world clearly recognize the achievements and development of Taiwan's effort to promote SB, we set up a booth at the exhibition venue to display them through presentations and written data. With exceptionally energy, Secretary General Huang ran around participants to patiently introduce them to the symbiotic concept promoted by ARF and spoke to old friends who have not seen one another for ages, such as Mr. and Mrs. Kazuo Iwamura and Professor Raymond Cole. Other members carefully checked the participants in order to discover the true stars of the future. 9月22日,考察團員按任務分派,分頭參與各場次之研討會議,在自己的崗位上克盡己職;而黃晉英團長則與前內政部營建署林欽榮署長、內政部建研所何明錦所長等人連袂參與由Mr. Nils Larsson所主持之第一場SB Regional Policy Reviews會議,並代表台灣發表 "SB Report in Taiwan Area" ,從政策、產業及學術等面向將台灣地區官方與民間從事永續建築發展的點點滴滴重點扼要地向與會者報告,也獲得相當多的回響與喝彩。 On September 22, delegation participated in different seminars based on the missions assigned to them and accomplished them faithfully. Secretary General Huang, ex-CPAMI Director Lin Chin-rong and ABRI Director Ho Ming-chin participated in theSB Regional Policy Reviews presided by Mr. Nils Larsson. At the meeting, Secretary General Huang presented the " SB Report in Taiwan Area" to briefly report the progress and development of SB promotion in Taiwan by the government and private organizations in terms of policy, industry, and academics. The report won heated feedback and an ovation. 晚間,黃晉英團長特別設宴為風塵僕僕趕到的江哲銘教授接風洗塵,並重點說明已達成之任務。回到飯店後,她也請團員報告當日參與各會議之收穫與心得。 In the evening, Secretary General Huang held a shower feast to receive Prof. Chiang Che-ming. She also reported that the missions that have been accomplished. After, Secretary General Huang asked participants to share what they have learned and seen from the events during the day. |
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