2013 Summer Living Experience Camp
Author: webmaster Published:2013-08-07 Read: 1215 reads

Resized Image  2013暑假生活體驗營於7月8日至7月11日舉行,為期四天三夜,共計15位見習生參與。本次活動以野外求生及生活應用為兩大主軸進行,並特別邀請現今台灣知名古道專家伍元和先生,主講「上山下海」及「野炊大挑戰」課程。課堂中講師以自身豐富的登山經驗做為實況分享,在實作方面,講師也針對常用繩結進行教學,透過現場模擬解說,讓見習生實際理解使用時機。「野炊大挑戰」則由講師教導戶外常見之三腳灶堆法,帶領見習生進行午餐咖哩飯野炊。本次體驗營特別呼應野外求生主題,安排入宿帳篷,由高傳棋先生主講「搭帳準備」課程,讓見習生們先以小組討論的方式激盪出正確的搭帳方法,再針對需要修正的部分進行指導。另外,亦藉由福隆當地特色帶領見習生們共同演唱「戀戀北迴線」鄉土歌曲,並以「福」、「隆」二字進行創作活動。
  The 2013 Summer Living Experience Camp was held from July 8 to 11 for four days three nights with the participation of 15 interns. The Camp was organized around two main themes ─ outdoor survival and everyday applications. Mr. Wu Yuan-he, a well-known expert in Taiwan's ancient trails, was especially invited to teach "Land and Water Survival" and the "Great Outdoor Cooking Challenge". During the lessons, Mr. Wu shared his extensive experience in mountain trekking. In the hands-on session, Mr. Wu taught interns how to tie some common knots, allowing interns to understand when to use these knots by providing simulation of applicable situations. In the "Great Outdoor Cooking Challenge", Mr. Wu taught interns the common fire pit tripod cooking method and everyone made curry rice for lunch. In concert with the Camp's outdoor survival theme, tents were the chosen accommodation. In his class on "Tent Pitching Preparation", Mr. Gao Chuan-chi got the interns to brainstorm the right way to pitch tents in small groups and then correct their mistakes as and when needed. Furthermore, he also led the interns on a rousing chorus of the local song "In Love with North-Link Line" and had them express their creativity using the Chinese characters "Fu" and "Lung".
Resized Image  在生活應用軸方面,包含由林映辰小姐所主講的「網開三面」課程,透過實際的新聞事件,讓見習生認識網路上常見的法律行為;由莊金鳳小姐主講之「言之有物」課程,見習生以練習上台發言的方式,統整歸納出好小孩所具備的條件及特質;王彥翔先生帶來「大放藝彩」,介紹科技發展所帶來的生活改變,引領見習生們進入一場視覺饗宴;「處處尋藻」中,蔡坤憲先生帶領見習生們至周遭水域進行藻類樣本採集,並以顯微鏡觀察後繪製藻類圖像;最後,由湯淑貞小姐主講的「山珍"野"味」課程,從植栽塔設計理念出發,並讓見習生於植栽塔中摘取野菜,透過分工合作的方式,完成午餐佳餚。
  In terms of everyday applications, Ms. Lin Ying-chen introduced interns to common legal actions on the Internet through actual news events; Ms. Chuang Chin-feng helped interns organize their thoughts on the qualities and traits of good children through presentation; Mr. Wang Yen-hsiang introduced the everyday changes brought about by technological development, treating interns to a visual feast; Mr. Tsai Kun-hsien brought the interns to the waters around the Camp to collect seaweed samples and draw images of the seaweed they saw under a microscope; and finally, Ms. Tang Shu-chen had the interns harvest vegetables from the vertical planting system and cooperate with each other to cook lunch.

Resized Image  課程間的空檔亦進行一系列團體活動;而在第二天晚上,見習生們皆參與「蟲洞讀書會」,透過網路視訊連線,專心聆聽報告人為大家介紹的書籍。活動最後一天,小隊輔們針對見習生們於學習測驗單、課堂表現及房務整潔等各方面進行評分,最後頒發獎品以資鼓勵,並依序頒贈紀念品予各見習生們,期望他們能在本次體驗營留下寶貴的知識與美好的回憶。本次因應蘇力颱風來襲,為確保所有人員安全,體驗營活動提前結束,見習生們也在小隊輔們的帶領下,參與各項防颱準備應變。最後,在眾人互相珍重道別後,依依不捨地結束本次活動,並期待下回的生活體驗營再相見。
  A series of group activities was also organized during the breaks between courses. On the second night, interns participated in the "Wormhole Bookish Assembly" and listened to the book reports attentively through videoconferencing. On the final day of the Camp, the counselors graded each intern based on their test scores, class assignments and tidiness of their rooms. Those with the highest scores were awarded prizes as encouragement and acknowledgement of their performance, and the other interns also received souvenirs, in the hope that they will benefit from the precious knowledge and remember the experience. Due to the imminent approach of Typhoon Soulik, the Camp had to end earlier than originally planned in order to ensure everyone's safety. The interns also participated in preparation and contingency planning for typhoon prevention under guidance of the counselors. Finally, everyone bid farewell to each other and looking forward to the next Camp.
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