Participation in Tokyo Game Show 2017
Author: webmaster Published:2017-10-21 Read: 777 reads
Tokyo Game Show 2017參訪

  Japan is one of the most representative nations in the game industry. It is also a focal point for Taiwan developers seeking to go international because of its proximity in distance and culture.

  本會今年度派員赴日的重點參訪行程,除了亞洲區最具特色的獨立遊戲專屬活動——BitSummit 2017外,就要屬每年於日本千葉市幕張展覽館舉辦的東京電玩展(Tokyo Game Show,TGS),今年活動時間為9月21日~24日,以「超越現實的體驗」(さあ、現実を超えた体験へ)為年度主題。
  Besides BitSummit 2017, which is the most unique independent game show in Asia, the focus of the ARF's Japan visit this year also includes the Tokyo Game Show (TGS). Held annually in the Makuhari Messe in Chiba, Japan, the TGS opened on September 21 and closed on September 24 under the theme "Reality Unlocked".

  東京電玩展是亞洲區歷史最悠久的國際遊戲展會,亦是日本與歐美各大產業龍頭發表新產品、最新技術的舞台。當中的Sense of Wonder Night作品發表活動與Indie Corner展示區,廣收來自世界各地的優秀獨立遊戲作品,過去數年來也有許多台灣團隊在此發表與展出。我們透過參訪,一方面瞭解目前獨立遊戲開發的現況,同時也將相關資訊帶回給國內社群進行分享,以期能提供本土開發者更多不同的觀點。
  Tokyo Game Show is the longest running international game exhibition in Asia, and the stage where major industry players in Japan, Europe and the United States debut their new products and new technologies. Its Sense of Wonder Night and Indie Corner events accept outstanding independent game works from all over the world, and many teams from Taiwan have also debuted and exhibited their works there in the past few years. By visiting and participating in these events, we are able to understand the current development of independent games, and bring information back to share with communities in Taiwan, in the hope of providing local developers with more diverse perspectives.
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