Archilife Investingating Mission for SB05Tokyo (1)
Author: webmaster Published:2005-09-22 Read: 4609 reads

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  為了持續提供台灣的研究經驗予環熱帶圈國家,以及兌現祐生於挪威奧斯陸SB2002許下的承諾:無論成功或失敗,都會將祐生共生圈一號驗證之數位共生化生活的成果於SB2005揭露與發表。是以,繼1995年北歐、1996年紐澳、1997年日本、1998年中南歐、1999年美加、2000年東南亞、2001年中南美、2002年SB國際會議、2003年台灣及2005年非洲等十趟人文見識之旅後,本會再度合併國際會議與人文見識活動,由黃晉英秘書長擔任團長,團員包括:4位評審委員、13位委託研究案主持人、7位知識學科執守者、3位歷屆得獎人、1位成大博士生及團長助理等30位,啟程前往日本東京參加2005年永續建築國際會議(SB05Tokyo, The 2005 World Sustainable Building Conference in Tokyo)相關活動。本次除了將由黃晉英秘書長帶領林得恩先生、羅陽青先生、蔡坤憲先生及鍾政勳先生發表二場專題演講及李彥頤先生、湯淑貞小姐、陳念祖先生與張桂鳳小姐發表投稿論文口頭演說外,更有李傳楷小姐、李君如小姐、陳泰安先生、劉定衢先生、林芳銘先生、鍾松晉先生、蔡坤憲先生、鍾基強先生、戴永禔先生、張桂鳳小姐及陳念祖先生等提供海報作品參與展覽。本次同行的尚有內政部建築研究所何明錦副所長、邱瓊玉博士以及台灣綠建築發展協會蕭江碧理事長等人。
  For the continual provision of Taiwan research experience to circum-tropical countries and to honor the foundation commitment made at SB2002 Oslo: Regardless of success or failure, we shall disclose and present our accomplishments in digital symbiotic life verified at the Archilife Symbiosphere 1 Center. Therefore, following the steps of 10 cultural exchanges, including Scandinavia (1995), New Zealand and Australia (1996), Japan (1997), Central and Southern Europe (1998), the USA and Canada (1999), SE Asia (2000), Central and South America (2001), SB (2002), Taiwan (2003) and Africa (2005), we again combined international conferences and cultural exchange activities by participating in the 2005 World Sustainable Building Conference in Tokyo (SB05Tokyo) with Secretary General Huang Chin-ying as the head of the delegation and 30 delegates, including 4 judges, 13 principal investigators of research projects funded by the foundation, 7 knowledge keepers, 3 Archilife scholars, 1 PhD student of the NCKU and 1 assistant. In addition to 2 keynote speeches delivered by Secretary General Huang Chin-ying , Mr. Lin De-en, Mr. Luo Yang-ching, Mr. Tsai Kun-hsien and Chung Cheng-hsin, and the oral presentation of papers given by Mr. Li Yen-yi, Miss Tang Shu-chen, Mr. Chen Nien-tzu and Miss Chang Kuei-feng; Miss Lee Chuan-kai, Miss Li Chun-ju, Mr. Chen Tai-an, Mr. Liu Ding-chyu, Mr. Lin Fang-ming, Mr. Chung Sung-chin, Mr. Tsai Kun-hsien, Mr. Chung Kee-chiang, Mr. Day Yeong-tyi, Miss Chang Kuei-feng, and Mr. Chen Nien-tzu presented poster papers at the conference. Also, Deputy Director-General Ho Ming-jin and Dr. Chiu Chiung-yu of the Architecture and Building Research Institute, Ministry of the Interior, and Director Hsiao Chiang-pi of the Taiwan Green Building Council were invited to join us.
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