Sketch of Public Policy Communion, January 2025
2025年1月份國政聯誼會縮影 ![]() 本會於2025年1月12日假台北喜來登大飯店一樓清翫廳舉行「祐生國政聯誼會」。由主持人黃晉英秘書長宣布後揭開當日活動序幕,在輕鬆、活潑的節目之下,隨即由主持人帶來重要訊息:「川普即將於1月20日就任美國總統,近期欲重奪巴拿馬運河與格陵蘭控制權乃至併吞加拿大成為美國第51州的言論,在國際掀起不小波瀾,也為全球局勢帶來更多不確定性。對於台灣而言,應審慎面對未來變局,做好準備。而台灣在全球晶片供應鏈中有著舉足輕重的地位,以台積電為核心所構築的產業鏈,仍然是台灣國防的無形護盾。另外,詐騙手法層出不窮,詐騙集團已開始利用AI技術進行詐騙,提醒大家應保持高度警惕,增強防範意識。」 The January Archilife Public Policy Communion of 2025 was held on January 12, 2025. After a series of relaxing and fun activities, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying made the following announcement, "Donald Trump will officially commence his tenure as President of the United States on January 20th. His recent comments regarding the reclamation of Greenland and the Panama Canal, as well as the proposed annexation of Canada as the 51st state of the United States, have sparked significant international controversy and heightened global uncertainty. Taiwan must undertake prudent preparations for forthcoming developments. With Taiwan's pivotal position within the global chip supply chain, the TSMC-centered industrial chain acts as Taiwan’s unacknowledged safeguard for the nation's defense. Moreover, as deceptive tactics advance, fraudulent entities have adopted artificial intelligence technology to perpetrate scams. Everyone is hereby reminded to enhance their vigilance and awareness regarding preventive measures." ![]() Next on the schedule was the keynote speech. First, Mr. Liu Ding-chyu gave a presentation on "The Past and Present of ISO/IEC 27001". The speaker began by stating that ISO/IEC 27001 constitutes a comprehensive framework of international standards for information security management. This framework aids businesses and organizations in establishing organizational security management systems and ensuring information asset security, thereby mitigating losses arising from future data breaches. The International Organization for Standardization has announced that enterprises must complete transition operations within three years of the ISO/IEC 27001:2022 standard's release. The ISO/IEC 27001 security management system certificate is valid for three years and should be reviewed every year. In response to climate change concerns, the ISO Annex SL chapter has been updated to incorporate content pertaining to climate change. The speaker reminded everyone that implementing ISO/IEC 27001 does not guarantee complete information security, and that organizations must continue to invest in inputs, monitoring, and concrete technical means to combat ever-changing security threats. ![]() Next, Mr. Li Shu-an spoke on "A View on Ventilation Design from Range Hoods". The speaker first stated that the relevant ventilation design regulations require that any enclosed equipment, local exhaust systems, or overall ventilation devices installed by the employer should be properly designed, maintained for performance, and evaluated for effectiveness. Since 2021, the Executive Yuan's Environmental Protection Administration has provided specialized training for the design of local exhaust systems and certified trainees. The speaker emphasized an important point: a large air intake does not always imply strong suction or low leakage. As a result, the air hood must be designed with proper aerodynamic principles. Furthermore, the effects of ambient airflow, airflow separation, and the blunt-body wake effect should be considered. The speaker also reminded everyone that when pumping air, fresh air should be introduced from outside to replenish air sucked away indoors. ![]() Next, Mr. Yao Wei-cheng spoke on "Cells and Breakthroughs in Gene Therapy". When discussing cell and gene therapy, the speaker used patients suffering from hemophilia as examples. First, he explained that patients with hemophilia lack specific clotting factors, rendering them unable to maintain a normal coagulation mechanism. Meanwhile, hemophilia's severity is associated with Clotting Factor 8 and Clotting Factor 9. The speaker stated that Queen Victoria of England suffered from hemophilia, and that future descendants would inherit the condition. According to statistics, Taiwan's National Health Insurance allocates between NT$5 billion and NT$7 billion per year for hemophilia treatment. In addition to standard clotting factor-associated preventive or therapeutic medication administration, effective gene therapy approved by the FDA is now available. Despite the high costs, it is hoped that gene therapy (cell therapy) will be able to improve or cure clotting factor deficiency. The speaker concluded by saying that it is worthwhile to consider whether the National Health Insurance should spend excessively on rare diseases for a select few or if there are other alternative plans. ![]() After the speech, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying presented a gift to the speakers on behalf of the foundation. Then, attendees expressed and exchanged their opinions and views during the piggy hour. The January Archilife Public Policy Communion ended smoothly. |