Archilife Delegation for SB2002 International Conference(1) (Part: 4)
![]() Additionally, either alone or in groups, delegates displayed the best of their best to distribute the invitation to our keynote speech on September 25, in order to accomplish the very mission, to promote ARF and to establish friendship for ARF, assigned by President Lin Chun-shin. ![]() After a day of tight scheduling, most delegates attended the welcoming party held by the Oslo mayor at the Oslo City Hall in the evening. With the organizer's special arrangements, the secondary school orchestra of Oslo played wonderful music in traditional Norwegian instruments to welcome all guests. The Oslo City Government also arranged staff to introduce the guests to the layout of the City Hall and its history. As the food supply was limited, most delegates needed to satiate their stomach with McDonald's though they tried really hard at the party. At the same time, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying and other principal investigators who were going to deliver speeches at the keynote speech were having pizza at the hotel while rehearsing the keynote speech. It was the third rehearsals of all speakers, and the n-th rehearsal of Secretary General Huang Chin-ying. The serious attitude of speakers also gave the younger ARF members a good example. ![]() In the morning on September 24, delegates got up early in full spirits to attend the Second Plenary Meeting and group discussions. The host country of the next SB, i.e. SB2005, was announced earlier. It was Japan. According to Professor Chiang Che-ming, Japan was chosen as the host country for the SB2005 because it provided free participation for developing countries. After going into the whys and wherefores of it, we discovered that it was the idea of ARF, though it was realized by Japan. Additionally, it was noteworthy and fortunate that the teacher of Professor Chiang Che-ming and Professor Kazuo Iwamura who was also one of the speakers of keynote speech, would be one of the planners for the SB2005. 除了積極參與各分組研討會外,一些得空的團員也充分把握寶貴的時間,進行奧斯陸城市巡禮。奧斯陸港口、歷史悠久的教堂、滑雪場、挪威皇宮、度假木屋等等都留下了團員的倩影。團員們也發揮了各自探訪的功力,發掘奧斯陸許多值得參觀的地區並彼此交流分享,不僅豐富了團員們的見聞,也增長了團員們的膽識,讓此行又多了一項收穫。 In addition to participating in the group discussions, some delegates who were free then grasped this time to have an urban tour of Oslo, including the Oslo Harbor, historical churches, skiing site, Royal Palace, and resorts. With their independent visit ability, they discovered many visit-worthy spots and shared them with one another. Besides broadening their own horizons, this has strengthened their confidence, which was another gain from the trip. ![]() ![]() |
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