Archilife Delegation for SB2002 International Conference(1)Date: 2002-09-25 Section: SB Series of International Conferences | 2002年對祐生而言是一個別具意義的年份,由於現今西方先進國家所發展出的技術與想法無法提供環熱帶圈國家解決其所面臨之生存空間的挑戰,身為環熱帶圈一分子的祐生在歷經24個年頭的辛勤耕耘下,今年終於有機會讓有關環熱帶地區的特別議題浮上國際舞台,分享並擴散祐生多年來累積的研究成果與理念。祐生之所以開啟國際化大門,除了使國際間正視台灣的存在與重要性外;最主要還是希望透過台灣的研究經驗提供環熱帶圈國家一種可以穿透未來的生活模式,以因應未來人類接踵而至的生存危機。 The year 2002 was really important to Archilife. As technologies and ideas proposed by advanced Western countries were unable to provide subtropical countries with effective solutions for overcoming challenges on the space for survival, after 24 years of hard work, Archilife, from a subtropical country, finally had the opportunity to present to the world special issues concerning subtropical countries, and to share with the world the research results and ideas that have been accumulated over time. In addition to letting the world face the existence and importance of Taiwan, we opened the door of internationalization because we wished to provide subtropical countries with a penetrating living model through our research experience to cope with the crises of survival that came one after another.
為了讓其他祐生成員在人文的體驗之餘,也有機會見識高水準之國際會議,繼1995年北歐、1996年紐澳、1997年日本、1998年中南歐、1999年美加、2000年東南亞及 2001年中南美等七趟人文見識之旅後,本會特別將其合併,由黃晉英秘書長擔任團長,團員包括 :22位委託研究案主持人、5位委託研究案助理、4位歷屆得獎主、10位知識學科執守者及團長助理等共43位,前往遙遠的北國:挪威奧斯陸參加 2002年永續建築國際會議相關活動。本次同行的尚有內政部建研所蕭江碧所長與陳瑞鈴組長。 In addition to cultural explorations, in order to give other ARF members the opportunity to see what an international congress was like, after the seven cultural discovery trips, including Scandinavia in 1995, New Zealand and Australia in 1996, Japan in 1997,Central and Southern Europe in 1998, the USA and Canada in 1999, Southeast Asia in 2000, and Central and Southern America in 2001, we specially combined them together to form a delegation under the direction of Secretary General Huang Chin-ying. There were totally 43 delegates, including the 22 research project principal investigators, 5 research assistants, 4 ARF scholars, 10 knowledge keepers, and one assistant to the leader. This delegation was formed for participating in the SB2002 Oslo, Norway, a country in the yonder north. Director Hsiao Chiang-pi and Section Chief Chen Jui-ling of the Architecture and Building Research Institute (ABRI), Ministry of Interiors, were with us.
2002年9月20日下午,考察團團員按原訂計畫於祐生蟲洞及桃園中正機場第一航站泰航櫃台等集合,林俊興董事長以及長期關心祐生成長的台北西區扶輪社張耀琨前社長、陳天寶社友也特地前來機場送行,為考察團員加油打氣。林董事長特別提示團員在會議中積極地與環熱帶圈國家的與會人員接觸,邀請他們參加祐生此次的演講場次。團長也體貼地發放每位團員增加免疫力的健康食品,協助大家適應溫帶的氣候,以面對此次意義重大的行程。最後,在林俊興董事長的聲聲叮嚀下,黃晉英秘書長帶領團員一一地與林俊興董事長握手話別,依序通關登機,踏上前往挪威奧斯陸參加「2002年永續建築國際會議」的旅程。 In the afternoon on September 20, 2002, delegates met one another at the ARF Wormhole and Thai Airways counter, Terminal 1, Taoyuan International Airport, as planned. President Lin Chun-shin, PP Chang Yao-kuen and Rotarian Chen Tien-bao from Taipei West Rotary Club who have expressed concern for the ARF over time also came to the airport to see the delegation off and cheer them up. President Lin reminded delegates to make aggressive contacts with participants from subtropical countries and invite them to the speeches we delivered. The team leader also distributed healthy food to delegates that enhanced immunity to help them adapt to the climate in the temperate zone in order to face such a significant trip. Lastly, with the reminding sound of President Lin Chun-shin, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying and delegates bade farewell to President Lin Chun-shin and passed through the immigration for the trip to SB2002 Oslo in Norway.
為了分散風險,考察團特別搭乘不同班機前往,在歷經約22小時的長程飛行與轉機後,考察團一行先後抵達此行第一站:挪威奧斯陸。率先到達的年輕團員們在步出機艙後明顯感受到氣溫的差異,紛紛祭出禦寒衣物。在他們等候包含團長在內其他團員的空檔時,還發生了一段小插曲,一群有著中東面孔的三人組,熱情主動地要幫團員們拍照。但在此同時,其中一人卻偷偷繞到大家身後置放行李處,等待時機下手偷竊。然而,這種雕蟲小技當然瞞不過身經百戰、見多識廣的祐生成員,在團員們機警地婉拒後,才沒有發生財物失竊的事件。考察團一行在會合後,隨即搭車前往預訂下榻之飯店Radison Plaza Hotel,它同時也是本次會議的會場。車行途中團員們也把握機會,目不轉睛地流覽北國風光明媚的景緻,一幅幅宛若風景明信片的畫面不由得讓我們這群來自地小人稠的島國住民好生羨慕,也稍減團員們長途飛行的疲累。 We took different flights to get there in order to disperse the risk. After flying for 22 hours, including transit, we arrived at the first stop of this trip: Oslo, Norway. After stepping out of the cabin, younger ARF members who arrived earlier felt the distinctive temperature difference, so they put on heavy clothes immediately. There was an episode when they were waiting for other delegates and Secretary General Huang Chin-ying, the leader. A group of 3 Arabian-looking persons passionately wanted to take pictures of them. Meanwhile, one of them went over to our luggage stealthily, waiting to steal it from us. However, they could not cheat us with such insignificant skills, because we had countless experience and had seen tricks of such kind a million times. Fortunately, there was no property loss after we vigilantly declined their offer. When all delegates arrived, we headed for Radison Plaza Hotel, a hotel we had booked before departure. The SB2002 was also held there. On the way to the hotel, delegates grasped the opportunity to see the radiant and enchanting Scandinavian scenery with their own eyes. From an island with limited lands but increasing population, we envied these scenes that looked like scenery postcards and relieved the tiredness from the long flight.
中午時刻,團員們在下榻飯店的頂樓用餐,黃晉英秘書長也利用全員在場的機會再次說明此行之目的並分配任務。隨後用餐,在餐點中處處可品嚐到不同風味的魚肉,正說明挪威人與海洋密不可分的關係,顯現其飲食文化。下午,團員們顧不得疲累的身軀,不浪費絲毫時間自由地進行奧斯陸市的全方位考察,由於恰逢假日,奧斯陸市街人來人往、熙熙攘攘,好不熱鬧。舉凡教堂、皇宮、商店、百貨公司、圖書館、大學校園、市政廳、碼頭、港口等處,皆留下團員的足跡與儷影,也增加了不少美好深刻的回憶。 At midday, delegates had lunch in the hotel where they lodged. While everyone was here, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying re-stated the missions of this trip and assigned duties to delegates. Lunch began afterwards. In the menu, there were different kinds of fish dishes, indicating that the intimacy between Norwegians and the ocean was presented in their food culture. In the afternoon, without concerning about fatigue or wasting time, delegates voluntarily visited Oslo City for a multidimensional observation. As it was a holiday, there were crowds everywhere, hustling and bustling in Oslo. Delegates visited various spots in the city, such as the church, palace, shops, department stores, libraries, university campus, city hall, piers, harbors etc. In fact, you could see their traces everywhere. This had also brought countless sweet memories.
抵達當日適逢中秋佳節,晚上團長特別以中國菜款待、慰藉團員思鄉之情,並分配次日每位團員的參觀任務、再次交待9月22日國際交流晚宴應注意事項以及9月25日專題演講須預先熟悉會場等等重點。 It was Mid-autumn Festival on the day of arriving Oslo. Secretary General Huang Chin-ying treated delegates with Chinese food to comfort their homesickness. Secretary General Huang Chin-ying also assigned the visit duty of delegates for the following day, and reminded delegates of the precautions for the international exchange banquet held on September 22 and of the necessity to get familiar with the venue where the keynote speech was delivered on September 25.
9月22日一早,考察團兵分三路參加由大會策劃之行程。行程一主要介紹挪威歷史與文化,團員們搭乘巴士由專人導覽市區並參觀奧斯陸郊區數個文化與歷史博物館,且一覽聞名於世的「生命之環」雕塑公園。其中,在維京博物館中親眼目睹一千年前挪威壯觀的木製「海盜船」與留存下來的各式生活用具;在孔地奇博物館中看到由挪威人手製並橫跨大西洋的草船,以及當時遺留下來的各種日常用具,解說員更進一步指稱其實挪威人的草船比哥倫布要早到達新大陸,所以挪威人才是發現新大陸的先驅者。 Early morning on September 22, delegates divided themselves into three groups to participate in tours arranged by the organization. The first was a historical and cultural tour of Norway. Led by a tour guide, delegates visited the urban area and a number of cultural and history museums in Oslo suburb by coach, and they saw various attractions in different museums, including the worldly famous Wheel of Life in Vigeland Sculpture Park (Vigelandsparken); the splendid wooden Pirate Ship built by the Vikings a thousand years ago and various surviving daily life tools at Viking Ship Museum (Vikingskipshuset); Thor Heyerdahl's famous Kon-Tiki raft that he took all the way across the Pacific to Polynesia and various daily life tools were at Kon-Tiki Museum. According to the escort, Norwegians sailed to the Newfoundland on reeds earlier than Columbus. Therefore, Norwegians may have been the pioneers who discovered America.
此外,在「生命之環」雕塑公園中,團員們逐一欣賞人類一生必須經歷的生、老、病、死四大過程的雕像,雖然參觀的途中寒風細雨不斷,但能見識到著名的憤怒小童雕像,也算不虛此行。 Additionally, delegates looked at sculptures representing birth, senility, illness and death, the four unavoidable processes of life, at Vigeland Sculpture Park. Though there was cold wind and drizzling all the way, it was worthwhile to see the famous Sinnataggen, or The Little Bad Angry Boy, statue standing on the bridge.
行程二的主題為參訪奧斯陸當地永續建築之個案。行程三則步行至港口搭船,前往參訪Telenor新總部。上述的參訪行程,讓團員們對挪威人的過去、現在與未來也有了更深入的看法。 The second tour was about sustainable buildings in Oslo. The third tour was a visit to the new head office of Telenor by ship. With these tours, delegates gradually had a better understanding about the past, present and future of Norwegians.
在多數團員正在參訪之際,團長黃晉英秘書長、江哲銘教授、喻肇青教授、蘇慧貞顧問、周伯丞先生、李彥頤先生及鄭斯新先生等則犧牲參觀行程,闢室再次模擬9月25日專題演講的各種可能狀況以及研討當日國際交流晚宴的流程以為因應。會後在一樓用餐時巧遇Prof. Cole及Prof. Iwamura,黃晉英秘書長及教授們趕緊去聯繫感情,為未來國際化架設橋樑。 While most delegates were enjoying their tours, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying, Professor Chiang Che-ming, Professor Yu Chao-ching, Advisor Su Huey-jen, Mr. Chou Po-cheng, Mr. Li Yen-yi, and Mr. Cheng Shih-hsin sacrificed their tour opportunities to make preparation for the possible occurrences at the keynote speech on September 25 and discuss the process of the international exchange banquet. After the discussions, they chanced to meet Professor Cole and Professor Iwamura when they dined on the 1/F of the hotel. Secretary General Huang Chin-ying and professors socialized with them immediately in order to pave the way for ARF's internationalization.
晚間在Radison Plaza Hotel的二樓,由本會做東邀請國際知名學者、友好人士參與祐生首次之越洋國際交流晚宴,與會貴賓包括:Prof. Raymond Cole、Director Nils Larsson、Mr. Ronlld Rovers、Dr. Wim Bakens及Prof. Aleksander Panek等,祐生此次能於「2002年永續建築國際會議」上進行專題演講,上述貴賓扮演著重要的角色;黃晉英秘書長親率祐生教授們各個盛裝出席接待,並利用這個場合,分贈《祐生原歌》及《共生序曲》等CD,並且講述CD背後蘊含的動人故事,讓在座的國際友人深受感動,黃晉英秘書長並請Prof. Cole介紹他所認識的祐生,使大家對祐生有更進一步的認識;席間團員們也充分把握此一難得之機會,紛紛表現自己,代表台灣殷勤接待國際友人,使全場氣氛熱烈萬分,賓客久久不願離席。最後,在內政部蕭江碧所長的建議下,由黃晉英秘書長及江哲銘教授起身先至出口送客後,賓客才意猶未盡地離去,圓滿達成此行國際交流之目的。 In the evening, we hosted the first international exchange banquet held overseas for internationally famous scholars and friends on the 2/F of the Radison Plaza Hotel. The honorable guests included Professor Raymond Cole, Director Nils Larsson, Mr. Ronlld Rovers, Dr. Wim Bakens, and Professor Aleksander Panek. These people have played an important role to help us obtain the opportunity to deliver a keynote speech at SB2002 Oslo. Secretary General Huang Chin-ying and ARF professors were dressed up for the banquet, and Secretary General Huang Chin-ying presented the "ARF Song" and "Symbiotic Overture" CD to the guests at the banquet. After telling them the touching stories behind this CD, everyone was deeply touched. Secretary General Huang Chin-ying asked Professor Cole to introduce ARF in order to give everyone a better understanding of the ARF. At the banquet, delegates took this opportunity to express themselves and eagerly receive friends from different parts of the world on behalf of Taiwan. The atmosphere was great and guests did not want to leave. Lastly, with the recommendation of ABRI Director Hsiao Chiang-pi, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying and Professor Chiang Che-ming stood up and walked to the exit to see the guests out; and guests began to grudgingly leave the banquet. The aim of this international exchange was accomplished smoothly.
因為場地的關係,很遺憾地無法容納所有團員,但未能一同參與晚宴的團員可也沒有閒著,在團長的細心叮嚀下,隨團導遊也安排他們在充滿異國情調的義大利餐館中,盡情體驗南歐的風情,有熱情的老闆與香醇的美酒相伴,也別有一番滋味。 It was a pity that not all delegates were able to join the banquet because of the venue restrictions. However, those who were absent were never left doing nothing. With the great concern of Secretary General Huang Chin-ying, tour guides arranged a fine Italian dinner for these delegates to enjoy the southern European passion. They all enjoyed this wonderful treat accompanied by the passion of the restaurant owner and fine wine.
9月23日一早,經過一個晚上的養精蓄銳後,黃晉英秘書長帶領團員們各個精神抖擻地參加「2002年永續建築國際會議」開幕式及第一全會等會議。八點半一到,一聲聲由身著挪威傳統服飾的少女以挪威代表性樂器吹奏出之樂音揭開了大會的序幕,也宣告永續建築議題再度開啟新的一頁。 Early morning on September 23, after recuperating from the night before, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying led delegates in full spirits to attend the opening ceremony and the First Plenary Meeting of SB2002 Oslo. At 8:30 am , the opening ceremony began, and the music played with the representative Norwegian wind instruments by girls in traditional Norwegian clothing, announcing a new chapter for sustainable building issues.
在開幕式中,首先由大會主席Dr. Frank Henning Holm表達地主國的熱情歡迎,並為所有的與會人士介紹挪威奧斯陸;接著挪威官方代表Erna Solberg女士除了表達挪威政府歡迎之意外,也說明挪威的環境政策;最後則由聯合國代表Anna Kajumulo女士與大家分享世界高峰會對大會主題的經驗。在短暫的中場休息後,分別由世界觀察組織的主席Mr. Dahle、GBC創辦人之一的Prof. Raymond Cole及Skanska資深副總Axel Wenblad等接力闡釋本次大會的目的:全球永續發展對建築的挑戰(Challenge)、新知的揭露與傳遞(Knowledge)以及推廣有效的解決之道(Solutions)。在接下來的分組研討會中,團員們也在王文安老師、郭肇立教授、蘇慶華教授、李宏謨教授、江哲銘教授與喻肇青教授等的帶領下,按分派的組別:Building、Cities、Products、Business及Green Building Challenge等,積極地參與研討並廣泛地蒐集、涉獵相關資料,以期掌握永續建築領域的最新發展並全方位學習籌辦國際會議之經驗與Know-how。 At the opening ceremony, Chairperson Frank Henning Holm expressed the warmest welcome from the host country and introduced Oslo to all attendees. Then, Ms Erna Solberg, a representative from the Norwegian Government, expressed the welcome from the Norwegian Government and explained to attendees the Norwegian environmental policy. Lastly, Ms Anna Kajumulo, the UN representative, shared with attendees the World Submit's experience about the subject matter of SB2002 Oslo. After a short break, Chairperson Dahle of World Social Development Observing; Professor Raymond Cole, one of the GBC founders; and Senior VP Axel Wenblad of Skanska introduced the aims of the SB2002 Oslo one after another, including the challenge on buildings from global sustainable development, the disclosure and delivery of knowledge, and the promotion of effective solutions. In the group discussions that followed, delegates participated in groups assigned to them, including Building, Cities, Products, Business, and Green Building Challenge, under the leadership of Mr. Wang Wen-an, Professor Kuo Chao-lee, Professor Su Ching-hua, Professor Lee Horng-mo, Professor Chiang Che-ming and Professor Yu Chao-ching. They attentively joined the discussions and collected and read relevant data in order to grasp the latest development trends of sustainable buildings and to learn the experience and know-how for organizing international conferences.
此外,不管是單打獨鬥,抑或是團體作戰,團員們無不使出混身解數,逢人即把握機會發送邀請名片,為即將於9月25日登場的專題演講打廣告,並做好林俊興董事長所交付的認識友好工作。 Additionally, either alone or in groups, delegates displayed the best of their best to distribute the invitation to our keynote speech on September 25, in order to accomplish the very mission, to promote ARF and to establish friendship for ARF, assigned by President Lin Chun-shin.
在經過一整日的研討活動後,晚間,大部分的團員連袂參加由奧斯陸市長在市政廳舉辦之歡迎酒會。在主辦單位的刻意安排下,特別由挪威中學樂隊使用傳統挪威古樂器演奏美妙的樂音來歡迎所有來賓,歡迎會中也安排專人為大家講解市政廳內部設置的歷史由來。因為主辦單位提供的餐點有限,大部分的團員費了九牛二虎之力後,還是鎩羽而歸,最後只能以麥當勞裹腹。在此同時,黃晉英秘書長和其他同樣要上台演講的委託研究案主持人則待在飯店啃著Pizza,利用時間為專題演講再一次彩排。這是所有演講人的第三遍排演,也是黃晉英秘書長的第N遍演練。演講人認真的態度,也在祐生團隊的後生晚輩心中立下了良好的典範。 After a day of tight scheduling, most delegates attended the welcoming party held by the Oslo mayor at the Oslo City Hall in the evening. With the organizer's special arrangements, the secondary school orchestra of Oslo played wonderful music in traditional Norwegian instruments to welcome all guests. The Oslo City Government also arranged staff to introduce the guests to the layout of the City Hall and its history. As the food supply was limited, most delegates needed to satiate their stomach with McDonald's though they tried really hard at the party. At the same time, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying and other principal investigators who were going to deliver speeches at the keynote speech were having pizza at the hotel while rehearsing the keynote speech. It was the third rehearsals of all speakers, and the n-th rehearsal of Secretary General Huang Chin-ying. The serious attitude of speakers also gave the younger ARF members a good example.
9月24日上午,團員們仍舊精神奕奕地起了個大早出席第二全會及各分組研討會。而下屆,即2005年的主辦國也提早於此刻揭曉,由日本東京脫穎而出,雀屏中選。江哲銘教授也提示日本獲得大會青睞與肯定的關鍵性因素,主要為其提出在下一次舉辦時將提供發展中國家免費參與的名額。追根究底,這原是祐生的構想,但卻由日本將其付諸實行。此外,值得留意與慶賀的是,昔日江哲銘教授的日本恩師與身為祐生專題演講人之一的Prof. Kazuo Iwamura將是下一屆主辦國的重要推手與籌劃人員。 In the morning on September 24, delegates got up early in full spirits to attend the Second Plenary Meeting and group discussions. The host country of the next SB, i.e. SB2005, was announced earlier. It was Japan. According to Professor Chiang Che-ming, Japan was chosen as the host country for the SB2005 because it provided free participation for developing countries. After going into the whys and wherefores of it, we discovered that it was the idea of ARF, though it was realized by Japan. Additionally, it was noteworthy and fortunate that the teacher of Professor Chiang Che-ming and Professor Kazuo Iwamura who was also one of the speakers of keynote speech, would be one of the planners for the SB2005.
除了積極參與各分組研討會外,一些得空的團員也充分把握寶貴的時間,進行奧斯陸城市巡禮。奧斯陸港口、歷史悠久的教堂、滑雪場、挪威皇宮、度假木屋等等都留下了團員的倩影。團員們也發揮了各自探訪的功力,發掘奧斯陸許多值得參觀的地區並彼此交流分享,不僅豐富了團員們的見聞,也增長了團員們的膽識,讓此行又多了一項收穫。 In addition to participating in the group discussions, some delegates who were free then grasped this time to have an urban tour of Oslo, including the Oslo Harbor, historical churches, skiing site, Royal Palace, and resorts. With their independent visit ability, they discovered many visit-worthy spots and shared them with one another. Besides broadening their own horizons, this has strengthened their confidence, which was another gain from the trip.
晚間,團員們無一不精心打扮,盛裝出席由主辦單位精心安排的晚宴,讓考察團員親身感受、見識北歐民族的待客之道。雖然是個千人左右的宴會,但仍然可以看到服務人員井然有序、不疾不徐地服務餐點,讓我們對他們的效率留下了極佳的印象。此外,為了讓來自世界各地的貴客們放鬆身心,大會也費心安排歌手模仿英國知名爵士藍調歌手Tom Jones,載歌載舞演唱多首膾炙人口的歌曲,當下把大家拉回那個令人懷念的年代。在酒精的催化以及歌手的鼓動下,與會的學者們紛紛一反平日的嚴肅,盡情忘我舞動,真可謂賓主盡歡。而這一晚,所有的成員都是抱著期待的心情入眠,等待明日特別時刻的到來。 In the evening, all delegates got dressed up to participate in the banquet arranged by the organizer for delegations to feel and see the Scandinavian way of treating visitors. Though it was a party for about 1000 guests, we could see the orderly and unhurried service of the receptionists. In fact, we were impressed by their efficiency and organized work. Additionally, in order to let guests from different parts of the world relax themselves, the organizer arranged singers to imitate Tom Jones, the famous British singer, to perform his best-known pieces. These unforgettable tunes have immediately brought everyone back to the years of remembrance. With the help of alcohol and agitated by the singers, scholars at the party changed their ordinary serious attitude and began to sing and dance with all their might; and both the guests and the hosts amused thoroughly themselves. This evening, every delegate went to sleep with anticipation of the special moments in the following day.
9月25日上午,由黃晉英秘書長擔任主席兼主講人,帶領Prof. Kazuo Iwamura、Prof. William Lim、Prof. Wan Ki Chow、本會委託研究案主持人郭肇立教授、喻肇青教授、江哲銘教授及蘇慶華教授進行為時90分鐘的專題演講。本會歷屆得獎人、現任行政院經建會副主委的張景森先生以及天下雜誌殷允芃總編輯也特地趕來共襄盛舉。首先由黃晉英秘書長登台演講「A New Sustainable Approach-Challenge of Subtropical Region」:「為了徹底解決環境惡化的問題,祐生在創辦人林董事長的帶領之下,歷經24個年頭的辛勤耕耘,包括:籌設知識庫、提供相關研究獎學金、吸收優秀研究人才、填補研究不足的相關課題、展開為期10年的 "下世代居住規格" 之研究,企圖找尋屬於台灣在地的居住規格,到l996年組成 "桑思特組" 將10年中所產生的l55篇獎助論文以及26組委託主題研究論文,經由34次研討會議彙集成 "l999桑思報告" ,發表桑思宣言,提出20項指標,做為我們邁向與環境對話的基礎。同時為擴大研究的基礎,從1990年開始由175位優秀的青年學者編寫知識庫的索引書整合知識等等,終於有了初步的成果。我們相信盲目追隨不同地理氣候區塊的文明是不正確的,必要展開與自身所處的地理氣候區環境對話,藉知識、科技的整合,重新調適在地建築與聚落形式,才能發展出最佳化的模式,做為減輕環境負荷與去除資源、能源緊張的根本手段。而且我們也越來越明瞭人類的發展與環境的保育間應取法生物間常見的 "共生關係" 。因此,l996年後利用前階段的成果為核心擴張到它的外圍空間,企圖建構一個高效率的共生循環系統,來減輕生活起居對環境所形成的負荷,這一種對策,我們稱它為 "共生化" 。也就是藉著生物學上的互利共生將我們食用的食物,尤其是綠色的蔬果,藉助建築構造,如植栽塔及乾式馬桶等,使它跟起居者緊密結合,讓我們的Output成為植物的Input,植物的Output變成我們的Input,希望隨著循環效率的提升從而收斂生活起居行為對外部的負荷。同時,也希望綠色植物的蒸散作用,能讓台灣地理區位特性的高溫在建築物的外牆得以下降。此外在構造上,我們取法亞熱帶原住民及古羅馬人控制溫濕度的智慧,綜合設計成單體實驗室,先證實構造的可行性及測定建築性能,再將初步的成果轉為單元建築體,進行更為完整的綜合實驗,企圖將生物界常見的共生關係變成我們與環境對話的新關係。而綠建築結合共生化對策更將是入類未來通往永續建築的良方。以下三個結論謹提供參考之:一、建築構造必要有能力回應當地的環境與氣候,同時也要維持起居者的舒適與健康;二、永績是複合的議題,必要以多層次、多面向的團隊合作,才有可能提出周全的解決方案,同時持續的實驗、精進、執行、反饋,才能真正與環境對話;三、 "共生化" 是一種法自然的小共生模式,人類要與綠色蔬果為主的生物建立更緊密的共生關係才能不破壞自然,讓自然環境可以永續。現在台灣的陳總統接納並採用了祐生的理念,把他的治國藍圖定名為『綠色矽島』祐生也為他繪製了台灣的第一幅綠色地圖,這或許也可以提供給西方先進國一個參考,讓人類的永續要向前邁進一大步。」 In the morning on September 25, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying, the chairperson and speaker, took Professor Kazuo Iwamura, Professor William Lim, Professor Wan Ki Chow and principal investigators of ARF research projects, including Professor Kuo Chao-lee, Professor Yu Chao-ching, Professor Chiang Che-ming, and Professor Su Ching-hua, to the 90-minute keynote speech. ARF scholars, CEPD Deputy Minister Chang Chin-shen, and Common Wealth Editor-in-Chief Yin Yun-fan also attended the speech to express their support for ARF. First, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying gave the speech "A New Sustainable Approach─Challenge of Subtropical Region" :, "To find a radical solution for environmental deterioration, under the leadership of President Lin Chun-shin, founder of ARF, the AFR has spent 24 years of hard work to find these solutions. These included the establishment of a knowledge base, provision of scholarships for researches on related topics, recruitment of excellent researchers, filling up issues of inadequate researches, and we opened a ten-year research project to find "The Model of Next Generation". Till 1996, we formed a SONGS team, stood for " Specifications of Next Generation Settlements ". The SONGS team compiled 155 papers and caught the results of 26 research projects. Through 34 meetings, they proposed "The Declaration of SONGS", Next generation (by the year 2025),in which 20 indices were offered as the basis for dialogue with our environment. Moreover, in order to extending the research's achievements, since 1990, 175 outstanding keepers began to compile index books to integrate the knowledge, marking the achievements of our preliminary research. We believe that it is incorrect to blindly follow the civilizations of different geographical and climatic zones, and it is necessary to start a conversation with the geographical and climatic zone where our country lies. This way, we can re-adjust the form of local buildings and settlements through knowledge and technology integration in order to develop the optimal model for reducing environmental load and releasing resource and energy tensions radically. Then, we realize we should catch the natural law about the biological sense and try to build a symbiotic high efficient recycling system. We call it "Symbiosis". It is based on the biological sense. We have a Vertical Planting System beside the construction wall. Through the dry toilet, our output will be the nutrition of the plants, and the output of plants will be our food. We hope through this high efficient recycling system, it might help to release the burden of the environment. Also, by the evaporation of plants, it might help to cool down the high temperature. Besides, as to the construction, learning the wisdom that both of subtropical aboriginals and ancient Romans control the temperature and humidity, we build a chamber to prove its possibility and test its performances. All the results could be adopted by a new community. We believe that Symbiosis will make our living free from the burden of environment This is what we have been approaching. And, we also reach a conclusion that composing the Green Building and "Symbiosis" will be the formula for pursuing Sustainable Building. The following three conclusions are drawn for your reference: (1)Buildings should have the ability to respond to its local environment and climate, while also providing for the comfort and health of its inhabitants.(2)Sustainability is a complex issue. It needs to be discussed on many different levels and aspects in order to come up with a comprehensive solution. Moreover, real dialogue with our environment will require continued experimentation, refinement, implementation and feedback.(3) "Symbiosis" is a micro-scale symbiotic approach with mimicry of nature. It requires that people establish an intimate symbiotic relationship with the biological world, and particularly with the vegetables and fruits. It is in order to minimize their impact on nature and ensure environmental sustainability. Now that President Chen Shui-bian of Taiwan has accepted our ideas and defined his administrative blueprint as the 'Green Silicon Island'. We have also made Taiwan's first green map for him. This can be a reference for advanced countries in the Western world to bring humans a big step forward toward sustainability."