Summary of iiSBE Meeting, Prague (Part: 4)
Published:2006-11-09 Read: 11880 reads Download speech file(PDF) 20.84 KB

Resized Image  晚間,在主辦單位捷克科技大學土木工程學系精心挑選的河濱餐廳裡,由黃晉英團長設宴款待參加iiSBE年度理事會的各國代表們,團員們也充分利用這個餐敘的機會,與各國代表們交流、分享彼此的民情及風俗,對與會的各國代表也有了更深一層的認識;席間,黃晉英團長也逐桌分送「祐生之歌CD」,並一一問候致意,而這些對中華文化相當好奇的各國代表們也紛紛邀請黃晉英團長於CD上留下文字以茲紀念,形成當晚的高潮。
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  In the evening, leader Huang Chin-ying invited on behalf of the ARF directors of the iiSBE and representatives from different countries to dinner at a riverside restaurant specially chosen by the CTU. Delegates also took this opportunity to exchange and share with representatives from different countries the culture and customs of one another from which they had a better understanding of these representatives. During the dinner, leader also distributed the Song of Archilife CD to the participants and expressed our concern for them. These representatives who were curious about the Chinese culture also asked leader Huang Chin-ying to write something for souvenir on the CD, making it the climax of the evening.

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  2006年11月10日,團員們兵分二路,由江哲銘教授、喻肇青教授、張桂鳳小姐及馮天蔚先生前往參加教育類與科技類之小組會議,深入了解其發展脈動;其餘團員在黃晉英團長的帶領下,陪同將於2007年主辦SB07 Seoul的韓國代表申夫人一同造訪布拉格著名的景點:舊城廣場。
  On November 10, 2006, the delegation was divided into two sections. One was led by Professor Chiang Che-ming, Professor Yu Chao-ching, Miss Chang Kuei-feng and Mr. Feng Tien-wei to participate in the education and sci-tech group meetings in order to understand the movement of development of these areas. Another section was led by leader Huang Chin-ying to escort Madame Sheng of Korea which would host the SB07 Seoul in 2007 to visit the famous spot in Prague: Old Town Square.

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  The Old Town Square was located at the center of the old town. It was a beautiful square with stone pavement. Located at the heart of the Old Town Square was the Jan Hus Memorial surrounded by jongleurs and visitors. What were noteworthy were the two huge astronomical clocks at the Old Town Hall in the corner of the square. It was said that they were built for observing the cosmos activities. At noon, leader Huang Chin-ying treated Madame Sheng at a cellar restaurant. After the lunch, the whole group visited the Charles Bridge.
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