Summary of SASBE2012 (Part: 4)
Published:2012-07-30 Read: 6861 reads Download poster file(PDF)  3.71 MB

  黃秘書長除利用會議舉辦的交流時間,與主辦人 iiSBE總會現任副理事長Dr. Vanessa Gomes及與會的各國貴賓交流切磋永續建築領域之近期發展,傳達來自台灣的重要訊息『永續之前、明天之後』論述,對於首次接觸祐生的年輕學子,黃秘書長也不厭其煩,耐心闡述祐生歷年的研究成果與共生圈一號之驗證實例,開啟他們前所未見的視野。現場並發送特意準備的『永續之前、明天之後』文宣,啟發與會人士有更完整的認識與理解。從現場所有的海報展覽內容中也可以發現,唯獨祐生所提出的看法能有效整合各專業領域,並確實落實生活面向的改革,讓研究不再是空中樓閣、高談闊論,而是能回歸生活層面,真正對症下藥,調適因為氣候變遷所帶來的各項衝擊。
  The SASBE2012 invited different sectors of society to share, discuss and conclude :1.Design, development and operation of smart and healthy workplace and living environments;2.New systems, innovative technologies and high performance products responding to emerging challenges such as climate change, closed materials loops, security, alternative energy, passive design, life-cycle assessment, and integration with natural systems;3.Evaluation on the methods and techniques of smart and sustainable design, construction, and operation of new built facilities and regeneration of existing ones;4.Improvement of sustainability deliverables in projects through management processes, regulations, governance and community engagement;5.Management of knowledge on innovation and sustainability for the built environment; and6.Communication, education and training of sustainable development principles and professional skills.7.Smart and sustainable buildings, infrastructure, districts, cities and the community.. At the exchange session of the conference, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying exchanged ideas about the recent SB developments with iiSBE VP Dr. Vanessa Gomes and guests from different countries, and relayed the important message from Taiwan: the theory of "Before Forever; After Tomorrow." To the young students who came in contact with Archilife for the first time, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying patiently explained to them the research outcomes of Archilife over the years and the empirical results from the Symbiosphere 1 Center, to open their eyes to this vision. At the venue, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying also distributed the publicity materials of "Before Forever; After Tomorrow" to participants to provide them with a better understanding and knowledge about the "Before Forever; After Tomorrow" concept. As shown in contents of all the posters presented at the event, only Archilife can effectively combine all professional fields and enforce them in the reform of life. This way, theories become not mere imaginations and eloquent talks but become something that can be practiced in real life to solve our problems and help us adapt to the impacts from climate change.
  此外,黃秘書長也造訪拉美紀念館、共和廣場、聖保羅藝術博物館、先鋒旗手紀念碑、聖保羅中央公園及富人教堂等景點。拉美紀念館落成於1989年,為拉美最大的文化交流中心,彙集了圖書館、視聽館、禮堂、劇院、展覽中心、餐廳和辦公樓等不同的設施,由巴西的世界級大師奧斯卡‧尼邁耶(Oscar Niemeyer)所設計,以簡約的線條,營造出奇特的建築弧線,令現代主義散發出獨特的味道。
  Secretary General Huang Chin-ying also visited a number of local attractions, including the Memorial da America Latina, Praça da República, Museu de Arte de São Paulo, Monumento as Bandeiras, Parque Ibirapuera and Wossa senhora do Brazil.
  The Memorial da America Latina was completed in 1989. As the largest cultural exchange center in Latin America, the memorial is a complex integrating libraries, auditoriums, halls, theatres, exhibition centers, restaurants and offices. It was designed by the Brazilian world-class architect Oscar Niemeyer in a simplistic style featuring an arch to suggest the flavor of modernism.
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