Living Special Team Inspects Refuge Sites
Author: webmaster Published:2016-01-16 Read: 794 reads

Resized Image  為勘察氣候暴烈化若釀成巨災,導致祐生生活研究中心不可居情況發生及有避難需求時之合宜避難基地,本會於2016年1月10日,由生活特組組長鄭瑋寧小姐擔任領隊,帶領組員:湯淑貞小姐、鍾政勳先生、蔡坤憲先生、高傳棋先生、戴永禔先生、林得恩先生、王文安先生、劉定衢先生、陳泰安先生;並偕同農糧小組張顥嚴先生、疫病小組楊正帆先生、恩梯特組蔡孟傑先生及本會工作人員李創源先生、吳佳紘先生等,共同前往龜壽谷進行勘察。
In the event that an extreme climate event renders the Archilife Living Research Center inhabitable and to establish suitable refuge sites in case of evacuation, on January 10, 2016, Archilife's Living Special Team, Team Leader Ms. Cheng Wei-ning, and team members: Ms. Tang Shu-chen, Mr. Chung Cheng-hsin, Mr. Tsai Kun-hsien, Mr. Gao Chuan-chi, Mr. Day Yeong-tyi, Mr. Lin De-en, Mr. Wang Wen-an, Mr. Liu Ding-chyu and Mr. Chen Tai-an, Agriculture & Provisions Team member Mr. Chang Hao-yen, Epidemic Disease Team member Mr. Yang Cheng-fan, NT Special Team member Mr. Tsai Meng-chieh and Foundation staff members Mr. Lee Chuang-yuan and Mr. Wu Chia-hung conducted a survey of the Guishou Valley.

Resized Image  本次勘察活動,在鄭瑋寧組長說明勘察路線及注意事項後展開,勘察成員延著龜壽谷的陡峭曲徑,逐一勘察編號A、B、C、E、F等六個避難基地。本次勘察編組包括:人造土木組,就各基地的坡度、地質條件等因子進行評估;大地環境組,就各基地的土壤、水源等因子進行評估;氣象資訊組,就各基地的溫度、濕度等因子進行評估;農務生活組,就各基地是否適宜設置種源庫、環境介質肥沃度等因子進行評估;生態環境組,就各基地的生物多樣性、有害生物分布等因子進行評估。
The survey commenced once Team Leader Cheng Wei-ning had explained the survey route and pre-cautions. The survey team members followed the steep trail into Guishou Valley to inspect the six refuge sites labeled A, B, C, D, E and F. The survey team assignments were as follows: the Engineering team assessed the gradient, geology and related factors of each site; the Environment team assessed the soil, water source and related factors of each site; the Meteorology Team assessed the temperature, humidity factors of each site; the Agriculture team assessed factors such as the suitability of establishing a germ bank and fertility of the environmental media at each site; the Biosphere team assessed the biodiversity, distribution of harmful organisms and other factors at each site.

Resized Image  結束勘察活動,經過短暫休息餐後,隨即召開會議討論勘察結果。經過研討,與會成員認為,未來應依照各地避難基地不同的特點,進行不同程度的開發。此外,就六個避難基地而言,編號D的避難基地,因為具備處於背風處,坡度平坦且地質良好;溫度、濕度、風速、日照等氣象條件甚佳;位於溪流旁河階地,易於取得灌溉水源;具備生物多樣性,適合做為種源庫等諸多優勢條件,故將其列為避難基地的首選。完成研討後,本次勘察活動至此順利結束。
At the conclusion of the survey, a short break for food was taken before a meeting was convened to discuss the results. The participants concluded that each refuge site should be developed to different extents based on their respective characteristics. In addition, refuge site D was determined to possess the following attributes: sheltered location with even gradient and good geology; meteorology conditions such as the temperature, humidity, wind speed and sunshine were all quite favorable; its location on a riverside plateau provided easy access to water for irrigation; and the local biodiversity also made it a suitable germ bank. Because of these advantages, it was made the top pick for a refuge site. The end of the discussion marked the successful conclusion of the latest survey.

Resized Image  生活特組未來除持續檢討、精進各項評估指標外,亦將往外擴展勘察區域,期能選擇更多可用避難基地,以因應日趨劇烈的氣候變遷,於災難發時,滿足緊急避難之需求,為人類求生存、謀生計、延生命做出貢獻。
The Living Special Team will not only continue to review and refine the various assessment indicators but also expand the scope of the survey region in the hope of identifying additional usable refuge sites. When natural disasters do occur as climate change becomes increasingly extreme, these will help to preserve and sustain human life.
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