Sketch of Archilife Study Tour, December 2016
Author: webmaster Published:2017-01-06 Read: 927 reads

Resized Image  12月份見識之旅活動,於2016年12月3日由呂明澐小姐帶領14位祐生見習生及家長們,進行茂林蝶戀山景暨魯凱人文探索之旅。活動開始之初,領隊呂明澐小姐提醒本次活動注意事項及觀察重點,先行建立見習生的背景知識。
  For the tour of December 3, 2016, Ms. Lu Ming-yun led 14 ARF interns and their parents on a trip to explore the mountains and butterflies of Maolin and culture of the Rukai tribe. At the start of the day's activities, team leader Ms. Lu Ming-yun reminded everyone about things to note and what to observe, and gave the interns some background knowledge.

Resized Image  本次行程參訪位於高雄市茂林區的茂林國家風景區,由於山岳及平原的界線區分明顯,奇山異水特別多,視野遼闊,富含高山自然資源與多樣化的人文特色。每年冬天,超過百萬隻的紫斑蝶南下飛來此處度冬,形成紫蝶幽谷的盛況。行程一開始即至生態公園,由導覽老師介紹紫斑蝶群聚越冬的特色與棲息環境,實際展示紫斑蝶來呈現其幻色、假死、毛筆器等生物特性,並教導辨識四種紫斑蝶的口訣,搭配標本傳閱以加深眾人的印象。隨後,前往多納高吊橋及龍頭山小長城步道,多納高吊橋為全東南亞最高的吊橋,日治時期起便為茂林區出入的要道。緊接著步行至小長城步道,係建於龍頭山稜線上的木棧道,漫步其上可俯瞰龍頭山大曲流的蜿蜒。導覽老師沿途以逗趣的俚語俗諺,解說原住民拿來入菜或使用的植物及其特性,眾人皆欽佩原住民祖先的智慧。
  The destination of this tour was Maolin National Scenic Area in Maolin District, Kaohsiung City. This area is known for its unique landscapes and expansive view due to the distinct boundary between mountains and flat land, providing natural mountain resources and cultural diversity. Every winter, over a million purple crow butterflies migrate from the north to the warmer climate here, forming a spectacular view known as the "purple butterfly valley". The tour started in the ecological park with the guide introducing the overwintering en masse habits and habitat of the purple crow butterfly, displaying the butterfly to show its color change, thanatosis and hair pencil, and teaching the pithy formula for identifying four species of purple crow butterfly. Specimen of the purple crow butterfly was also passed around to give everyone a deeper impression. Next, the group proceeded to Duona High Suspension Bridge and the Little Great Wall Trail of Longtoushan. The highest suspension bridge in Southeast Asia, Duona High Suspension Bridge has been the main thoroughfare connecting Maolin District to the outside world since the Japanese Occupation. Little Great Wall Trail is a boardwalk built along the ridgeline of Longtoushan. The winding river of Longtoushan is laid out before the eyes. Along the way, the guide introduced the plants used by the aborigines in their cooking and everyday living, explaining their characteristics using funny slangs and proverbs. Everyone was impressed by the wisdom of the aborigines' ancestors.

Resized Image  午餐於多納部落享用魯凱族原住民風味餐,餐點豐富美味,眾人皆享用得津津有味。飯後,在導覽老師帶領之下,深入多納部落,實地觀察石板屋之構造,學習公岩、母岩間的差異與用途,了解如何以家屋門楣的裝飾判別屋主在部落內的階級,並認識魯凱族特有的百合花文化。行程最後,來到茂林必訪的烏巴克創意工坊,工坊的男女主人都身懷絕技,女主人擅長手工琉璃珠、串珠、皮雕製作,男主人則對金工、藝術創作特別在行,而園區內蒐藏的斑蝶標本種類豐富,整體景色優美,見習生們亦在此體驗魯凱族傳統的鞦韆,玩得不亦樂乎。導覽老師以幽默風趣的口吻,融入台語順口溜熱情講解,為整趟行程增添許多趣味。至此,本日活動已近尾聲,大家一起合照留念後各自返家,並期待於下次見識之旅再相見。
  Lunch was the special cuisine of the Rukai tribe in Duona Tribal Village. Everyone enjoyed the sumptuous spread of cuisine. After lunch, the guide brought everyone deep into the Duona Tribal Village to observe the structure of stone slab house, learn the differences between male and female stones, and their uses, understand how to differentiate status hierarchy of house owners by the decoration of the lintel above their doors, and learn about the unique lily culture of the Rukai tribe. The final part of the tour was a visit to Ubake Workshop, which is a must-visit place in Maolin. It is run by a lady who is talented in glass bead-making, bead stringing and leather craft, and a gentleman who is talented in metal craft and art creation. Besides viewing the extensive collection of butterfly specimens and enjoying the beautiful scenery, the interns also had fun playing with the Rukai tribe's traditional swing. The guide's spirited personality and colloquial Taiwanese also greatly enlivened the trip. At this point, the day's itinerary came to an end. Everyone returned to home after taking a group photo and looked forward to the next study tour.
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