2013 Winter Living Experience Camp
Author: webmaster Published:2013-02-18 Read: 1496 reads

Resized Image  2013年寒假生活體驗營於1月21日至1月25日舉行,為期五天四夜,共計14位見習生參與。本次活動以防災避難及生活知識兩大主軸進行,並特別邀請中華民國業餘無線電協會副會長高大為先生,主講「通風報信」課程,介紹無線電通信的架構,以及其在災難發生時可發揮的重要功能;在講師的指導下,見習生們走出戶外,實際操作無線電通訊設備及獵狐測向活動。此外,由許浩文先生講授之「防火大作戰」課程,帶領見習生們至潛盾中心各處,介紹重要的消防設施,學習正確的火災逃生知識。
  The 2013 Winter Living Experience Camp was held from January 21 to 25 for five days four nights with the participation of 14 interns. The Camp was organized around the two main themes - disaster prevention and everyday knowledge. Mr. Kao Ta-wei, vice president of CTARL, was especially invited to talk on the structure of wireless communication and its importance in the event of a disaster. Under the guidance of the instructor, the interns went to the outdoor to operate the radio equipment themselves and find direction to a radio source. Furthermore, in the fire prevention course instructed by Mr. Hsu Hao-wen, interns were led to various areas of the ARF Sub-Shield Center and introduced to the important fire prevention equipment, and learned the right way to evacuate in the event of a fire.

Resized Image  在生活知識方面,包含由游秀雲小姐主講的「妙筆生花」課程,以過去見習生參與過的祐生活動為題,合力完成一篇篇生動有趣的作文;張瑜峻先生帶來的「上山下海」戶外教學,見習生們透過實際至鼻頭角觀察地形,學習東北角地區特殊地貌的成因;王彥翔先生的「別具”藝”格」課程,以漢字結構及變化為主題,創作實用不失趣味的藝術文字紅包袋;楊正帆先生主講之「關鍵時刻」課程,特別安排急救訓練活動,見習生們利用訓練器材,進一步將講師傳授的理論實踐於生活中。最後,由陳彥臻先生帶來「精打細算」課程,見習生們透過時事議題及桌上遊戲的遊玩經驗,學習供需法則、機會成本等經濟學基本理論。
  In the department of everyday knowledge, other experts contributed their knowledge. In Ms. Yu Hsiu-yun's composition-writing course, the interns worked together to complete several interesting compositions based on their past experience in ARF activities. In Mr. Chang Yu-chun's outdoor learning course, interns visited Bitoujiao to observe the topography and learned what caused the special landform of the Northeast Coast. In Mr. Wang Yen-hsiang's art and craft course, interns learned to create useful and creative red packets by making use of the structure and changes in Han characters. In Mr. Yang Cheng-fan's emergency response course, interns learned hands-on training in first aid. By using the training equipment, the interns were able to use the knowledge they have acquired in real-life situation. Finally, in Mr. Chen Yen-chen's basic economics course, interns learned about the laws of demand and supply and opportunity cost through discussion of current events and board game.

Resized Image  課程間的空檔亦進行一系列團體活動。為使見習生了解防患未然的重要性,第四天下午特別安排「支援前線對抗賽」,見習生們利用先前分組競賽取得的卡片,進行配對遊戲,並進一步以手中卡片的數量及功能,學習擬定潛盾中心避難計畫,最後進行小組成果發表;第三天晚上安排「誰來晚餐」活動,在許譽齡小姐的指導下,見習生們以不浪費食材為原則,學習製做小披薩、沙拉等餐點;而在第二天及第四天晚上,見習生皆參與「蟲洞讀書會」,透過網路視訊連線,所有見習生無不專心聆聽報告人介紹的書籍。在活動最後一天,小隊輔們針對各見習生學習測驗單的評量分數,及課堂作業、房務整潔進行評分,最後選出三位得分最高的見習生,進行表揚並頒發獎品,並依序頒贈紀念品予各見習生們。最後眾人互相珍重道別,並期待下回的生活體驗營再相見。
  A series of group activities was also organized during the breaks between courses. To allow interns to understand the importance of disaster prevention, a tournament was scheduled for the afternoon of the fourth day. Using cards obtained from a previous competition, interns had to match quantity and functions of resources they had and learned to establish an evacuation plan for the ARF Sub-Shield Center. Each team then presented its plan at the end of the tournament. On the third evening, under the guidance of Ms. Hsu Yu-ling, the interns learned to make pizzas and salads while trying their best not to waste any food materials. On the second and fourth evenings, interns participated in the "Wormhole Bookish Assembly" and listened to the book reports attentively through videoconferencing. On the last day of the activity, the counselors graded each intern based on their test scores, class assignments and tidiness of their rooms. Finally, three interns with the highest scores were awarded prizes as encouragement and acknowledgement of their performance, and the other interns also received souvenirs. Finally, everyone bid farewell to each other and looking forward to the next Camp.
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