Sketch of Archilife Study Tour, May 2016
Author: webmaster Published:2016-06-30 Read: 890 reads

Resized Image  5月份見識之旅活動,於2016年5月14日由呂明澐小姐帶領9位祐生見習生及家長們,進行不一樣鱷魚生態農場暨自然共生環境教育之旅。出發當日天氣晴朗,見習生們及其家長準時集合並出發。活動開始之初,領隊呂明澐小姐提醒本次活動注意事項及觀察重點,先行建立見習生的背景知識。
  For the tour of May 14, 2016, Ms. Lu Ming-yun led nine ARF interns and their parents on a trip to The One and Only Crocodile Zoological Farm to learn about nature and the symbiotic environment. It was sunny on the day of tour, and the interns and their parents were on time for the departure. At the start of the day's activities, team leader Ms. Lu Ming-yun reminded everyone about things to note and what to observe, and gave the interns some background knowledge.

Resized Image  本次行程參訪位於屏東縣潮州鎮的不一樣鱷魚生態農場與其周邊,此生態農場為全台灣最大的鱷魚主題生態園區,園區內除了飼養不同種類的鱷魚外,亦有多種動物與景觀生態池可供參觀。上午行程首先由農場女主人帶領眾人簡單進行午餐Pizza麵糰的揉捏,並利用等待麵糰發酵的時間進行食農體驗。隨後,由農場主人引導大家至周邊進行環境與當季開花植物介紹,因從小生長於此,故對附近農家與耕種之作物皆能進行詳盡的導覽與解答。接著,眾人來到芭樂園內親手摘採果實並現場試吃,亦可視需求帶回家品嚐。過程中不僅體驗摘果樂趣,也能感受到滿滿農村果農好客熱情的人情味。午餐時間將稍早發酵完成的麵糰進行加工,鋪上各自喜歡的配料再送進窯烤爐,因能親自動手做,增添樂趣,眾人皆吃得津津有味。
  The destination of the tour was The One and Only Crocodile Zoological Farm and its surroundings in Chaochou Township, Pingtung County. The farm is Taiwan's largest crocodile-theme ecological park. Not only does the farm rear different species of crocodiles, it also houses many types of animals and an ecological pond. Led by the lady farm owner, the morning's itinerary began with kneading pizza dough for lunch and enjoying some farming experience while waiting for the dough to ferment. The farm owner introduced everyone to the surrounding environment and seasonal flowering plants, and was able to give details and answer questions from having grown up in that area. Next, everyone went to a guava orchard to pluck the fruits and sample them on site, and even bring them home. All had a great time plucking the fruits, and were touched by the warmth and hospitality of the farmers. For lunch, the proofed dough was shaped, ingredients were added according to individual preference, and the pizzas were baked in a brick oven. The DIY factor made the experience more fun and the pizzas especially delicious.

Resized Image  午餐享用完自製的手工Pizza後,正式進入鱷魚生態導覽主軸,除了針對常見的鱷魚種類與分辨方法進行介紹,並先藉由標本來讓眾人認識鱷魚的各部位與其可利用之經濟價值。接著實際參觀各種類鱷魚與其生長環境,亦讓見習生體驗餵食鱷魚的緊張刺激感,最後則是透過長竹竿來與鱷魚進行拉鋸對抗,體驗鱷魚的咬合拉力有多強勁。園區內除鱷魚外,亦飼養鴕鳥、雞隻與牛蛙等動物,可供眾人參訪觀賞,農場主人亦介紹相關生態與知識予眾人。行程最後空檔,由農場人員帶領見習生施放水火箭,在簡易解說科學原理後,透過打氣筒的壓力噴射已製好的水火箭,部分見習生未操作過此自然科學玩具,故對體驗充滿好奇與新鮮感。整體行程與實作內容豐富,透過農場主人的熱心講解與幽默對答亦更添導覽趣味性。至此,本日活動已近尾聲,大家一起合照留念後各自返家,並期待於下次見識之旅再相見。
  After enjoying the handmade pizzas for lunch, the main attraction of the day's tour began. There was an introduction to common species of crocodiles and ways of identifying them, and specimens were shown so that everyone could learn about the different parts of a crocodile and their economic value. Next, everyone was shown the actual crocodiles and their habitat. The interns experienced the thrill of feeding the crocodiles themselves and felt the strength of the crocodiles' bite when they had a tug-of-war with the crocodiles using a long bamboo pole. In addition to crocodiles, the farm also reared ostriches, chickens and bullfrogs. The farm owner also gave an introduction of their ecology and related knowledge. At the end of the tour, farm personnel showed the interns how to launch water rockets. After a brief explanation of the scientific principle, the water rockets were launched using an air pump. Some of the interns had never played with water rocket before, and were especially curious and thrilled. The entire trip and hands-on experience had been enriching, and the farm owner's enthusiasm and humor made the guided tour even more interesting. At this point, the day's itinerary came to an end. Everyone returned to home after taking a group photo and looked forward to the next study tour.
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