Sponsorship of Open Culture Foundation and MOPCON 2019
在本會探究未來的趨勢預測中,資訊科技與數位化的發展對未來生活模式將有舉足輕重的影響,因此本會自2011年起開始贊助國內大型開源論壇,希望透過實質參與相關活動,對此領域的知識分享與人才培育做出貢獻。 In the ARF’s forecast of future trends, development of digitalization and information technology is predicted to have critical impact on the way of living in the future. Thus, the ARF has begun sponsoring large-scale open source forums in Taiwan since 2011 in the hope of contributing to knowledge sharing and talent cultivation in the industry through actual participation in related events.
過去數個年度中,本會贊助的指標性開源活動包括COSCUP開源人年會、SITCON學生計算機年會等,之後也開始贊助PyCon、g0v summit,讓開源技術之價值擴展到更多層面。目前本會針對開放文化基金會進行年度贊助,而該會專注於在台灣推廣開源軟體、開放資料、開放政府三個主要領域的發展,期能對本會之贊助資源做更有效的利用。而本會今年度亦持續贊助深耕南台灣,目前固定於高雄舉辦MOPCON行動科技年會,平衡台灣資訊領域重北輕南之現況,鼓勵行動科技於生活層面之應用發展。
In the past years, the ARF has sponsored major open-source events, such as COSCUP and SITCON, and also begun sponsoring PyCon and g0v summit, enabling the value of open source technology to reach wider and deeper. Currently, the ARF is sponsoring the Open Culture Foundation (OCF) annually. The OCF is focused on promoting open source software, open data and open government in Taiwan. It is hoped that the OCF will utilize the ARF’s sponsored resources effectively. The ARF is also continuing its sponsorships in southern Taiwan, hosting MOPCON (Mobile/ Open/ Platform Conference) annually. Currently, major IT events are mostly held in the north and MOPCON serves to balance the unequal distribution, and encourage the application and development of mobile technology in various aspects of everyday living.