2015 Winter Living Experience Camp
Author: webmaster Published:2015-03-16 Read: 1148 reads

Resized Image  2015寒假生活體驗營於2月9日至2月13日舉行,為期五天四夜,共計12位見習生參與。本次活動以音樂創作、料理技能與生活應用為營隊主軸進行。在音樂創作方面,特別邀請七舍客勒樂團創辦人-發行過十五張以上詩歌專輯的音樂製作人蘇郁修老師主講。在「餘音繞樑」中,蘇老師首先介紹聲音與音樂的不同之處,引導見習生透過身邊不同的道具,利用規律與重複性的節拍來合奏,最後亦透過即興的演奏方式,引導見習生分部合唱,並置入電子琴與專業麥克風收音,教室搖身一變成為錄音室,見習生可發揮想像力作曲填詞並從中加以學習,另外,由本會知識執守者葉娟礽小姐所主講之「八音迭奏」課程,亦讓見習生發揮創意,利用樂器來進行小組即興演出。
  The 2015 Winter Living Experience Camp was held from February 9 to 13 for five days four nights with the participation of 12 interns. The Camp was organized around the themes – music composition, culinary skill and everyday applications. The founder of the indie band 7 Shekels, Mr. Su Yu-hsiu, was especially invited to speak on music composition. Mr. Su is currently a music producer who has released over 15 gospel albums. During his session at the Camp, he began by introducing the difference between sound and music. Then he encouraged the interns to use various props around them to make rhythmic and repetitive beats together. Finally, he taught the interns to divide themselves into different harmony parts for an improvised performance. With the addition of an electronic keyboard and professional microphone recording, the classroom instantly turned into a recording studio. The interns also learned to compose music and write lyrics by tapping into their imagination. ARF knowledge keeper Ms. Yeh Jiuan-reng gave the interns further opportunity to use their creativity by using musical instruments for improvised performances in small groups.

Resized Image  在料理技能及生活應用方面,包含由呂明澐小姐主講的「自食其力」課程,透過簡單的麵糰搓揉,並添加配料入菜,帶領見習生煮出營養美味的麵疙瘩、「料理食堂」中亦帶領大家製做美味的海鮮煎餅、「芋罷不能」則是利用新鮮芋頭及地瓜,做出簡單又可口的芋圓及地瓜圓甜湯;在「資事體大」中,李孟學先生透過生活中常見的數據整合,教導大家進行Excel的圖表統計分析;蔡明霏先生帶來「神機妙算」,介紹生活中的力學應用,並透過冰棒棍組裝橋樑以進行負重實驗;林彣鴻先生所帶來的「時事求是」,則是透過影片讓大家了解所謂的媒體操控及新聞真實性;「花茗草韻」中,李宜錦小姐介紹各式花草的功效,並由見習生調配出喜歡的花草茶與大家分享;最後,由莊鎮豪先生所帶來的「披星戴月」,則是帶領見習生實際觀星,並結合星座故事來加深眾人對冬季星空的認識。
  For culinary skill and everyday applications, various experts were invited to teach the interns. Ms. Lu Ming-yun taught the interns to knead dough and add the right ingredients to cook nutritional and tasty dough-drop soup. She also taught them to make delicious seafood pancake, and simple yet delectable sweet dessert soup made with fresh taro and sweet potato. Mr. Li Meng-hsueh taught the interns to use Excel to create graphical and statistical analysis of data in everyday life. Mr. Tsai Ming-fei introduced the applications of mechanics in everyday life and conducted load testing by assembling a bridge using popsicle sticks. Mr. Lin Wen-hung taught the interns about media manipulation and news accuracy through video presentation. Ms. Li Yi-chin introduced the functions of various flowers and herbs, and allowed the interns to concoct their favorite teas to share with everyone. Finally, Mr. Chuang Zhen-hao let the interns observe the stars and reinforced their knowledge of winter stars by blending in stories of the constellations.

Resized Image  課程間的空檔亦由隊輔帶領進行團體活動,每日亦準備好玩又有趣的早操;而在第二天及第四天晚上,見習生皆參與「蟲洞讀書會」,透過網路視訊連線,見習生彷彿置身於現場,聆聽報告人為大家介紹的書籍。在活動最後一天,小隊輔們針對各見習生學習測驗單的評量分數,以及課堂作業、房務整潔進行觀察評分,最後選出三位得分最高的見習生,進行表揚並頒發獎品以資鼓勵。最後,在眾人互相珍重道別後,依依不捨地結束本次的寒假生活體驗營活動,並期待下回的生活體驗營再相見。
  A series of group activities was also organized during the breaks between courses. There were fun and interesting exercises every morning. On the second and fourth evening, interns participated in the "Wormhole Bookish Assembly". Not only were there live reports by knowledge keepers, the interns also listened to book reports through videoconferencing. On the last day of the activity, the counselors graded each intern based on their test scores, class assignments and tidiness of their rooms. Finally, three interns with the highest scores were awarded prizes as encouragement. Finally, everyone bid farewell to each other and looking forward to the next Camp.
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