Sponsor of the "TLPGA intellectual Campaign" Project
Author: Anonymous Published:2013-10-28 Read: 1448 reads

Resized Image  TLPGA台灣女子職業高爾夫協會自成立以來,致力於提振國內女子高爾夫賽事和運動風潮,並全力提升職業、業餘的比賽水準與品質,為我國女子職業球員創造競技舞台。為了讓TLPGA走上國際、提升比賽水平,該協會除積極籌辦一連串的賽事,更代表台灣巡迴賽向世界女子職業高爾夫積分排名組織(WWGR)遞出申請書,期能盡快納入該體系,與美、日、歐、韓、英、澳等六大巡迴賽獲同等待遇。屆時將可讓本國選手受益良多,國外好手會更樂於參加台巡賽,藉以提升台灣選手的世界排名,從而增加台巡賽的競爭力和賽事層次。
  Since its incorporation, Taiwan Ladies Professional Golf Association (TLPGA) has been committed to promote domestic ladies golf events and sports and put into full play of upgrading professional and amateur tournaments quality in creating competition occasions for ladies professional golf players. In order to take TLPGA internationally and raise competition standard, the Association has not only actively organized a series of competitions but has also applied to the WWGR on behalf of the Taiwan tour. It is hoped that the TLPGA will soon receive the same treatment as the six major tours in the world, including the United States, Japan, Europe, Korea, Britain and Australia. If accepted, Taiwan players will benefit greatly and international players will be keener to participate in the TLPGA. Not only will it improve Taiwan players’ world rankings but also boost the TLPGA’s competitiveness and professional standard.

  Archilife Research Foundation is best known for its commitments to promote vigorous and healthy new living mode, and hope to continue dominating TLPGA this year for promoting intellectual campaign in Taiwan. Archilife support TLPGA to continue sponsoring routine and open tournaments for domestic lady players to advance their skills and further for Taiwanese players to demonstrate their outstanding achievements in the international events. It is also hoped that those Taiwanese players will continue their prominence, and let Taiwan become famous in the world.
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