Sketch of Public Policy Communion, September 2020
Author: webmaster Published:2020-10-03 Read: 435 reads

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  The September Archilife Public Policy Communion of 2020 was held on September 20, 2020. After a series of relaxing and fun activities, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying made the following announcement, "The current international situation is volatile and battle lines are being drawn between nations. The strategic location of Taiwan makes it all the more important to keep track of the latest developments and focus on safety. With everything happening in the world, people seem to have forgotten that climate anomalies have not gone away and extreme weather events are still having a serious impact on the ecological environment. The wild fires rampaging through California and massive flooding along the Yangtze River in China are just some of the examples. A digital symbiotic civilization was proposed as a solution by Archilife. People should think how this connects with their everyday life. The convenience of digitization also brings with the risk of misinformation. Everyone should stay alert and avoid becoming tools for spreading of misinformation."

  緊接著進行專題演講,由國政會委員李書安先生主講「CNS醫用口罩標準之介紹」。主講人首先說明醫用口罩主要是為了避免配戴者的飛沫影響病人,功能設計並不是要免於吸入粒狀有害物,但因配戴密合度不佳,若用來阻絕病菌,效果可能有限。口罩認定標章有三種:衛福部核准字號、CNS標章及BFE、PFE、VFE過濾效率,值得注意的是美國ASTM認證是試驗口罩的材料,而非測試防護的效果。有關CNS14774醫用口罩,依材料防護效能有以下類別:一般醫用、外科手術用及外科手術D2防塵用。而N95面罩對病毒之穿透效率,流量越大穿透率越高,而濾材帶電荷後的過濾效率將大幅提高。最後也提到通過NIOSH NaCl方法測得的過濾效率低於其他方法,顯示此方法更為保守。
  Next on the schedule was the keynote speech. First, Mr. Li Shu-an spoke on "Introduction to CNS Standards for Medical Face Masks". The speaker started out by explaining that medical face masks are used to protect the patient against droplets exhaled by the wearer. It is not designed to protect against the inhalation of particulate contaminants. Poor fit also means limited effectiveness at blocking out pathogens. There are three types of certifications for face masks. Ministry of Health and Welfare permit, CNS standard, as well as BFE, PFE and VFE on filtration efficiency. It is worthwhile to note that the US ASTM certification only tests face mask materials rather than their protective performance. CNS14774 medical face masks are divided into the following categories based on the protective performance of the materials used: general medical, surgical, and surgical D2 dust-protection. For the penetration rate of viruses, a higher flow-rating on N95 face masks translates into a higher rate. Electrically charged filter material offers greatly enhanced filtration efficiency. Finally, the speaker also mentioned that the filtration efficiency obtained through NIOSH NaCl testing was far lower than other methods. This method is therefore more conservative.

  Next, Mr. Hung Chi-tung spoke on "Sustainable Makeover for Campus Landscaping Aesthetics". The speaker used Hsinchu Chien Kung Senior High School as an example on the improvement of high school spatial aesthetics, the establish of a campus aesthetics education course. The basic concept for campus planning is based on the "VITAL" philosophy. UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) were also included as well with experts, academics and student groups invited to join in the discussion of proposals. The campus’ spatial attributes were then used for space planning and to draw up an emergency response map. The introduction of university resources was also actively sought to fulfill the spirit of USR. The natural environment component on the other hand aimed for landscaping and biological diversity. Improvements included design motifs, innovative functions and campus disaster prevention. A mascot was based on the "Black-crowned Night Heron" was also designed. Finally, the speaker focused on campus safety and disaster prevention in order to create a truly safe learning environment.

  接著由國政會委員李亭頤小姐主講「奧斯陸國際景觀研討會」。主講人首先提到會議於榮獲2019年歐盟綠色首都的挪威奧斯陸舉辦,其申請的主題「City for everyone, putting people first.」,著重以人為本,朝永續發展前進。研討會透過下載APP程式,達到議程資料的無紙化,並能和與會人士e化溝通交流。主講人也提到赫爾辛基濕地木棧道設計案例,體現了北歐尊重環境、降低衝擊同時兼容並蓄的設計美學。該次會議主講人也發表了論文「透過都市農業將水耕導入食物循環系統:都市食品廢棄物再利用為有機水耕養液來源的可行性」,以及「探討影響潛在使用者對可食廣場改造之態度的因子」。主講人表示,期望能汲取奧斯陸經驗,促成實踐環境友善和永續發展目標。
  Next, Ms. Li Ting-yi spoke on "IFLA World Congress in Oslo". The speaker started by introducing the "IFLA World Congress" held in Oslo, Norway, the green capital of the European Union, in 2019. Oslo’s bid was based on the theme for "City for everyone one, putting people first" with an emphasis on human-centric sustainable development. The symposium used a downloadable app to make all the agenda materials paperless. Attendees could also communicate with each other electronically. The speaker also mentioned the Helsinki wetland board walk, and how the project embodied the Nordic design aesthetic of respect for the environment, low-impact and tolerance. The speaker gave presentations on "Introducing hydroponics into the food cycle through urban agriculture: The feasibility of converting urban food waste into organic hydroponic nutrient solutions" and "Factors that influence potential users’ attitude to the conversion of edible plazas." The speaker hoped that we can learn from the Oslo experience to fulfill environmentally friendly and sustainable development goals.

  After the speech, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying presented a gift to the speakers on behalf of the foundation. Then, attendees expressed and exchanged their opinions and views during the piggy hour. The September Archilife Public Policy Communion ended smoothly.
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