For the study tour of October 20, 2024, Ms. Lu Ming-yun led 20 ARF interns and their parents on a trip to learn about paper innovations and discover heritage sites in Taichung. The First stop in the morning was A-Liang Mushroom Garden. Everyone learned how mushroom growing has transitioned from logs to grow bags, growth speed for different mushroom species, differences between mushroom and fungus, and how to store mushrooms, even how to pan-fry fresh mushrooms to get a steak-like taste. In the mushroom cultivation area, everyone tried mushroom harvesting. Many interns and parents bought grow bags, hoping to grow mushrooms at home. Proceeding to Xinfeng Fruit Farm nearby, everyone learned the process of growing Kyoho grapes, and how to wash and store them. Kyoho grapes are harvested twice a year in Taiwan – once in summer and another time in winter. Although winter grapes grow more slowly, are smaller in size and in lower quantity, everyone still enjoyed eating them at the farm. After watching a demonstration of cutting grape bunches, everyone cut what they needed and excitedly took photos with bunches of grapes hanging on the plants.
中午時分來到台中大坑的紙箱王創意園區,大家在紙主題餐廳用餐,坐在由紙製成的桌椅上,觀察卡式爐火上久煮不著火的「紙火鍋」,以及餐廳中各式由紙構成的擺飾、用品,更是眾人在餐敘時充滿好奇的討論話題。用餐後隨即展開園區導覽,園內展示了用瓦楞紙製作的各國特色建築、懷舊場景、實際可乘坐的紙火車、鋼筋藝術構築的滑梯及天空步道,大家見識到萬物都可以透過紙材從平面轉變成立體結構,令見習生們聽解說時迫不及待地親身體驗。園區內柔軟的紙材展現出強韌的力量,而鋼材則顯得柔和,激盪出令人驚喜的美感。 Visiting Carton King Creative Park in Dakeng, Taichung, around noon, everyone was seated at tables and chairs made of paper, and was intrigued by the "paper hotpot" sitting on a gas cartridge stove, and many paper ornaments and objects throughout the restaurant. During the tour after lunch, everyone saw world-famous buildings made of corrugated paper, nostalgic settings, a rideable paper train, and an artistic steel slide and skywalk. Hearing that anything made of paper can turn from a 2D to a 3D structure, the interns were eager to try it out. The resilience of paper made steel seem softer in comparison, achieving amazing aesthetics. 下午轉往全安堂太陽餅博物館,首先進行太陽餅DIY活動。雖然太陽餅的成分簡單,但製作步驟卻頗具挑戰性,所幸在執行長陳瑛宗先生風趣的教學下,即使見習生及家長NG頻傳,現場氣氛仍是笑聲不斷;即便由同一位師傅教導,每位學員做出的成品仍各具風味,難怪台中各家太陽餅都各有擁護者。DIY結束後,大家移步至二樓展區聆聽解說,了解全安堂從傳統中式建築的細膩雕刻到現代元素的融合、太陽餅博物館的創立緣由以及太陽餅從最初的民間小點演變成如今台中名產,這些引人入勝的故事在眾人心中留下了深刻印象。至此,本日活動已近尾聲,大家一起合照留念後搭車返程,並期待於下次見識之旅再相見。
Proceeding to Taiwan Museum of Suncake in the afternoon, everyone tried DIY sun-cake making. Despite the challenging steps and many mistakes made, the room was filled with laughter as everyone was tickled by the instructor's humor. Even though everyone was taught by the same instructor, who is also the museum's CEO, Chen Ying-tzung, the final products were very different in taste, which explains why every sun-cake bakery in Taichung has its own fans. After the DIY, everyone moved to the second floor to hear about the fusion of Chinese architecture with modern elements, the founding of the museum, and how the pastry has transformed from a traditional snack to becoming a popular Taichung product. As the day's tour came to an end, everyone took a group photo before heading back home and looked forward to the next study tour.