Archilife Delegation for SB2002 International Conference(2) (Part: 4)
Author: webmaster Published:2002-09-28 Read: 5497 reads

Resized Image  After lunch, we could not hide our nostalgic emotions anymore, and everyone just wanted to go home immediately. So we packed up everything to go home. For safety, we took different flights, and younger delegates still had time for a half-day tour of Copenhagen, while Secretary General Huang Chin-ying and principal investigators were headed to the airport first. After the thoughtful reminding and duty assignment of Secretary General Huang Chin-ying, we separated there. The energetic delegates visited the Denmark Harbor, Royal Palace, little mermaid statue, fountain and various squares, and even the world's first amusement park. After happily taking a picture with the statue of Hans Christian Andersen, they all started on the way home, though sad.

Resized Image  經過漫長的飛行與轉機,由團長為首的部分團員率先抵達桃園中正機場。林俊興董事長等人早已在機場等候多時,迎接考察團員的凱旋歸來。求好心切的林俊興董事長特別在機場闢室召開心得分享會議,除了再次表達感謝考察團員的辛勞與付出外,也順道了解考察團員帶回來的第一手資訊。
  After the long flight and transit, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying and some delegates arrived at Taoyuan International Airport first. President Lin Chun-shin and others had been there waiting for the return of the delegation. A perfectionist, President Lin Chun-shin immediately held a sharing meeting with them at the airport. Besides expressing his gratitude for the efforts and devotions of delegates, President Lin Chun-shin wanted to get the first-hand information of the trip.

Resized Image  接著由團員們依序發表此行之收穫與感想。首先,江哲銘教授在稱許9月22日國際交流晚宴與9月25日專題演講成功之餘,也不忘提醒祐生必須為在東京舉辦之SB2005預做準備以及SB雜誌是一很好的交流平台;喻肇青副教授建議祐生可設置一個英文網站,並請求政府方面的配合;蘇慶華教授闡析此次國際研討會內容多偏向政策與評估指標,但仍欠缺如祐生一般有全方位整合的研究團隊;呂麗絲小姐除了轉達國外團隊對祐生之諸多褒獎外,也提出研討會的內涵隱含永續建築政策、技術與教育的挑戰。
  Then, delegates shared their gains and opinions from the trip one after another. First, beside approving the success of the international exchange banquet on September 22 and the keynote speech on September 25, Professor Chiang Che-ming reminded us to get prepared for the SB2005 Tokyo and that SB Magazine was an excellent exchange platform. Associate Professor Yu Chao-ching recommended that we set up an English website and requested government cooperation. Professor Su Ching-hua explained that policy and assessment indicator were the foci of the SB2002 Oslo, and it lacked an integrated research team like us. In addition to reporting the commendations from overseas teams, Miss Wu Lu Lee-shih pointed that the challenges in SB policies, technologies and education were hidden behind the seminar.

  Professor Su Huey-jen concluded the reasons why the Spanish team won the award: the whole country was courageous and determined and turned nothing into something. This was what impressed the jury. Mr. Li Yen-yi expressed his view on the opinions of foreign architects. Professor Lin Ching-yuan expressed that bricks, stones and wood were the main recyclable materials; and the idea of wood as an environmental adjustment material. Out of emotions, Mr. Chen Tai-an claimed that the SB system was introduced from the Western point of view, and recommended that sustainable development should correspond to regional characteristics, such as climate, typhoon pattern, and social differences. Mr. Chou Po-cheng pointed out that the ARF was quite outstanding in the area of building cycle, but it has been well recognized by foreign countries which would put it to practice, i.e. inhabiting in experimental buildings. Mr. Tsai Kun-hsien indicated that the differences between the temperate and tropical areas were not considered in SB proposed by foreign countries, such as public health and infectious diseases. Mr. Lin Fang-ming suggested that besides policies and education, sustainability should be combined with business, and it would be faster in the presence of promotion. Professor Kuo Chao-lee mentioned many examples concerning the reuse of old buildings overseas, and suggested that we may introduce a historical building reuse project at SB2005. Professor Lee Horng-mo directly pointed out that SB cases contained the biodiversity, kitchen waste compost and dry toilet concepts, and SB should be operated by the concerted effort of government and non-government organizations. Professor Chung Kee-chiang pointed out that more and more people with true engineering background were joining the SB area, and greater efforts were needed to establish the SB assessment indicators. Mr. Liu Ding-chyu maintained that the ARF not only needs to face the pressure from Communist China, but also the pressure from international organizations in which it participates in. Miss Li Chun-ju proposed that SB should include network connection, technical orientation, and case study. Mr. Chung Sung-chin suggested that the sustainability concept should be spread to all parts of Taiwan, instead of indoor discussions. Mr. Wang Wen-an pointed out that there was a large increase in SB cases, and we should learn from the expansion efficiency of Norway. Mr. Gao Chuan-chi suggested that we could promote SB with the power of others; i.e. we may start from small villages, because we may not feel human interactions from the society and community. Then, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying approved the hard work and devotion of everybody again and felt very happy to discover that the level of the ARF team was much higher than the team from other countries from this trip where we understood the strength of ourselves and others. She also praised the potentials of ARF members. In either international etiquette or English conversion, they did well and appropriately. This has brought a good start to ARF's internationalization. The mission of this trip was accomplished smoothly.

  最後林俊興董事長也做出結論:「有關 GB 的基礎研究已趨向成熟,但因找不到出路,而開始走向 SB 這一路徑。然而,因為對 "S" 沒有概念,所以變成各說各話的局面,這其中的關鍵就在於缺少共生化。以往所有的人類文明就是不斷地向大自然需索,因而形成不斷擴張的結果。欲使擴張收斂,甚至趨向收縮,就必須採取共生化,否則無法成功。」
  Lastly, President Lin Chun-shin drew the conclusions, "Though the basic GB research is mature, we started with SB because we haven't found the way out. However, as they have no idea about "S" , it turns out to be different people have a different story, and they do not realize that symbiosis is the key. Human civilizations used to take from nature, and incessant expansion was the consequence. If we want to control and even reduce expansion, we must practice symbiosis; otherwise, we'll fail."

Resized Image  會議結束,林俊興董事長與黃晉英秘書長一一目送團員離去,接著繼續留在機場迎接其他團員的歸來。在他們的左顧右盼之下,團員們終於在接近子夜時分安抵國門,平安且順利地完成本次考察之旅。
  After the meeting was adjourned, President Lin Chun-shin and Secretary General Huang Chin-ying saw them off. Then, they continued to wait for other delegates at the airport. After a long expectation, other delegates returned to Taiwan at midnight, and the investigation trip ended smoothly.

  Though the SB2002 Oslo was the first international event in which ARF participated, it successfully stood firm on the international stage, broadened its international view, and impressed foreign scholars. The results were fruitful. However, instead of being self-content, we shall continue to verify the feasibility of the Symbiosphere 1 Center with all our might and share our achievements with the world for the sustainability of mankind.
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