Sketch of Public Policy Communion, November 2018
2018年11月份國政聯誼會縮影 ![]() 本會已於2018年11月11日台北喜來登大飯店地下二樓壽廳舉行「祐生國政聯誼會」。在主持人黃晉英秘書長宣布後揭開當日活動序幕,在輕鬆、活潑的節目過後,隨即由主持人帶來重要訊息:「近來全球重大事件頻仍,諸如羅馬下冰雹、威尼斯遭洪水侵襲、中美貿易大戰及美國期中選舉等,情勢動盪不安。因此,基金會長期培養祐生成員,其目的就是希望大家能適時為國家社會貢獻一已之力,也請各位做好準備。另外,外在環境變化導致社會各層面變動,許多法令也隨之修正,期能因應時勢,遏止弊端產生。最後,分享近期發表的演講所提及的標語 "FORTUNE",也就是「Face the problem、On time、Risking you can afford first、Thank you、Under my management will definitely get better、Name is signed, you need to keep your promise、Early bird gets the worm」,期望大家能落實在行事準則中,與大家共勉之。」 The November Archilife Public Policy Communion of 2018 was held on November 11, 2018. After a series of relaxing and fun activities, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying made the following announcement, "Recently, there are many incidents happening around the world, causing turbulent situations, such as the hail fall on Rome, Venice being flooded, the trade war between China and USA, the mid-term election in USA and others. Therefore, the Archlife Foundation has trained its members for a long time with the purpose of expecting everyone to contribute their effort to this country and society when needed. We also ask everyone to be prepared. In addition, external environmental changes will result in social changes and law amendments accordingly. I expect everyone to cope with the time and circumstances accordingly to prevent malpractices. Finally, I would like to share the slogan of "FORTUNE", representing Face the problem、On time、Risking you can afford first、Thank you、Under my management will definitely get better、Name is signed, you need to keep your promise、Early bird gets the worm". I hope everyone can implement it in the guidelines." ![]() Next on the schedule was the keynote speech. First, Mr. Wang Wen-an presented a speech on the "Besides Sustainability: New Actions in Constructing Campus Aesthetics". The speaker first mentioned that in the series of operations under sustainable campuses, the most important issue is to nurture the next generation's ecological knowledge and their understanding of sustainability. Aesthetic education has been emphasized in recent years, enabling children to be educated with aesthetics, helping students to have better personalities. The speaker also mentioned many examples, such as Fuxing Junior High School of Yilan City that has made toilets dancing spaces, Taiwu Elementary School of Taiwu Township, Pingtung County that has linked ancestral spirits with learning, and Micang Elementary School of Bali District, New Taipei City that embraces old trees. He expects that with the enhancement of the aesthetic literacy of the next generation, the spiritual civilization of mankind can be improved. ![]() Next, Ms. Su Mei-ju spoke on "How Can Local Knowledge be Remembered: the Case of Yilan in the National Culture Memory Base". The speaker first mentioned that local knowledge can express local unique ways of life and cultural features. Therefore, the Ministry of Culture has promoted the National Culture Memory Base project and the promotion and application of knowledge, enabling them to be constantly accumulated and applied innovatively. The speaker then mentioned the 3D establishment project that included 210 collection items from 11 public and private galleries carried out by Lanyang Museum on 2018 that has become an important route for distant cultural research. The speaker then mentioned the Yilan Space 30 Project and listed the represented landscape cases of Yilan for the past 30 years as the foundation of related researches. ![]() Next, Mr. Yao Wei-cheng spoke on "Prospect of Genetic Technology and Medical Big Data under Climate Change". The speaker first mentioned that when taking parallel medical treatments under similar symptoms, examination results and similar diseases, there are still different effects. It may be due not by adhering to prescriptions, cross medical effects, probability (luck), or physical condition (genetic) factors. The development of precise medicine is to conduct a cross analysis with medical records, biological and medical examinations with personal information such as family history, race and physical genetic database to select the best treatment for patients. The difficulties of big data are on its comprehensiveness, right of privacy and talents that can develop big data. She also expected that through the integrated application of medical big data, doctors can make the most appropriate treatment for their patients. ![]() After the speech, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying presented a gift to the speakers on behalf of the foundation. Then, attendees expressed and exchanged their opinions and views during the piggy hour. The November Archilife Public Policy Communion ended smoothly. |