Winter Living Experience Camp 2016
Author: webmaster Published:2016-02-17 Read: 974 reads

Resized Image  2016寒假生活體驗營於1月25日至1月29日舉行,為期五天四夜,共計9位見習生參與。本次活動以在地人文及社區發展與貨幣知識為營隊主軸進行。在人文與社區發展方面,特別邀請雙溪資深導覽老師-莊豪雄先生帶領,從踏出雙溪火車站開始,沿途介紹當地商行、街道人文發展與花草、動物、河流、候鳥生態等。礁溪則在呂明澐小姐的帶領下,於遊客中心了解人文發展與認識礁溪地名由來,並體驗溫泉區足湯泡腳的樂趣。
  The 2016 Winter Living Experience Camp was held from January 25 to 29 for five days four nights with the participation of 9 interns. The Camp was organized around the themes – local culture and community development, and knowledge of money. For local culture and community development, Mr. Chuang Hao-hsiung, an experienced tour guide for Shuangxi, was especially invited to guide the interns. Starting from the Shuangxi train station, he gave a detailed description of stores, cultural development in the streets, and ecology of flora, fauna, rivers and migratory birds along the way. To learn about local culture and community development, the interns also went to Jiaoxi under the guidance of Ms. Lu Ming-yun. The interns learned about cultural development and the origin of the name "Jiaoxi" at the tourist center, and had fun soaking their feet in the hot spring area.

Resized Image  在貨幣知識方面,特別邀請九果文創-陳柏凌講師講授「貝積如山」課程,透過動畫與不斷複誦重點關鍵字的方式,讓見習生於課堂即能背出理財工具,亦讓見習生回想生活中何者為「想要」、何者為「需要」,來傳遞正確金錢觀念,並分別透過團隊所設計的教具來讓見習生動手操作,寓教於樂。生活方面包含由呂明澐小姐的「及食行樂」課程,透過簡單的食材處理,帶領見習生蒸出美味蘿蔔糕;在「驚天動地」中,蔡孟傑先生透過地震波儀器與小遊戲,教導大家認識地震走向與震波;林得恩先生帶來「氣象萬千」,介紹生活中的天氣現象,並實際於戶外進行雲朵觀測;林彣鴻先生所帶來的「大展鴻圖」,則是透過優質照片來介紹攝影構圖並讓見習生實際拍攝;最後,由劉定衢先生所帶來的「資資不倦」,則透過大專資訊安全得獎影片來教導見習生如何預防網路詐騙的行為,以保護自身安全。
  Mr. Chen Po-ling, a lecturer from The Nine Fruits Cultural and Creative organization, was invited to teach the interns about money. Through animation and reiteration of keywords, interns were able to memorize the tools of financial management. To convey the correct concept of financial management, interns were told to think about what are the "wants" and "needs" in their life. The interns also had fun learning through games designed by the organization. For the Camp's everyday applications, Ms. Lu Ming-yun taught the interns how to steam delicious radish cake by using simple ingredients; Mr. Tsai Meng-chieh taught the interns about strike direction and seismic waves by using a seismometer and mini game; Mr. Lin De-en gave an introduction of weather phenomena in everyday living and taught the interns how to observe clouds outdoors; Mr. Lin Wen-hung talked about photo composition by using high-quality photographs and allowed the interns to participate in actual photo-taking; and finally, Mr. Liu Ding-chyu taught the interns about preventing cyber fraud and protecting their own safety through an award-winning film on information security.

Resized Image  課程間的空檔亦由隊輔帶領進行團體活動,每日亦準備好玩又有趣的早操;而在第二天及第四天晚上,見習生皆參與「蟲洞讀書會」,透過網路視訊連線,見習生彷彿置身於現場,聆聽報告人為大家介紹的書籍。在活動最後一天,小隊輔們針對各見習生學習測驗單的評量分數,以及課堂作業、房務整潔進行觀察評分,最後選出三位得分最高的見習生,進行表揚並頒發獎品以資鼓勵,並依序頒贈紀念品予各見習生們,期望他們能在本次體驗營留下寶貴的知識與美好的回憶。最後,在眾人互相珍重道別後,依依不捨地結束本次的寒假生活體驗營活動,並期待下回的生活體驗營再相見。
  A series of group activities was also organized during the breaks between courses. There were fun and interesting exercises every morning. On the second and fourth evening, interns participated in the "Wormhole Bookish Assembly". Through videoconferencing, the interns felt as if they were present at the assembly venue and everyone listened to the book reports attentively. On the last day of the activity, the counselors graded each intern based on their test scores, class assignments and tidiness of their rooms. Finally, three interns with the highest scores were awarded prizes as encouragement and acknowledgement of their performance, and the other interns also received souvenirs. It is hoped that they will bring home valuable knowledge and wonderful memories of the Camp. Finally, everyone bid farewell to each other and was looking forward to the next Camp.
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