Sponsorship of the IT/Software Community in Taiwan
Author: webmaster Published:2015-09-18 Read: 1036 reads

Resized Image  本會致力於全方位人才培養,在過去除了發放獎助建築、生態、資訊社會等相關主題之碩士論文獎學金外,自2011年起,本會開始進一步關注台灣的資訊領域與遊戲開發社群,贊助開放源碼相關之大型會議,及鼓勵國內團隊參與獨立遊戲相關之國際競賽,並協助國內其他單位舉辦活動。希望藉著這樣的過程,能對國內社群直接產生幫助,鼓勵相關領域的發展。

  Archilife Research Foundation(ARF)has been dedicated to omni-directional education. Beside the master degree scholarship programs for architecture, ecology and information society related topics, it focused on the information technology community in Taiwan starting from 2011, and has been sponsoring significant open source conferences, offering scholarships for teams to go to indie game competitions, and co-organizing related events with other parties. It is in the hope that through this process, ARF can contribute to the domestic community directly, encouraging the development and creativity in the related fields.

Resized Image  在過去一年中,本會贊助「學生計算機年會SITCON」、「台灣開源人年會COSCUP」等國內具代表性之開放源碼社群大會,同時也贊助了:1組入圍者前往美國IndieCade、1組入圍者前往日本東京電玩展,及得獎與入圍各1組前往中國GDC China,總共4組的台灣遊戲創作者赴海外相關競賽盛會,頗有斬獲,也期許台灣的開發者在未來也能再創佳績。

  In the past year, ARF sponsored key events in the Open Source community, such as "Students' Information Technology Conference" and "Conference for Open Source Coders, Users and Promoters", and also supported 4 teams to attend overseas game developer competitions and conferences, including 1 team to IndieCade as a finalist, 1 team to Tokyo Game Show as a finalist, and 2 teams to GDC China as an award winner and a finalist respectively. It was overall an outstanding achievement for the community this year, and we look forward to the successes of the developers from Taiwan in the future.
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