Sketch of Archilife Study Tour, May 2015
Author: webmaster Published:2015-06-22 Read: 2829 reads

Resized Image  5月份見識之旅活動,於2015年5月30日由呂明澐小姐帶領10位祐生見習生及其家長們,進行岡山螺絲王國暨仁德木製手創之旅。出發當日天氣晴朗,所有人員準時集合並出發。活動開始之初,領隊呂明澐小姐提醒本次活動注意事項及觀察重點,先行建立見習生的背景知識。
  On May 30, 2015, Ms Lu Ming-yun led 10 ARF interns and their parents on a tour to Gangshan, the center of fastener manufacturing in Taiwan, and Rende, a district rich with the history of wood crafting. It was sunny on the day of tour, and the interns and their parents were on time for the departure. At the start of the day's activities, team leader Ms. Lu Ming-yun reminded everyone about things to note and what to observe, and gave the interns some background knowledge.

Resized Image  上午行程首先來到台灣螺絲博物館,此館為國內首座以螺絲品展示的博物館,將作為螺絲產業研發、展示、教學的基地。台灣百分之七十的螺絲產業集中於岡山區,產量更占全世界的百分之十六,在國際市場上精密螺絲生產中占有舉足輕重的地位。行程一開始導覽人員即帶領眾人認識岡山螺絲產業的運作分工模式,接著進入螺絲製造機器展示區,館內機器皆由合作廠商將汰舊之生產機器贈與,針對不同的機器,導覽人員仔細地一一解說每種機器所能產出的螺絲形狀及功能,透過不同的壓痕與螺紋,於生活上所應用之處亦不盡相同。除此之外,館內亦與科技大學合作,讓學生的創意有被看見的契機,除了提供空間展示歷年優秀設計作品,館內商店亦提供平台讓作品有機會被銷售,參訪過程導覽人員有問必答,並以簡單易懂的方式講解,讓眾人留下深刻印象。
  The morning's itinerary brought everyone to the Taiwan Fastener Museum. The museum, which is the first of its kind in Taiwan, is slated to be the base for fastener-related industrial R&D, exhibition and teaching. Up to 70% of Taiwan's fastener industry is located in the Gangshan District, which produces 16% of the world's fasteners, making it a significant presence in the international market. The tour began with an introduction to the operation and division of labor in the fastener industry, followed by a visit to the exhibition area for fastener manufacturing machines. All machines in the museum are discarded machines donated by suppliers. The tour guide carefully explained the different shapes produced by each type of machine and their respective functions. Different indentations and thread patterns give the fasteners different applications in everyday living. Furthermore, the museum also collaborates with technological universities to give students opportunities to showcase their creativity. Besides exhibiting outstanding designs, the museum also provides a platform for their works to be sold. During the entire tour, the guide left a deep impression in everyone by answering all questions and explaining in a manner that was easy to understand.

Resized Image  享用豐盛的午餐過後,下午大家乘車來到位於仁德區的虹泰水凝膠世界,水凝膠被廣泛於利用生活當中,舉凡我們所吃的食物、生活中使用的除濕用品,甚至於醫療器材與醫美保養等皆能見到水凝膠的蹤跡。導覽人員首先透過館內播放的影片,先行建立眾人對水凝膠的初步概念,接著透過館內陳設的道具,以實際的實驗來讓眾人了解水凝膠的成分及化學反應,隨後於館內進行水凝膠芳香凍DIY體驗,透過簡單的化學反應,眾人皆順利完成製作。隨後,眾人乘車前往鄰近之家具產業生態博物館,導覽人員首先帶領大家前往該館的魯班學堂參觀,感受木工製品所須花費的心力,接著透過影片了解其悠久的家具製造歷史,並於展示館內,介紹許多價值不菲且歷史悠久的骨董家具,透過導覽人員詳盡的介紹,讓眾人對骨董家具及歷史上不同的身分位階使用不同雕刻,有了深刻的認識。至此,本日活動已近尾聲,大家一起合照留念後返回台北,並期待於下次見識之旅再相見。
  After a sumptuous lunch, everyone took a bus ride to Home Tech Hydrogel Tourism Factory. Hydrogel is widely used in everyday living, from the food we eat, dehumidifying products we use to medical devices and medical skincare products. The tour guide first introduced a preliminary concept of hydrogel through a video presentation, and then allowed everyone to understand the composition and chemical reactions of hydrogel through hands-on experience. Next, everyone took the bus to the nearby Furniture Manufacturing Eco Museum. The tour started with a visit to the museum's woodwork school to appreciate the effort required in wood-crafting. Everyone also watched a video to find out the long history of furniture making and saw many pieces of valuable antique furniture in the exhibition area. Through the tour guide's in-depth explanation, everyone gained a deeper understanding of antique furniture and the different carvings used for different social statuses in history. At this point, the day's itinerary came to an end. Everyone boarded the bus to Taipei after taking a group photo and looked forward to the next study tour.
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