2014 Winter Living Experience Camp
Author: webmaster Published:2014-02-24 Read: 1227 reads

Resized Image  2014寒假生活體驗營於1月20日至1月24日舉行,為期五天四夜,共計14位見習生參與。本次活動以數位應用及生活知識為兩大主軸進行。在數位應用軸方面,特別邀請資訊管理執守者薛仲翔先生主講一系列資訊課程-「機不可失」中透過拆解電腦主機的相關零件解說,引導見習生明瞭電腦的內部構造與特性,隨後進行Raspberry Pi相關操作,展示如何透過晶片組成一台小電腦;「式式順心(一)、(二)」則為本次體驗營的重頭戲,講師首先複習Scratch程式操作方法,隨後透過Arduino晶片與電子元件結合,例如利用LED燈泡的閃爍來做為遊戲的狀態顯示;最後的「決勝之機」課程,則讓各組見習生進行成果發表,發揮創意與巧思,將課堂中所學透過Scratch軟體寫入Arduino晶片執行,設計出簡單又好玩的小遊戲。
  The 2014 Winter Living Experience Camp was held from January 20 to 24 for five days four nights with the participation of 14 interns. The Camp was organized around the two main themes – digital applications and everyday knowledge. Mr. Hsueh Chung-hsiang, keeper of IT management knowledge, was especially invited to conduct a series of IT courses. In one course, he taught interns the interior structure and features of a computer by taking apart components of the computer mainframe, and then proceeded to demonstrate the assembly of a computer using Raspberry Pi. The highlight of his teaching was the use of Arduino platform, electronic parts and Scratch program to create things, e.g. flashing LED lights that indicate game status. At the end of his teaching, each team of interns presented simple and fun games they have designed using Arduino chip and Scratch software.

Resized Image  在生活知識軸方面,包含由蔡函潔小姐所主講的「知己知彼」課程,透過肢體語言及談話觀察,讓見習生學習與他人相處時如何透過對方的表情來推論當下的心情;在「食指大動」中,呂明澐小姐教導大家廚房安全及如何製做簡單美味的早餐;由張顥嚴先生主講之「土生土長」課程,見習生以手觸摸、耳朵聽、鼻子聞的方式,詳細記錄歸納出優良土壤所該具備的條件及特質;林怡萱小姐帶來「巧奪天勾」,介紹如何利用手邊現有的工具DIY,動手織出一條溫暖的圍巾,陪伴大家度過寒冷的冬天;「心裡有數」中,黃智揚先生利用因數與倍數的觀念,藉由撲克牌稍加運算與變化,變出各種不可思議的數學小魔術;最後,由許浩文先生所主講的「周而復屎」則是利用流程圖方式介紹共生圈的排泄循環系統,並帶領見習生於地下一樓進行集中處理器與傳統化糞槽之觀察比較。
  In the department of everyday knowledge, Ms. Tsai Han-chieh talked about the observation of body language and conversation, teaching interns to deduce others' feelings from their expressions. Ms. Lu Ming-yun taught everyone about kitchen safety and how to make a simple and delicious breakfast. Mr. Chang Hao-yen had the interns carefully record all the conditions and properties of good soil by making use of their sense of touch, hearing and smell. Ms. Lin Yi-hsuan demonstrated how to weave a warm scarf by using the tools at hand. Mr. Huang Chih-yang performed various incredible mathematical magic tricks with poker cards using the concept of factors and multiples. Finally, Mr. Hsu Hao-wen introduced the sewage recycling system of the Symbiosphere using flowcharts and brought interns to the basement to observe and compare the differences between the Symbiosphere's central processing system and a traditional septic tank.

Resized Image  課程間的空檔亦由隊輔帶領進行團體活動,每日亦準備好玩又有趣的早操;而在第二天及第四天晚上,見習生皆參與「蟲洞讀書會」,此次不僅有現場報告的執守者,亦透過網路視訊連線,讓見習生能更有臨場感,認真聆聽報告人為大家介紹的書籍。在活動最後一天,小隊輔們針對各見習生學習測驗單的評量分數,以及課堂作業、房務整潔進行觀察評分,最後選出三位得分最高的見習生,進行表揚並頒發獎品以資鼓勵,並依序頒贈紀念品予各見習生們,期望他們能在本次體驗營留下寶貴的知識與美好的回憶。最後,在眾人互相珍重道別後,依依不捨地結束本次的寒假生活體驗營活動,並期待下回的生活體驗營再相見。
  A series of group activities was also organized during the breaks between courses. There were fun and interesting exercises every morning. On the second and fourth evening, interns participated in the "Wormhole Bookish Assembly". Not only were there live reports by knowledge keepers, the interns also listened to book reports through videoconferencing. On the last day of the activity, the counselors graded each intern based on their test scores, class assignments and tidiness of their rooms. Finally, three interns with the highest scores were awarded prizes as encouragement and acknowledgement of their performance, and the other interns also received souvenirs. It is hoped that they will bring home valuable knowledge and wonderful memories of the Camp. Finally, everyone bid farewell to each other and looking forward to the next Camp.
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