Archilife Research Foundation Convention 2020
祐生研究基金會2020年會 ![]() 本會於2020年8月29日假台北士林萬麗酒店二樓宴會廳舉行「祐生研究基金會2020年會」。嘉賓們陸續簽到後,藉著會前聯誼時間,在熱絡的氣氛中交流互動。隨即由主持人黃晉英秘書長宣布開會,正式揭開當日活動序幕。在來賓介紹及帶領歌唱、慶生等節目後,隨即由黃晉英秘書長表示,新型冠狀病毒疫情在全球持續蔓延,改變了人類行為模態,數位化也在這波疫情扮演重要角色,從另一角度思索,人類是否應與此病毒共生共存。另外,祐生長期進行氣候異變相關研討,持續推展數位共生的新文明理念,希望祐生成員們能在各自的崗位上堅持做對的事情。在全球動盪不安的時刻,人類的生存需要大家共同努力,期望大家以祐生為標竿繼續往前進,讓台灣有不一樣的未來。接著由指導教授蘇慶華先生致辭,表示祐生人要超前思考,方能搶得先機。在疫情期間也持續與林俊興董事長及黃晉英秘書長緊密聯繫,若以廣義來看,或許有與病毒共生的可能性,而今能做的唯有持續向前邁進。 ![]() 致辭結束,即放映本會2019年度業務執行報告短片,將本會一年以來的各項活動做一精要呈現。接著,放映2020祐生線上博覽會作品,充分呈現出祐生成員們對於「護祐生命」觀點的實踐。黃晉英秘書長也逐一致贈精美禮品予每位參與的成員。緊接著由黃晉英秘書長傳達林俊興董事長之年度宣告:「氣候異變八成進入最壞狀況,大家要特別關注此議題,同時,勿被媒體粉飾太平所迷惑。」本次也是林俊興董事長對於氣候異變議題最終宣告,提醒大家要能看透真相,勿迷失方向。 ![]() After the address, a video annual report for 2019 was played, which presented the activities in the past year. From the multimedia show and Secretary General Huang Chin-ying's introduction, all the participants came to know the activities sponsored by Archilife in the past year a little better. Then, the Archilife Online Exhibition 2020 followed suit to present how Archilife members realized the foundation's motto: benefit life. Secretary General Huang Chin-ying also gave exquisite gifts to each participating member. Immediately afterwards, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying conveyed the annual announcement of President Lin Chun-shin: "More likely than not, climate change is in the worst situation. Everyone should pay close attention to the issue. In the meantime, do not be misled by false appearance presented by the media." This is the final announcement of President Lin Chun-shin on the issue of climate change. Everyone is reminded to see the truth, don't lose the way. ![]() After the annual announcement, Mr. Lin Rung-sheng took the floor to give a report on the Future of the New Generation: "Games as a medium for knowledge exploration". He said that Games have existed since ancient times. In nature, games are important behaviors that ensure the survival of a species. Today, games are regarded as a form of art. Games can convey information, serve as a medium of knowledge, and carry diversified contents. Games are also applied in special military training and science education. Creatures inherently learn through games. During the two-way interaction and exploration process, specific knowledge system-based intuitions are established, and the fun of games also enhances motivation in learning. Archilife currently continues to engage in the production of YouTube channel "ToKnow". Looking ahead, games will be used as materials for discussing issues. We look forward to seeing Archilife members taking part in extended discussions together to experience the fun of games and extend knowledge interpretation, as well as the viewpoints on events taking place in the real world. Therefore, this knowledge conveyance and learning channel should be taken seriously and understood while promoting value of games as a medium. 報告結束,隨即由黃晉英秘書長致贈禮品空氣品質檢測儀予「祐生謎‧猜」獲獎者。祐生成員們藉此機會齊聚一堂,熱鬧非凡,在黃晉英秘書長感性地做結語後,2020年會就在與會來賓對祐生各項活動的認同及喝采聲中圓滿結束,期待明年再聚! After the report was finished, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying presented the gifts to winners of the "Archlife Riddle Guessing". Members of Archilife took this opportunity to gather for the annual reunion and enjoy a fun party with each other. After the conclusion made by Secretary General Huang Chin-ying, all members took a group photo together. The Archilife Research Foundation Convention 2020 was successfully closed in recognition of the invited guests on Archilife's efforts and the joyful sounds of cheers, and all participants expected to meet each other next year! ![]() |