Archilife Research Foundation Convention 2020
Author: webmaster Published:2020-09-03 Read: 1196 reads

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  The Archilife Research Foundation Convention 2020 was held at the allroom, 2F, The Renaissance Taipei Shihlin Hotel on August 29, 2020. After the guests checked in one by one, they took the chance to interact with each other in a friendly atmosphere during the pre-conference time. Immediately after, the host, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying, announced the meeting and officially unveiled the event. After a series of relaxing and fun activities, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying said that with the continuous global spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, human behavior has changed. Digitalization also plays a vital role in this wave of pandemic. From another perspective, should humans coexist with this virus? In addition, Archilife has long engaged in climate change related discussions, continuing to promote the concept of a new civilization of digital symbiosis. Archilife members are expected to insist on doing what is right at their respective posts. At this time of global turmoil, it takes concerted efforts to ensure human survival. I hope that everyone will continue to move towards Archilife as the benchmark, so that Taiwan will have a different future. Then, Mr. Su Ching-hua, the guiding professor, delivered an address, he said that Archilife members must think three steps ahead to seize opportunities. During the pandemic, frequent contacts with President Lin Chun-shin and Secretary General Huang Chin-ying were made. From a broad sense, while the possibility of coexisting with the virus is being entertained, the only thing to do now is to continue to move forward.

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  After the address, a video annual report for 2019 was played, which presented the activities in the past year. From the multimedia show and Secretary General Huang Chin-ying's introduction, all the participants came to know the activities sponsored by Archilife in the past year a little better. Then, the Archilife Online Exhibition 2020 followed suit to present how Archilife members realized the foundation's motto: benefit life. Secretary General Huang Chin-ying also gave exquisite gifts to each participating member. Immediately afterwards, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying conveyed the annual announcement of President Lin Chun-shin: "More likely than not, climate change is in the worst situation. Everyone should pay close attention to the issue. In the meantime, do not be misled by false appearance presented by the media." This is the final announcement of President Lin Chun-shin on the issue of climate change. Everyone is reminded to see the truth, don't lose the way.

  After the annual announcement, Mr. Lin Rung-sheng took the floor to give a report on the Future of the New Generation: "Games as a medium for knowledge exploration". He said that Games have existed since ancient times. In nature, games are important behaviors that ensure the survival of a species. Today, games are regarded as a form of art. Games can convey information, serve as a medium of knowledge, and carry diversified contents. Games are also applied in special military training and science education. Creatures inherently learn through games. During the two-way interaction and exploration process, specific knowledge system-based intuitions are established, and the fun of games also enhances motivation in learning. Archilife currently continues to engage in the production of YouTube channel "ToKnow". Looking ahead, games will be used as materials for discussing issues. We look forward to seeing Archilife members taking part in extended discussions together to experience the fun of games and extend knowledge interpretation, as well as the viewpoints on events taking place in the real world. Therefore, this knowledge conveyance and learning channel should be taken seriously and understood while promoting value of games as a medium.

  After the report was finished, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying presented the gifts to winners of the "Archlife Riddle Guessing". Members of Archilife took this opportunity to gather for the annual reunion and enjoy a fun party with each other. After the conclusion made by Secretary General Huang Chin-ying, all members took a group photo together. The Archilife Research Foundation Convention 2020 was successfully closed in recognition of the invited guests on Archilife's efforts and the joyful sounds of cheers, and all participants expected to meet each other next year!
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