Summary of iiSBE AGM & SB13 Graz
Author: webmaster Published:2013-11-16 Read: 8509 reads
iiSBE年度理事會議暨SB13 Graz國際會議考察團紀要

Resized Image  為貫徹祐生國際化的腳步、持續關注全球永續建築領域之相關發展,繼組團參與1998、2000、2002、2005、2008及2011之永續建築(SB)系列國際性會議,2013年9月23日至10月2日由身兼社團法人台灣永續建築環境促進會顧問的黃晉英秘書長擔任團長,率領李彥頤先生、陳泰安先生、鍾政勳先生、高傳棋先生、劉定衢先生、簡永和先生、林怡萱小姐、林建宏先生、林玉茹小姐、李讃虔先生、林彣鴻先生及社團法人台灣永續建築環境促進會會員蕭睿麟先生等13人,前往奧地利格拉茲參加iiSBE年度理事會議及SB13 Graz國際會議。
  To continue Archilife's internationalization and monitor global developments in SB, between September 23 and October 2, 2013, a delegation was sent to attend the iiSBE Annual General Meeting and SB13 Graz International Conference in Graz, Austria. Archilife has previously attended the Sustainable Building (SB) series of international conferences in 1998, 2000, 2002, 2005, 2008 and 2011, and the latest 13-person delegation led by Huang Chin-ying, the Advisor to Taiwan Society of Sustainable Built Environment (TSSBE), consisted of Mr. Li Yen-yi, Mr. Chen Tai-an, Mr. Chung Cheng-hsin, Mr. Gao Chuan-chi, Mr. Liu Ding-chyu, Mr. Chien Yung-ho, Ms. Lin Yi-shuan, Mr. Lin Chien-hung, Ms. Lin Yu-ju, Mr. Lee Tzan-Chain, Mr. Lin Wen-hung and Mr. Hsiao Ruey-lin, a member of the TSSBE.

Resized Image  黃秘書長一行於2013年9月23日22:20搭乘長榮航空BR61班機前往曼谷轉機,於當地時間2013年9月24日08:20抵達奧地利維也納機場,隨即搭車沿著奧地利東部往南前往格拉茲。途中順道參觀鐵城:艾森斯塔特(Eisenstadt)。顧名思義,進到城裡的第一個圓環中間就有著城市象徵的鐵製雕塑,巨大的鐵片螺旋排列,代表著這個城市因生產鐵而興盛的歷史。而周圍環繞著綠色植栽修剪成的音符,也象徵著當地人以作為海頓的同鄉為榮。
  Secretary General Huang and the delegation departed on Eva Air flight BR61 at 22:20 on September 23, 2013 and transferred through Bangkok to reach the Vienna airport in Austria at 08:20 on September 24, 2013. The delegation then immediately traveled south by road towards Graz along Austria's eastern border. On the way, the delegation visited Eisenstadt, the "Iron City".As the name suggests, the first traffic circle upon entering the city featured an iron sculpture that is the symbol of the city. Giant iron plates arranged in a spiral represented the city's rise to prominence due to iron production. The surrounding greenery trimmed into musical notes symbolized the local pride in being the hometown of Haydn.

Resized Image  接著考察團一行參觀老城區及海頓的故居,現場感受讓音樂大師當年創作靈感洋溢的環境。中午用餐的魯斯特地區是布蘭根省的葡萄酒重鎮,除了品嘗當地的風味餐,還品嘗了季節限定,有著白濁酵母低酒精濃度的初酒Sturm。而此處的貴腐葡萄酒(Trockenbeerenauslese)為世界三大貴腐酒之一,而冰酒亦聞名於世,數量稀少,在當地就完售,很少有機會流入國際市場,更顯其珍貴。
  The delegation toured the city's old district and the historic home of Haydn to experience for themselves the environment that the great composer drew inspiration from. Lunch was in Rust, an important winemaking town in the Burgenland. Apart from sampling the local cuisine, the delegation also tasted sturm, a young wine with low alcohol content and yeast in suspension. The area also produces Torckenbeerenauslese, one of the top three noble rot wines in the world. Its ice wine is also world-famous as well. As it is only produced in small quantities and quickly sold-out locally, it's rarely seen in the international market. This makes the wines more precious.
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