Participation in the"BCSD-Taiwan, ROC"
Author: webmaster Published:2013-07-09 Read: 1279 reads

Resized Image  企業永續發展協會成立於1997年5月,會員企業體認追求經濟成長與環境保護兼顧的重要性及國際趨勢,不僅自身積極落實改善環境績效的目標,並支持協會結合企業力量推動環境保護及資源管理之理念與方法,以服膺實踐企業永續發展及提高國人生活品質之宗旨。
  The Taiwan Business Council for Sustainable Development (BCSD-Taiwan), ROC was established in May 1997. Being aware of the importance and the international trend of the balance between economic growth and environmental protection, the member firms of BCSD not only take positive action to achieve the goal of improving environment performance, but also support the Council in uniting the strength of businesses to promote concepts and methods of environmental protection and resource management, so as to fulfill the objectives of achieving sustainable development in businesses and upgrading the life quality of its countrymen.

Resized Image  本著企業永續發展協會所推動之議題能導入本會永續共生理念,復因氣候變遷帶來人類社會必須大幅減碳的壓力,因此綜合了低碳生活、健康社會與環保永續的目標,該協會本年度推廣之主要活動,以用走入社會、帶動全民一起投入參與的方式,邀請全民一同響應 「1起把社區亮起來」,推展健康低碳樂生活;本會以團體會員常年會費新台幣壹拾貳萬元整參與該協會活動,期許該協會為台灣企業繼續努力。
  Believing that the symbiotic belief of Archilife can be implemented to the issues promoted by the Taiwan Business Council for Sustainable Development (BCSD), and that human society must significantly reduce carbon emissions due to climate change, BCSD thus promotes activities integrating low carbon life, healthy society and environmental sustainability to walk into society and encourage all out participation, in order to invite citizens to support the "Together to light up the community" to promote a healthy and low-carbon life. As a member of BCSD, Archilife has been funding that campaign with a membership fee at NT$120,000, hoping to promote the sustainability of Taiwanese enterprises.
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