Summary of iiSBE Meeting, Prague
iiSBE布拉格會議紀要 為貫徹祐生國際化的腳步,並實踐解決人類生存空間問題的宗旨,繼組團參與1998、2000、2002及2005之永續建築(SB)系列國際性會議後,本會於2006年11月7日再度由黃晉英秘書長擔任團長,率領祐生建築研究中心指導教授喻肇青教授、助理馮天蔚先生;祐生環控研究中心指導教授江哲銘教授、助理張桂鳳小姐;祐生生活研究中心指導教授蘇慶華教授、助理鄭瑋寧小姐及團長助理陳秋玉小姐前往捷克布拉格參與由國際永續建築環境促進會(iiSBE)、國際永續建築環境促進會捷克分會( csbs iiSBE CZECH)、CIDEAS及捷克科技大學土木工程學系等聯合主辦之iiSBE年度秋季理事會。 To carry out the pace of internationalization of the Archilife Research Foundation (ARF), and to realize the aim of solving problems in the space for human survival, after forming delegations to participate in the SB meetings in 1998, 2000, 2002 and 2005, the ARF again appointed Secretary General Huang Chin-ying as the delegation leader with Miss Chen Chiu-yu as her assistant to lead a delegation to participate on November 7, 2006 in the autumn meeting held in Prague in the Czech Republic by the International Initiative for Sustainable Built Environment (iiSBE), the CSBS iiSBE Czech, CIDEAS and the Department of Civil Engineering of the Czech Technical University (CTU). Members of the delegation included Advisor Yu Chao-ching and Assistant Feng Tien-wei of the Archilife Architecture Research Center; Advisor Chiang Che-ming and Assistant Chang Kuei-feng of the Archilife Environ-Control Research Center; and Advisor Su Ching-hua and Assistant Cheng Wei-ning of the Archilife Living Research Center. 2006年11月7日下午5點,團員們於祐生蟲洞會合後,在林俊興董事長的陪同下,搭車前往桃園國際機場。途中林俊興董事長重申此行之重點,即參與iiSBE年度理事會,發揮祐生的影響力,進而爭取成為SB08 Melbourne的Keynote Speaker及爭取主辦SB07地區性會議。 After meeting one another at the Archilife Wormhole at 5:00pm, November 7, 2006, the delegation went to the Taoyuan International Airport with the escort of President Lin Chun-shin. President Lin Chun-shin restated the foci of the trip: to participate in the iiSBE annual meeting, to exert the influence of the ARF, and to strive to be the keynote speaker of the SB08 Melbourne and the organization of regional conferences for SB07. 團員們一行於晚間8:20分搭乘華航CI063班機,中途短暫停留阿布達比即轉機維也納,在21個鐘頭後,當地時間11月8日上午10點順利抵達目的地布拉格。在下榻旅館前的空檔,團長黃晉英秘書長特別要求隨團導遊安排布拉格城堡的觀光行程,讓從未造訪過捷克布拉格之團員們一飽「歐洲」最美的城市:布拉格的明媚風光。 Members took Flight CI063 on China Airlines at 8:20pm. After transiting at Abu Dhabi, the flight headed for Vienna. In 21 hours, the delegation arrived successfully at the destination Prague at 10:00, November 8, local time. Before checking in to the hotel, leader Secretary General Huang Chin-ying specially asked the tour guide to arrange a tour to the Prague Castle in order to let members who had never been to Prague enjoy the most beautiful "European"city and the gorgeous scenery of Prague. |
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