Archilife Investingating Mission for SB05Tokyo (3) (Part: 3)
Published:2005-09-24 Read: 7146 reads Download speech file(PDF) 37.89 KB

Resized Image  藉此次SB05Tokyo的國際會議,將過去3年所得到的一些經驗與大家分享,期盼可以提供大家一個新思維的起點,參照各位所處的環境以及現時的條件,提出屬於你們的永續建築。今天將介紹4種實用的工具,協助各位利用屬於你們自己所處環境內可以支持的共生化(Symbiosis),並且參照先進國家的綠建築(GB),完成你們國家的永續建築(SB)。為了協助你們想像與理解,我將以過去我們在台灣3年實驗的經驗,簡單地先做概略的描述,以便各位可以循此理論去思索永續建築對應的模式。永續建築其實就是綠建築再加入共生的概念,也就是師法自然與自然共生,在東方的古老的哲學思想中,最崇尚自然的莫過於道家思想,我們若以實體與虛體來比喻共生建築(實體)與共生生活(虛體),兩者共同之特點在於皆須對應物理環境條件,虛和實要能完美和諧的搭配。就綠建築而言,本身應採取最有效率的構造體,在構造體的四週架設植栽塔,形成一個綠色帷幕。依據日光作息的生活模式,應用共生化的理論,使生活所需可以循環使用,利用陽光達到自給自足的生活模式,並藉由數位化完成精神創發,達到心理的幸福感。這樣的新生活方式要有四個單位來操作循環運作,它包括植栽塔、核酸餐、潔淨及堆肥四個部分。在有陽光照射的建築物牆面外建構可迴轉的植栽塔,以便省力地生產新鮮蔬菜,原則上以原生種為主,其間可混種一般栽培種,以減少蟲害。當蔬菜生長茂密時,就提供了一個綠色帷幕,使空氣產生冷降,除減少日照外,也可以減輕空調負荷,有了大量的新鮮蔬菜加上一些優良蛋白質-細胞核多的肉類,如魚肉,就是最好的核酸餐食譜,可以提供健康的飲食。在生活中使用的廢棄物、水,經潔淨後,進入再循環系統,包括乾式馬桶、廢水處理等,為安全起見,乾式馬桶之堆肥需經二次堆肥或消毒後再與土壤混合提供養分,同時處理過的廢水也回到植栽塔,如此循環系統就完成封閉成為共生的循環。
  Taking the opportunity of the SB05Tokyo, we wish to share with you some experiences we have accumulated over the past 3 years in order to introduce you to a new way of thinking and so to propose your own sustainable building according to the environment and current conditions of your countries. Today, we are going to present 4 practical tools that can help you to support symbiosis within your environment and to complete the SB of your countries according to the GB in advanced countries. To make it easier for you to imagine and understand, we will make a brief description of our practice in Taiwan over the past 3 years, so that you can follow our experience to develop the SB pattern corresponding to your countries. SB is in fact a concept combining GB and symbiosis, that is to say, it is to model nature and natural symbiosis. The Taoism is the school which advocates nature most among all different schools of oriental philosophy in the ancient time. If we compare symbiotic buildings (physical) and symbiotic lifestyles (virtual) with physicality and virtuality, we can see that response to the physical environment is the common feature in both cases. That is, something virtual must perfectly and harmoniously match with something physical. From the viewpoint of GB, the most efficient structure must be adopted by erecting vertical planting systems around the structure to form a green walling. Based on the life pattern of working in daytime and resting at night and by applying the theory of symbiosis, we can recycle daily necessities and accomplish a self-sufficient life pattern with sunlight. Also, we can use digitization to fulfill our spiritual creation in order to obtain the sense of happiness. It needs 4 components to operate and circulate such a lifestyle, including the vertical planting system, the nucleic acid diet, cleaning, and compost. Revolving vertical planting systems can be built outside walls with direct sunlight to grow fresh vegetable with lesser efforts. Basically, native species is preferable; and other plants can be grown to for pest control. When vegetable grows well, it becomes a green walling to cool down the air temperature. Besides reducing sun radiation, it can lower the workload of air-conditioners. With these vegetables and with some meat containing quality protein and more nuclei, such as fish, they are the best nucleic acid ingredients for healthy diets. After cleaning, wastes and wastewater in everyday lives can be put in the circulation system, including dry toilet and wastewater treatment. For the reason of safety, compost from the dry toilet must undergo secondary composting or disinfection before mixing with soil for nutrition. Likewise, wastewater after treatment will be used in the vertical planting system. In this way, the circulation system will become a closed symbiotic circulation.
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