Archilife Delegation for SB2002 International Conference(2)
Author: webmaster Published:2002-09-28 Read: 5899 reads

Resized Image  接著,則由Prof. Kazuo Iwamura、Prof. William Lim及Prof. Wan Ki Chow 進行演講。隨後由本會研究案主持人闡述各該領域的研究內涵,郭肇立教授演講「Bunun Dwelling : A Study on the Tectonic Culture of the Aborigines in Taiwan」、喻肇青教授演講「The Application of a Full-Scale Experimental Model in the Climate Chamber in Taiwan」、江哲銘教授演講「New Climate-Oriented Designing and Controlling Stratery for Sustainable Building in Subtropical Region」、蘇慶華教授演講「Integration of a Symbiotic Living Construction - A High Efficient Recycling System」。
  Then, Professor Kazuo Iwamura, Professor William Lim, and Professor Wan Ki Chow gave their speeches. After their speeches, principal investigators of ARF research projects presented the contents of their projects. Professor Kuo Chao-lee presented "Bunun Dwelling: A Study on the Tectonic Culture of the Aborigines in Taiwan", Professor Yu Chao-ching presented "The Application of a Full-scale Experimental Model in the Climate Chamber in Taiwan", Professor Chiang Che-ming presented "New Climate-Oriented Designing and Controlling Strategy for Sustainable Building in Subtropical Region", and Professor Su Ching-hua presented "Integration of a Symbiotic Living Construction: A High Efficient Recycling System".

Resized Image  最後,黃晉英秘書長也以主席的身分總結本會針對永續建築議題所提出之解決方案 : " GB + Symbiosis = SB " 。這場祐生在國際場合進行演說的處女作,現場反應熱烈, 座無虛席,充分顯示與會者對亞熱帶永續建築議題的興趣。
  Lastly, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying concluded the keynote speech as the chairperson of the session by introducing our solution for sustainable building: " GB + Symbiosis = SB " . This premier showing of ARF attracted heated feedback, and all seats were occupied. This suggests that attendees were interested in issues concerning sustainable buildings in the subtropics.

Resized Image  為答謝演講者之辛勞與付出,黃晉英秘書長細心選定在奧斯陸市具百年歷史的餐廳舉行慶功宴,讓大家聚在一起分享、交換彼此的心得與感想。而遠在地球另一端的林俊興董事長也在此刻來電,除了表達關心,也對所有演講者的精湛表現表達他的祝賀以及慰勞之意,在一陣舉杯慶祝的歡笑聲中,也為此次的演說活動畫下完美的句點。
  Secretary General Huang Chin-ying carefully chose a 100-year-old restaurant in Oslo to hold the celebration party to show her gratitude for the toil and devotion of speakers and to let delegates share their experience and opinions. President Lin Chun-shin also called from the other side of the world to express his concern and appreciation for the wonderful performance and efforts of all speakers. The keynote speech finally ended smoothly in the joyous celebration party.

Resized Image  下午登場的閉幕式,由大會總結數天來的研討成果,宣布此次大會七項重要結論並頒發獎項,本屆永續建築國際會議在如雷的掌聲中圓滿落幕,大家相約2005年東京再見,也期盼屆時在永續議題上會出現更新的進展與突破。
  At the closing ceremony held in the afternoon, the organizer concluded the results of the SB2002 Oslo, announced seven major conclusions, and presented prizes to the winners. The SB2002 Oslo ended smoothly with the applause of the attendees, and everyone wished to see one another again and that newer progress and breakthroughs on sustainability would be presented at SB2005 Tokyo.

Resized Image  晚間,黃晉英秘書長特別設宴款待年輕的考察團員。晚餐的地點選在燈光美、氣氛佳的挪威式高級迪斯可與鋼琴酒吧。在卸下專題演講的重責大任後,黃晉英秘書長終於拋開嚴肅的備戰精神,露出久違的開朗、親切笑容,席間她分別和團員們話家常,團員們也迫不及待地發表此行的體驗與感受,笑聲此起彼落,氣氛好不熱絡。在連日緊湊的研討會後,團員們總算放下心中的大石頭,準備迎接大會安排的觀摩見識之旅一探索斯堪地那維亞(Explore Scandinavia)
  In the evening, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying treated the young delegates with a feast at a classy Norwegian disco and piano bar with beautiful lighting and an excellent atmosphere. After accomplishing the keynote speech mission, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying finally put away her tension and wore her cheerful and sincere smile that has not been seen for quite a while. She chatted with those young delegates who shared with her their experience and feelings about the trip without hesitation. There was laughter everywhere, and the atmosphere was warm. After the tightly scheduled seminar, delegates finally put away their mental burden and were ready for the Explore Scandinavia, a trip of exploration.

Resized Image  9月26日早上,團員們首先參加大會為來自世界各地參訪人員貼心安排的行前說明會,因為人數眾多,大會還特別安排專車搭載祐生的團員,並隨車安插大會主要籌辦人員Trine為導遊帶領團員們參觀接下來的行程。首先,第一個案例是位於奧斯陸市的Klosterenga Ecology dwellings,這是由一群以共同節能為訴求的有心家庭進駐的小型社區。建築中庭有一個小型花園,中間並設有兒童遊戲區可供嬉戲,花園中藏有無限生機,有白色圓形淨水設備、水生植物區與結實累累的各式植物。庭院中的一切設計皆與節能、能源再使用的概念相連。建物內部的設計更發揮節能到極致,採自然通風、隔熱設計,還有冬天暖氣的來源是地板下輸熱水的水管,以達省能效果。而其中一戶懷抱著小娃的女主人更是熱心地為大家解說自家屋內的各項陳設。從這樣的參訪中,也讓人更進一步地了解到挪威人的生活與一塵不染的生活空間。
  In the morning on September 26, delegates first participated in the pre-trip meeting thoughtfully arranged by the organizer for attendees from different parts of the world. As there were too many people, the organizer arranged a special bus to take ARF delegates. Trine, one of the key planners of SB2002 Oslo, was also assigned as our guide for the trip. First, it was the Klosterenga, a case of ecological dwellings located in Oslo City. It was a small community inhabited by families devoted to saving energy together. In the community, there was a small garden in the center court, and there was a children playground for recreation. There were countless lives in the garden, the white circular water purification facility, aqua plant area and various fruiting plants. Everything in the court was related with energy saving and reuse. The interior design of the buildings was a perfect illustration of saving energy. It included natural ventilation and heat insulation design. Also, the hot water pipes under the floor were the source of heat in winter to save energy. The owner of a unit holding her baby in her hands showed us the layout of her home enthusiastically. From this visit, we could understand better the Norwegian life and their clean living space.
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