Sketch of Public Policy Communion, November 2024
2024年11月份國政聯誼會縮影 本會於2024年11月17日假台北晶華酒店地下三樓晶英會舉行「祐生國政聯誼會」。由主持人黃晉英秘書長宣布後揭開當日活動序幕,在輕鬆、活潑的節目之下,隨即由主持人帶來重要訊息:「11月份美國總統大選結果出爐,川普再度當選,全球地緣政治格局將產生新的變數。綜觀局勢,儘管存在諸多不確定性,對台灣而言,因位處第一島鏈關鍵地緣位置,且在全球晶片供應鏈中,台灣占有一席之地,故無需過度擔憂。而中國內部經濟衰退,中美間的經貿議題在未來也將是關鍵。另外,氣候異變造成的極端氣候災害,對於每個人生命安全影響甚鉅,因此,生活特組也持續針對此議題進行研討,期望為人類指引出新的方向。」 The November Archilife Public Policy Communion of 2024 was held on November 17, 2024. After a series of relaxing and fun activities, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying made the following announcement, "The results of the presidential election in the United States held in November have been disclosed. The re-election of Donald Trump has introduced new variables into the global geopolitical landscape. Given the role Taiwan plays in the global chip supply chain and its location in the first island chain, there is no reasom to be overly concerned despite the numerous uncertainties. Conversely, China's internal economic decline and the economic and trade disputes between China and the United States will also emerge as critical factors. Furthermore, the safety and well-being of all individuals have been significantly impacted by climate change-induced extreme climate hazards. Therefore, the Archilife Living Special Team will continue to engage in discussions regarding this matter to guide humanity in a new direction." 緊接著進行專題演講,由國政委員張宇彤小姐主講「再造歷史現場-西子灣蔣介石行館的修復」。主講人首先說明西子灣蔣介石行館地點位於高雄國立中山大學內,肇建迄今已逾80餘年,歷經時代變遷與使用者變化,外觀及格局已有改變,構件出現老化、損壞與因整修而變更的狀況。因此,西子灣蔣介石行館依照《文化資產保存法》第24條所示原則為基礎,提出修復之目標,修復重點在於恢復其文化資產價值的形貌。主講人以豐富的圖片說明修復過程及最終成果,讓與會來賓了解到舊時風貌與修復完成後的文物風華再現。 Next on the schedule was the keynote speech. First, Ms. Chang Yu-tung presented a speech on the "Reconstructing Historical Sites: The Restoration of Siziwan Guesthouses of Chiang Kai-shek". The speaker began by explaining the Siziwan Guesthouses of Chiang Kai-shek are situated within the National Sun Yat-sen University in Kaohsiung, and that it has been over 80 years since the its construction. The external appearance and layout of these guesthouses have undergone changes as a result of the passage of time and changes in the users. However, the components have exhibited aging, damage, and alterations due to renovations, therefore the restoration objectives have been established using the principles outlined in Article 24 of the Cultural Heritage Preservation Act. The focus of the restoration is on reviving its cultural heritage value. The speaker employed vivid imagery to depict the restoration process and the final results, thereby allowing the guests in attendance to gain a better understanding of the cultural relics' previous appearance and their subsequent grand reemergence. 接著由國政委員林玉茹小姐主講「超高齡社會的健康幸福學」。主講人首先表示未來台灣將面臨的四大困境,包含高齡化、少子化、帶病長壽及慢性病年輕化。即將到來的2025年,65歲以上人口比率將增至20%,進入超高齡社會。人口老化帶來許多衝擊,包含政府的財政壓力、勞動力短缺、消費力降低、醫療照護需求提高等。所以,如何邁向健康幸福的老化是大家共同的目標。主講人也以英國女王伊莉莎白二世為例,其在世96年的歲月,總是充滿活力、快樂的運動,維持健康飲食習慣。仔細研究女王的健康典範,可以知道日常的健康促進有多麼重要。主講人最後以希臘哲人柏拉圖名言:「人不是只有活著,而是活出身心靈的健康美好」,勉勵大家活出健康。 Next, Ms. Lin Yu-ju spoke on "Health and Happiness in the Super-aged Society". The speaker opened by stating how Taiwan is on the brink of confronting four challenges: aging, declining birth rates, longevity with illness, and chronic diseases among young people. With 2025 approaching, the proportion of the population aged 65 and older will rise to 20%, ushering in a super-aged society. Population aging has resulted in a variety of consequences, such as additional financial strain on the government, labor shortages, diminished consumption power, and heightened demand for medical care. Consequently, the shared objective is to transition into an old age of health and happiness. Additionally, the speaker cited Queen Elizabeth II of England as an illustration. Throughout her 96 years, she was constantly in a state of youthful vitality, exercised with enthusiasm, and consistently maintained a healthy diet. A thorough examination of Queen Elizabeth II of England's healthy example demonstrates the importance of daily health promotion. The speaker concluded by citing the Greek philosopher Plato, who said, "People do not merely live; they lead a life that is marked by health and wonder in the body, mind, and spirit", thereby encouraging all to lead a healthy lifestyle. 接著由國政委員劉庭妍小姐主講「心理韌性面對氣候變遷」。主講人首先表示聯合國永續發展目標(SDGs)中的第三項強調心理健康的重要性,世界衛生組織也指出,氣候變遷威脅人類心理健康。研究發現,在多個國家中許多介於16至25歲的青年因氣候變遷感到負面情緒。檢視台灣現況,確實存在青年焦慮和抑鬱等情形,故應強化自我內在韌性與能量,來因應氣候變遷帶給人們的壓力。主講人提到強化內在方法包含:專注感受、吸收能力、刻意玩樂及擴大覺察;具體建議為:減少使用手機、鼓勵獨立行動及閱讀。最後,主講人鼓勵大家,表示資訊落差從0到1的距離,遠遠大於1到100的距離,所以,期望從今天開啟一點點的覺知,做為0到1的橋樑。 Next, Ms. Liu Ting-yan spoke on "Mental Resilience in the Presence of Climate Change". The speaker began by stating the significance of the third goal of the United Nations SDGs, which emphasizes the significance of mental health. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), climate change also poses a threat to human mental health. Studies have shown that climate change causes negative emotions in young people aged 16 to 25 from numerous countries. An examination of Taiwan's present situation reveals that anxiety and depression are indeed prevalent among young individuals. Therefore, in order to cope with the stress caused by climate change, one's inherent self-resilience and momentum should be strengthened. The speaker mentioned that the methods for strengthening the inner self include: focusing on feelings, the ability to absorb, the deliberate enjoyment of life, and extending awakening. The specific recommendations consist of reducing the use of mobile phones, promoting independent action and reading. Lastly, the speaker encouraged everyone by stating that the information gap between 0 and 1 is much larger than that between 1 and 100, and as a result, we hope we will be able to bridge the one-to-zero gap between by gradually improving our awareness. 演講完畢,黃晉英秘書長代表基金會致贈謝禮予主講人。接著在與會者紛紛利用「餵豬時間」提出個人意見與看法交流後,圓滿地結束十一月份國政聯誼會。 After the speech, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying presented a gift to the speakers on behalf of the foundation. Then, attendees expressed and exchanged their opinions and views during the piggy hour. The November Archilife Public Policy Communion ended smoothly. |