Sketch of Archilife Study Tour, December 2023
2023年12月份見識之旅縮影 2023年12月17日由呂明澐小姐帶領23位祐生見習生及家長們,至北投進行溫泉文化暨雞動之旅。一早全員於北投捷運站集合,導覽老師藉由站內北投行政區圖說明以舊北投(特別是磺港路與中央南路一帶)為主的參訪路線,隨後便帶領眾人穿梭於市井小巷,探索這些由老屋們構成的時光長廊。從山峸二手書店的懷舊氛圍、唭哩岸岩石建造的堅固牆面、陳氏祖厝的古樸美感,到保留老式建築特色的咖啡店,搭配導覽老師用北投老照片與現在場景的今昔對比,讓眾人了解早期移民於關渡平原開墾與北投聚落市街的變遷。接近中午時分,一行人隨著導覽老師腳步來到熙熙攘攘的北投市場,北投市場是台北市歷史最悠久的公有傳統市場,此處有多家在地知名排隊美食,從早到晚都有不同時段限定的多元特色餐點,如:滷肉飯、肉羹店、蘿蔔絲餅等,而這些獨特的市場樣貌,亦與日治時期北投興盛的溫泉旅館餐廳,對各種商品、生活服務的大量需求有關,像是因硫害而衍生的修理電器店面、靠繡學號發家致富的裁縫鋪,以及販售平價冰紅茶的茶莊,都是在地生活的生動寫照。其中最具特色的機車限時專送,可以說是外送服務的鼻祖,只需一通電話,不僅物品或人員接送,更提供各式代購等便利服務。在導覽老師生動的講解下,大家一邊品嚐著在地人引以為傲的茶飲,一邊了解北投人情的聚集地和生活回憶的製造處,間接體會了昔日北投的繁華歲月。 For the study tour of December 17, 2023, Ms. Lu Ming-yun led 23 ARF interns and their parents on a trip to Beitou to learn about hot spring culture, and hens and eggs. Everyone gathered at Beitou Metro Station in the morning and the guide used the station’s area map to explain the intended route focusing on the old Beitou (especially the area around Huanggang Road and Zhongyang Road). From the nostalgic ambiance of Ridge Books, sturdy walls built from rocks of Qili’an and rustic beauty of Chen Ancestral House to the café that has retained its old architectural style, and photos of past and present Beitou, everyone learned about early settlers in the Guandu Plain and changes in the streets of Beitou settlement. Around noon, everyone followed the guide to the busy Beitou market, which is Taipei City’s oldest public traditional market. Home to many popular food stalls, it offers a wide variety of food from day to night, including braised pork rice, pork broth and radish pastry. Unique offerings of the market are related to demands for products and services by hot spring hotels and restaurants prevalent in Beitou during the Japanese Occupation. For instance, electrical appliance repair shops were needed due to sulfur damage, tailor shops which had prospered by sewing student numbers on school uniforms, and tea shops that sell cheap iced tea. The most unique service provided would be the local delivery-by-scooter service, which would deliver items and people at a phone call, and provided shopping service too. As everyone listened to the lively explanations by the guide while sipping locally famous tea drinks and learning about culture and memories of Beitou people, it felt like a glimpse into the flourishing days of old Beitou. 下午步行前往關渡平原旁的小型放牧養雞場,導覽老師介紹沿途經過的關渡平原農業特色與土地利用方式,以及凱達格蘭北投社的文化景觀之一「保德宮」的地權現況,亦補充「北投」地名語源與凱達格蘭族的「巫者」音近。抵達「隨野家」農場後,完全顛覆一般人的刻板印象,現場沒有預想中養雞場特有的刺鼻氣味,空氣中飄散著泥土和草本植物的清新香氣,蛋雞們在農場中自由地漫步,享受牠們的午後時光。農場主人熱情地邀請見習生們參與餵食活動,各自搭配乾燥玉米碎、能提高免疫力的辣椒、乾燥的黑水虻幼蟲、小花蔓澤蘭等葉片,做為蛋雞的營養下午茶,再親手餵給蛋雞;見習生們得以近距離接觸這些蛋雞,觀察牠們的外貌特徵和生活環境,從而體會到農場主人所言的「健康的蛋雞,健康的養殖」。接下來,透過有趣的尋蛋關卡,農場主人向眾人揭示關於雞蛋的一些迷思和知識,如:市售的洗選蛋和散裝蛋的差異、挑選撇步、將蛋直立排列,尖端朝下才正確的保存方式、儘量避免將雞蛋放置在冰箱門邊的原因等。活動尾聲則是眾人享用由農場新鮮雞蛋製作的DIY蘑菇造型雞蛋糕,作為這趟食農教育的美味句點,大家一起合照留念後搭車返程,並期待於下次見識之旅再相見。 Everyone walked to a small chicken farm next to Guandu Plain in the afternoon, the guide introduced agricultural products and land utilization in the area, and the land rights to "Baode Temple", which is a cultural landmark of Ketagalan Beitou Community, adding that the name "Beitou" originated from the Ketagalan word for "witch". Everyone was expecting the stereotypical pungent smell of a chicken farm but was greeted by fresh fragrance of soil and plants, and egg hens leisurely walking in the afternoon sun, at Wild Chicks Farm. Interns were invited to feed the hens with mixtures of dried crushed corns, immunity-boosting chilli peppers, dried black soldier fly larvae, and mikania leaves, allowing them to observe the hens' appearance and living environment, and to understand the farm owner's concept of “healthy hens, healthy rearing.” During the egg-hunting game that followed, the farm owner also revealed some myths and facts about eggs, including differences between pasteurized eggs and bulk eggs, selection tips, proper storage by keeping eggs standing with pointed end facing down, and not placing eggs near door of refrigerator. As the perfect end to the agri-food education tour, everyone enjoyed DIY mushroom-shape cake made with fresh farm eggs, took a photo together and looked forward to the next tour. |