Sketch of Archilife Study Tour, June 2023
2023年6月份見識之旅縮影 6月份見識之旅活動,於2023年6月4日由呂明澐小姐帶領18位祐生見習生及家長們,先後造訪台北陽明山與台灣大學校總區進行台大博物館暨蓬萊米原鄉探索之旅。 For the study tour of June 4, 2023, Ms. Lu Ming-yun led 18 ARF interns and their parents on a discovery trip to National Taiwan University (NTU) Museums and hometown of Ponlai rice in Yangmingshan area in Taipei. 上午眾人於「竹子湖蓬萊米原種田故事館」集合,由導覽老師分兩隊帶領大家經由不同的路徑,了解水車寮步道的生物相與蓬萊米文化地景。一進入郊山步道,眾人即從氣溫改變領會到導覽老師所述海拔六百多公尺的竹子湖地理特性,這般冬冷夏涼類似日本九州的氣候,與竹子湖被群山包圍的隔離地形、七星山麓湧出的溫泉,正是其於日治時期被選做日本稉稻育種原種田之原因。隨著時代推移,竹子湖的農業特色也有所轉變。1945年後竹子湖一帶曾主推高冷蔬菜,六零年代後才轉變為各種觀賞花卉的培植地,這些地景風貌的轉變亦與竹子湖十八世紀以來的墾殖家族密不可分,而蓬萊米原種「中村種」復育,也是由學界有志之士與高姓、曹姓等家族支援土地及人力,才讓沉睡了數十年的稻種,透過復耕活化昔日的農事記憶。見習生們跟隨導覽老師漫遊在曾經的農田圳路,除了學習到許多低海拔針闊葉混合林植生及昆蟲知識,也透過水圳步道上的春耕、夏耘、秋收及冬藏平台的意象地景,與故事館內的細項主題展示,對過往農事歷程留下深刻印象。 In the morning, everyone gathered at the Zhuzihu Ponlai Rice Foundation Seed Field Story House. Guided by their respective tour guides, two teams explored different sides of the area to learn about the ecology at Shuicheliao Walk and Ponlai rice cultural landscape. Upon entering the Shuicheliao Walk, everyone immediately understood the geographical features of Zhuzihu, which is over 600 meters above sea level, from the temperature change. Due to its mild climate which is much like the climate in Kyushu, Japan, being enclosed by mountains and natural hot spring from Qixing Mountain, it was chosen as the place to plant Japonica rice during the Japanese Occupation. Over time, the crops grown in Zhuzihu also changed. The highland vegetables were the main crops at Zhuzihu after 1945 but were soon taken over by various types of ornamental flowers after the 1960s. Changes in the landscape and farming operations are closely linked to farming families in Zhuzihu since the 18th century. In fact, the revival of the "Nakamura strain" originally used to grow Ponlai rice has been a joint effort between academicians with noble aspirations and the local Kao and Tsao families, which enabled the rice strain dormant for several decades to be re-cultivated, bringing back memories of the agricultural past. While following the tour guides along old irrigation canals, the interns learned about the vegetation and insects of low-elevation mixed forest, and formed a deep impression of the agricultural past through landscape along the footpaths which recreated images of four seasons farming activities, as well as detailed thematic exhibits within the Story House. 下午趕在雨勢不大前,眾入前往台大昆蟲標本館、磯永吉小屋及動物博物館參訪。雖然博物館群較為分散,展廳空間較為緊湊,但昆蟲標本館的導覽志工,仍透過生動的解說,讓見習生們認識昆蟲採集與標本製作時要領,以及牠們與人類日常生活的相關性。「磯永吉小屋」是以保存蓬萊米之父—磯永吉於此進行稻米研究時期留下的器物文獻為展示主題,當眾人抵達這棟前身為「舊高等農林學校作業室」的日式平房時,屋外下起了傾盆大雨,天色為之一暗,大家在略帶懷舊昏黃的燈光氛圍下,聽取關於磯永吉和蓬萊米之母—末永仁的生平事蹟。由於見習生們在上午已經建立關於蓬萊米培育及稻作的基本知識,故當導覽老師以問答方式解說日籍農業專家的貢獻、古典農學儀器與實驗用具的操作原理,甚至是現今水稻的生長過程時,眾人搶答互動的過程都很熱烈,暫時忘卻了大雨悶濕的不適感。至此,本日活動已近尾聲,大家合影留念後各自返家,並期待於下次見識之旅再相見。 In the afternoon, everyone proceeded to NTU Insect Museum, Iso House, and NTU Museum of Zoology before the rain got heavier. Despite the somewhat scattered locations and limited exhibition space of the NTU museums, the volunteer guides at the insect museum were still able to give interns a basic introduction to insect gathering and specimen making, and their relations to our daily living, through their vivid description. "Iso House" showcases the instruments, research documents and records on rice used by Professor Iso Eikichi – father of Ponlai rice. Upon arriving a Japanese-style house which was originally the Workshop of Advanced Academy of Agronomy and Forestry, the rain began to pour and the sky turned dark, and everyone listened to the life story of Iso Eikichi and Suenaga Hitoshi – mother of Ponlai rice, in its nostalgic yellow lighting. As the interns had already established basic knowledge of Ponlai rice cultivation earlier in the day, they had fun trying to outdo each other in answering the tour guide's quiz on the contribution of Japanese agricultural experts, operating principles of classical farming equipment and laboratory instruments, and even the growing process of modern rice. The amusing interaction provided respite from the discomfort of heat and humidity brought by the heavy rain. As the day's tour came to an end, everyone took a group photo before heading home, already eager for the next study tour. |