Sketch of Public Policy Communion, April 2023
Author: webmaster Published:2023-05-15 Read: 181 reads

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  The April Archilife Public Policy Communion of 2023 was held on April 16, 2023. After a series of relaxing and fun activities, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying made the following announcement, "The world has changed dramatically over the past few years, and high-end chips have become critical strategic materials. Taiwan's ability to produce its own cutting-edge chips gives it a prominent place on the global stage. Additionally, with Taiwan's location in a prime strategic position in the first island chain, the military industry has capitalized on the trend created by the escalating international conflicts. Defense cooperation between Taiwan and the United States has recently expanded with the visit of a delegation of American defense industry representatives. Temperatures have risen abnormally due to climate change, which can lead to epidemics and food shortages. For this reason, keeping a watchful eye is essential, and the government also passed the "Climate Change Response Act" this year, which sets the net zero emission target for 2050 and defines the carbon fee collection in detail. In an effort to pave a new path for human survival, the Archilife Living Special Team will continue to discuss response plans."

  Next on the schedule was the keynote speech. First, Ms. Sun Ruei-suei presented a speech on the "ESG, Sustainability, and Net Zero City". The speaker started by saying that rising temperatures and global warming are a dire threat to the environment because of greenhouse gases released due to economic development. As a result, countries' climate change goals to reduce carbon emissions will range from "carbon peaking" to "carbon neutrality" to "net zero" to "negative" carbon emissions. The speaker then went on to discuss the international negotiation process that led to the agreement to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050. This process included the Kyoto Protocol, the Paris Agreement, and the Glasgow Climate Pact. The net-zero transformation of Taiwan by 2050 includes energy, industry, life, and social transformation strategies, as well as the governance bases: technological R&D and a climate legal system. According to the CDP's most recent net-zero rankings, New Taipei City, Taipei City, and Taichung City are all considered A-list cities. The speaker used New Taipei City as an illustration, highlighting the specific practices of New Taipei City, to continue to discuss the issue with Archilife members.

  Next, Mr. Chou Yu-ching spoke on "Diabetes, a New National Disease in the 21st Century". The speaker began by defining diabetes as the body's inability to regulate blood glucose levels, which causes blood glucose levels to rise. Typical symptoms include an increase in appetite, thirst, urination, and weight loss, among others. According to the speaker, the complications of diabetes are the most problematic aspect of the disease, which is feared to deteriorate the health of all organs. Numerous patients undergoing dialysis are diabetic. Therefore, there are three focuses of diabetes prevention: regular checkups, regular exercise, and a balanced diet, which emphasizes preventive medicine. Individuals with diabetes must practice proper self-care, including periodic testing and dosing. Additionally, the speaker urges everyone to implement graded medical care to reduce national medical costs, maintain healthy lifestyles, and preserve health.

  Next, Mr. Yao Wei-cheng spoke on "COVID-19 Pandemic and Progress of New Technologies/Micro Chimerism-Lifelong Bond between Parents and Children". The first thing the speaker said was that the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, which has lasted for over three years, is finally coming to an end. Numerous vaccines, including mRNA, DNA, protein, and attenuated vaccines, have been developed at an unprecedented rate to combat the pandemic. The speaker then stated that in addition to supportive therapy, the virus can now be treated with medications such as monapiravir and remdesivir, and diagnostic tests include tests on nucleic acids, antigens, and antibodies. The speaker went on to discuss the "mosaic phenomenon" in which a single organism has two or more genotypes. In terms of parent-child expression, a mother carries a portion of her child's genetic material, and a child carries a portion of the mother's genes, creating a lifelong bond between the parent and child. The speaker also expresses appreciation for the mother's hard work during childbirth and sends his warm wishes to all mothers everywhere.

  After the speech, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying presented a gift to the speakers on behalf of the foundation. Then, attendees expressed and exchanged their opinions and views during the piggy hour. The April Archilife Public Policy Communion ended smoothly.
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