Archilife Living Special Team Conferences
Author: webmaster Published:2022-01-24 Read: 582 reads

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  With accelerating global climate change, not only have extreme climate events been reported in all parts of the world, but also the ecological environment has been subject to strong impacts. In particular, COVID-19 that has raged on for years has seriously affected our way of life. In view of humanity’s increasingly challenging survival, the Archilife Living Special Team specially convened conferences in 2021 on human survival related issues where extensive discussions were held and coping plans were formulated. The Archilife Living Special Team is led by Professor Su Ching-hua, with Ms. Cheng Wei-ning as the team leader. The members include: Ms. Tang Shu-chen, Mr. Chung Cheng-hsin, Mr. Tsai Kun-hsien, Mr. Luo Yang-ching, Mr. Gao Chuan-chi, Mr. Day Yeong-tyi, Mr. Lin De-en, Mr. Wang Wen-an, Mr. Liu Ding-chyu, Mr. Chen Tai-an, etc. The discussion results in various stages are explained below:

Resized Image  自110年1月8日起至6月25日止,召開110年上半年特組會議,研擬因應氣候、生態異變加劇的生活方案。具體研討成果包括:分析全球氣候異變趨勢及其衍生的各種災難類型、事件強度與影響範圍;再根據分析結果,從保水保樹、共生循環等面向研擬關於求生存的生活方案;從共生價值、數位營生等面向研擬關於謀生計的生活方案;從共好祖先、精神文明等面向研擬關於延生命的生活方案。
  From January 8 to June 25, 2021, special team conferences for the first half of 2021 were held to formulate living plans for coping with intensifying climate change and ecological change. The specific discussion results included: An analysis on the trend of global climate change and various types of disasters that arise, intensities of events, and the scope of impact. Then, based on the analysis results in such aspects as water conservation, tree protection, symbiotic cycle, etc., living plans for seeking survival were formulated. From the aspects of symbiotic value, digital livelihood, etc., living plans for making a living were formulated. From the aspects of shared ancestors, spiritual civilization, etc., living plans for extending life were formulated.

Resized Image  自110年7月2日起至12月29日止,召開110年下半年特組會議,從求生存、謀生計、延生命等層面,研擬共生社區應備要件、建構程序與操作步驟,期能因應氣候異變衍生的各種災難風險。具體研討成果包括:從共生環境、健康生活等面向研擬共生社區規劃方案與建構程序;從數位營生、共生商機等面向研擬共生社區數位營生策略;從共生教育、社會轉化等面向研擬共生社區永續經營模式。
  From July 2 to December 29, 2021, special team conferences for the second half of 2021 were held. From the perspectives of seeking survival, making a living, and extending life, the essentials of symbiotic communities were formulated. The procedures and steps were constructed, hoping to cope with disaster risks arising from climate change. The specific discussion results included: symbiotic environment, healthy living, and other aspects. The symbiotic community plans and construction procedures were developed. From the perspectives of digital livelihood, symbiotic business opportunities, etc., the symbiotic communities’ digital livelihood strategies were devised. From the perspectives of symbiotic education, social transformation, etc., a sustainable management models for symbiotic communities was constructed.

Resized Image  展望未來,本會期待生活特組能持續精進各項生活方案的內涵,並據以建構可因應各種災難風險的共生社區,期能做為氣候異變速度加劇,造成生態環境急遽變異的影響下,我們求生存、謀生計、延生命的最佳方案,進而為人類族群厚植永續未來的根基。
  Looking ahead, the ARF expects the Archilife Living Special Team to continue improving the connotations of various living plans, based on which symbiotic communities capable of coping with various disaster risks can be built. They shall serve as the best plans for seeking survival, making a living, and extending life under the impact of accelerating climate change caused by drastic changes in the ecological environment, thereby laying the foundation for the sustainable future of the human race.
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