Sheet of Wormhole Bookish Assembly, February 2021
Author: webmaster Published:2021-03-13 Read: 1224 reads

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2月 2日 李宜錦 科儀新知220期108.9:無人機於精準農業之應用
      林庭蔚 Protocells: Bridging Nonliving and Living Matter
2月 4日 張子潔 黑猩猩會變成人類嗎?
      楊念慈 古地圖集精選
2月 6日 謝冠瑩 Leyendas
      張子游 魚在水裡會不會被閃電打死?
2月18日 陳香君 藥健康,真好丸
      林建宇 噢!原來如此 有趣的鳥類學
2月20日 鍾明靜 老屋欣力
      廖釔凱 波的科學
2月23日 賴品樺 今天好嗎?公主殿下
      王彥翔 考現學入門
2月25日 林彣鴻 用電影說印度
      林翊婷 要求特別多的餐廳
  A total of 14 book reports were presented in this month's bookish assembly hosted by Ms. Lin Ying-chen. Details are as follows:

February 2
Li Yi-chin:Applications of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to Precision Agriculture (Instruments Today 201909)
Lin Ting-wei:Protocells: Bridging Nonliving and Living Matter
February 4
Chang Tzu-chieh:Will Chimpanzees Ever Become Human?
Yang Nien-tzu:The Atlas of Atlases
February 6
Hsieh Kuan-yin:Leyendas
Chang Tzu-yu:Why Don’t Penguin’s Feet Freeze? and 114 Other Questions
February 18
Chen Hsiang-chun:The Right Way to Medicate
Lin Jian-yu:Ornithology Is Fun!
February 20
Jhong Ming-jing:Regenerating Old Houses
Liao Yi-kai:The Wavewatcher’s Companion
February 23
Lai Pin-hua:Introduction to Modernology
Wang Yen-hsiang:How Are You Today, My Princess?
February 25
Lin Wen-hung:Indian Dream Factory
Lin Yi-ting:The Restaurant of Many Orders
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