Sketch of Archilife Study Tour, August 2020
Author: webmaster Published:2020-09-26 Read: 2036 reads

  For the study tour of August 22, 2020, Ms Lu Ming-yun led 15 ARF interns and their parents on a trip to Tianzhong, Zhanghua, to learn about guava and glass art. At the start of the day's activities, team leader Ms. Lu Ming-yun reminded everyone about things to note and what to observe, and gave the interns some background knowledge.

  The morning's itinerary brought everyone to Jing Qin Guava Recreational Farm. At the start of the tour, everyone was invited to sample some guava, and learn to identify the texture and appearance of different species through taste and sight. The "red heart" guava commonly seen in the market is the general name for red flesh guava, which includes watermelon guava and rouge guava. Guava is rich in nutrients. In particular, it has 30 times more vitamin C than kiwi fruit and has been proven to contain lycopene and polyphenols, which can help prevent cancer. In the DIY session, the farm owner taught everyone the steps and tips to making liquorice guava. The secret to tasty liquorice guava is to make sure the powdered sugar coats the guava evenly when the guava pieces are shaken. The more times the guava pieces are shaken, the more flavor they will have. During the session, the interns also competed to be the best at making liquorice guava, adding more fun to the activity. Following the DIY session, everyone visited a nearby orchard. The farm owner explained that the orchard uses cultural weed control rather than herbicide and weed is regularly removed using a mower. As the oriental fruit fly is the major pest of guava, the guava fruits must be bagged during their early growth stage to prevent pests and fruit rotting. The farm owner also explained the process from pollination, flowering to fruiting, and pointed out the buds and young fruits on the trees, allowing everyone to observe the different stages of growth.

  The afternoon's itinerary was a visit to the Taiwan Glass Gallery. The tour began with a DIY session to make glass bead photo frames, followed by a walk through the "golden tunnel", which is specially designed using the transparency and refraction of glass to create spatial and visual distortion. Inside the gallery itself, the tour guide explained that, due to rapid technological development, glass is not only used for capturing light and ventilation purpose in construction but also has other uses that take advantage of electronic technology and optical principles. For instance, a white fog effect may be created through power conversion, producing switchable glass which provides more versatility for office and home décor. In the glass art showcase area, the tour guide explained that crystal is a type of glass but has greater light transmittance because of the addition of lead oxide. It may be pulled into fine threads when heated and soft, and is suitable for making artworks as it is highly sculptable. Everyone was also awed by live demonstration of glass blowing technique by local artists. At this point, the day's itinerary came to an end. Everyone took a group photo before heading back and looked forward to the next study tour.
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