Sketch of Public Policy Communion, August 2019
Author: webmaster Published:2019-09-25 Read: 683 reads

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  本會於2019年8月25日假台北喜來登大飯店地下二樓喜廳舉行「祐生國政聯誼會」。在主持人黃晉英秘書長宣布後揭開當日活動序幕,在輕鬆、活潑的節目過後,隨即由主持人帶來重要訊息:「亞馬遜雨林出現近年來最嚴重的森林大火,已延燒大約三週之久,由此可知外在環境不斷在改變,我們應隨時警惕自己,注意自身安危,做事情要量力而為。另外,祐生將於9月3日正式遷址「長‧安樓」,除了將規劃新型態的讀書會與聯誼會,也將以三年的時間轉折,交棒給新世代承接,帶領祐生持續向前。而新型態「讀書會2.0」將於9月10日正式召開,與會者在會中可發表心得感想,期望能促進更多交流,邁向由專智到通智到眾智的目標。為導引大家持續關注氣候變化對生存環境的影響,本月份續進行「祐生謎‧猜」,題目為:「今年的冬天會是怎樣的樣貌?」提供四個選項:「1.暖冬 2.度日如年 3.根本沒有冬天 4.以上皆非」,請各位一同關心氣候異變課題。」
  The August Archilife Public Policy Communion of 2019 was held on August 25, 2019. After a series of relaxing and fun activities, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying made the following announcement, "The most devastating forest fire in recent years took place in the Amazon rain forest, burning for about three weeks. It is apparent that with the constantly changing external environment, we should be alert at all times, pay attention to our own safety and act according to our own ability. Additionally, Archilife Research Foundation will officially relocate to "Chang‧An Building" on September 3rd. In addition to planning a new form of Bookish Assembly and gathering, it will hand over to the new generation every three years to lead Arhcilife to continue moving forward. The new form of "Bookish Assembly 2.0" will be officially held on September 10th. On the site, participants can express their comments, hoping to promote more exchanges, moving towards the goal from specialization, general knowledge, to gollective wisdom. In order to lead everyone to continue to focus on the effects of climate change on the living environment, the "Archilife Riddle Guess" will continue to be carried out. With "What will this winter appear to be?" as the theme, four choices are provided: "1. Warm winter; 2. Days wear on like years; 3. There is no winter at all; 4. None of the above". Everyone is requested to show concern towards the issue of climate change."
  Next on the schedule was the keynote speech. First, Mr. Lin Yu-yi spoke on "Kaohsiung City’s National Land Planning Promotion". The presenter first said that the national land planning will be divided by function, including national land conservation areas, marine areas, agricultural development areas, and urban and rural development areas. The objective of the legislation is to ensure national land security in response to climate change, conserve the natural environment and cultural assets, and promote the reasonable distribution of resources and industries, thereby strengthening the national land integration and management mechanism. The presenter then elaborated on Kaohsiung City’s national land planning overall spatial development concept of "one core, two hearts, three axes, four regions." The conduction focus lies in maintaining the total output of agricultural lands, handling of major infrastructure planning areas, the disposal of unregistered factories, indigenous village and rural area planning, and national land function zoning. At present, many public hearing sessions have been held to establish public participation and compensation mechanisms.
  Next, Mr. Chang Chen-chung spoke on "The Concept of Cultural Asset Value Prioritization". The presenter first said that Taiwan officially implemented the Cultural Heritage Preservation Act on May 26, 1982 and substantively revised the content of the said act on July 12, 2016, adding incentives as well as substantially increasing penalties. The presenter went on to explain the value prioritization referred to a basic consensus reached by countries around the world regarding cultural asset preservation goals. In order to facilitate cultural asset reutilization, building management, land use, and fire safety-related matters are not bound by existing regulatory limitations. Ongoing construction projects or other development practices, including monuments, historical buildings, and so on should be terminated at once. The presenter also cited Taiwan Power Company’s Jinguashi Highlights Plan, the Sandiaoling-Mudan Tunnel Regeneration, the Banqiao Diyi Shrine Project, etc. as examples to give participants better insights.
  Next, Mr. Yao Wei-cheng spoke on "Genetic Technology and Health Knowledge Improvement". The presenter first mentioned health knowledge refers to an individual’s ability to interact with health information, able to engage in critical analysis and use information, extract information from various communication channels to understand the significance and possess adequate reading and writing skills. The presenter then mentioned how foreign scholars said genetic technology is the key to fight against climate change. Chimpanzees have an additional pair of chromosomes compared to humans, but does it mean they are more outstanding than humans? Genetic engineering helps create super organisms, but whether or not this practice leads to hope or destruction remains to be seen. Finally, we hope that the general public can better understand the progress of genetic technology to have an opportunity to improve human wellbeing rather than abusing it.
  After the speech, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying presented a gift to the speakers on behalf of the foundation. Then, attendees expressed and exchanged their opinions and views during the piggy hour. The August Archilife Public Policy Communion ended smoothly.
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