Sponsorship of Game Developer Communities in Taiwan 2018
Author: webmaster Published:2018-09-12 Read: 909 reads

  本會自2011年起陸續贊助國內獨立遊戲開發者,前往海外參與各項獨立遊戲作品相關競賽。本年度贊助「光穹遊戲」、「werold」、「SIGONO」及「趴踢鵝」四組台灣獨立團隊前往上海 indiePlay 進行作品入圍與獲獎發表,同時也恭喜「SIGONO」作品《OPUS:靈魂之橋》獲得最佳敘事獎,及「趴踢鵝」作品《給地偷地》獲得最佳學生遊戲第二名。
  Since 2011, the ARF has been successively sponsoring Taiwan independent game developers in their participation in independent game related competitions overseas. This year, the ARF has sponsored 18Light Game, Werold, SIGONO and Party Goose in their trip to Shanghai to participate in IndiePlay finalist announcement presentation and award presentation. We would like to congratulate SIGONO's “OPUS: Rocket of Whispers” for winning the “Best Narration” award and Party Goose's “Gerritory” for winning second place for “Best Student Game”.
  To encourage open sharing and talent nurturing, the ARF has sponsored the Taipei Game Developers Forum in the same way it has supported open source forums. Of all the game developer conferences held in Taiwan in recent years, the Taipei Game Developers Forum stands out by being an event that is fully funded by private communities. Held for the seventh year in 2018, it had an attendance of over a thousand, and provided an independent game display area for developers to interact with peers and users. It is hoped that participation in the event will allow developers to interact more actively, share their experience and take their games international.
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