Participation in Bitsummit 2018
Bitsummit2018活動參訪 BitSummit是日本最大的獨立遊戲盛會,旨在集結日本的獨立遊戲,向世界展現當地開發者的創作能力,同時也邀請海外團隊到日本展覽,促進開發者與玩家間的國際交流。本會自2014年起派員參訪,並將研習心得和相關資訊與國內獨立遊戲開發者分享。 BitSummit is the largest independent game show in Japan. It aims to bring together independent games in Japan and show the world the local developers' creativity. It also invites overseas teams to show their games in Japan, promoting international exchange between developers and gamers. ARF have been sending representatives to the BitSummit since 2014, and they have been sharing what they have learned with independent game developers in Taiwan. 第六屆BitSummit於2018年5月12日~13日在京都市勸業館舉辦。與往年雷同的,現場有來自日本、歐美與東南亞各國各具特色的出展遊戲同台較勁,今年度的觀展人潮也較去年更為熱絡。同時,台灣也有總共5個團隊初次前往BitSummit進行展出,其中日頭遊戲的作品《Carto》更不僅入圍大會競賽評選,還拿下最佳視覺設計獎,為歷年來首次於此盛會中獲獎的台灣出展作品。本會亦希望未來能看到更多來自台灣的內容,在海外發光發熱。 The sixth BitSummit was held in Miyako Messe on May 12 and 13, 2018, in Kyoto, Japan. Just like in previous years, the event featured unique games from Japan, Europe, the United States and Southeast Asia although this year it has drawn a larger crowd. A total of five teams from Taiwan participated in BitSummit for the first time. Sunhead Games' "Carto" was not only nominated but also won the "Excellence in Visual Design Award", making it the first Taiwan game ever to win an award at the event. It is the ARF's hope that more games from Taiwan will shine internationally in the future. |