Sponsorship of Game Developer Communities in Taiwan 2017
Author: webmaster Published:2017-12-30 Read: 2746 reads

  Since 2011, the ARF has been successively sponsoring Taiwan independent game developers in their participation in independent game related competitions overseas. By lightening the burden of travel expenses for these developers, the aim is to encourage them to go overseas for exchange and interaction, and keep up with changes and trends in game media worldwide. This year, the ARF has sponsored Red Candle Games and Zinno Studio in their trip to Los Angeles to participate in IndieCade finalist announcement and presentation, and also Noxy Games and three student teams in their trip to Shanghai to participate in the indiePlay finalist announcement and presentation.

  To encourage open sharing and talent nurturing, the ARF has sponsored the Taipei Game Developers Forum in the same way it has supported open source forums. Taipei Game Developers Forum stands out by being an event that is fully funded by private communities. Held for the sixth year in 2017, it had attracted over a thousand participants, and provided an independent game display area for developers to interact with peers and users. The Forum covered issues from multiple perspectives, including game development related design, art, programming, music/sound effect and project management, community building, commerce and future trend observation. It is hoped that participation in the event will allow developers to interact more actively, share their experience and take their games international.
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