Participation in WSBE17 Hong Kong & iiSBE meeting (Part: 6)
到了「索罟灣」後,廣場上可見到有190年歷史的天后宮,大家在此參拜、攝影留念後,就到今天行程的最終站,曾多次得到香港美食大賞『至高榮譽金獎』的「天虹海鮮酒家」,黃秘書長以正式桌菜宴請大家,品嚐道地的海鮮料理。在一飽眼福、滿足口腹之欲後,搭船返回尖沙咀天星碼頭。途中看到長達2公里、有著全球最長行車鐵路雙用懸索吊橋的青馬大橋,讓人讚嘆造橋者的設計與功力。在1999年,這座大橋還是美國建築界選出的「二十世紀十大建築成就獎」之一的作品。 On the Sok Kwu Wan square there stands a 190-year-old Tin Hau Temple. After worshipping and taking pictures, we arrived at the final destination: Lamma Rainbow Restaurant, the gold medalist with distinction for many times at "The Best of the Best Culinary Awards". Secretary General Huang ordered an official set meal to taste the authentic seafood cuisine. After satiating the sightseeing and food desire, the delegation took a ferry back to the Star Ferry pier in Tsim Sha Tsui. On the journey, they saw the world's longest, 2km, double-deck for automobiles and trains, span suspension Tsing Ma Bridge, making them marveled at the design and ability of the builder. In 1999, the bridge was selected as one of the "Top Ten Construction Achievements of the 20th Century" by the US construction circle. 收穫滿滿的行程終究還是來到尾聲。2017年6月9日,團員們起個大早,利用晨間時光,到地鐵金鐘站走訪了前身為「域多利兵房」上半部的「香港公園」。公園占地約8公頃,堪稱一座具有教育功能的植物園,也保留不少古蹟,像是:舊三軍司令官邸、華福樓(現已改為觀鳥園教育中心),是值得推薦到此一遊的地方。 In the early morning on 9 June 2017, delegates visited the Hong Kong Park which is as the upper Victoria Barracks near the MRT Admiralty Station. Occupying an area of 8 hectares, it is an educational botanical garden with lots of historical monuments, such as the Flagstaff House and Wavell Block (now the Youde Aviary), making it a recommended sight for seeing. 在結束所有考察行程後,團員們搭乘15:25分,飛往桃園機場的長榮航空BR870班機,於6月9日17:10平安抵達桃園機場,圓滿結束本次的WSBE17的行程。 After finishing all investigation missions, the delegation took the EVA Air BR870 flight at 15:25 for the Taoyuan International Airport. When the flight landed on the airport at 17:10 on June 9, the WSBE17 mission ended smoothly. 本次組團參與WSBE17 Hong Kong會議以及iiSBE會議,除發表與共生化及數位化相關的演說及海報論文外,更重要的是加強並穩固台灣在iiSBE組織的地位,若想要在國際組織裡持續發聲,仍然需要與其他組織建立更緊密的連結,如此方能將祐生的理念讓更多國際人士瞭解,台灣團隊也才能在WSBE會議中得知永續建築在其他各國的新技術發展或政策上的轉變,以及各國地區性、在地化等永續發展議題。 In addition to delivering speeches and presenting poster papers on topics relating to symbiosis and digitization at the WSBE17 Hong Kong and iiSBE meeting, it is more important to consolidate Taiwan's status in iiSBE. If we wish to speak in international organizations again, we must establish closer links with other organizations. Apart from enabling more people to understand Archilife's belief, this is the only way for Taiwanese teams to keep up with the development of new technology or the policy change in sustainable building, and the regional and local sustainable development of different countries. |