Participation in WSBE17 Hong Kong & iiSBE meeting (Part: 5)
會議後,黃秘書長也在御寶軒設宴款待團員們的辛勞並交流彼此的心得與收穫,此處正好可以居高臨下,觀賞幻彩詠香江燈光秀。從九龍尖沙咀一側觀看,才能真正感受到其規模之浩大,能進入金氏世界紀錄果然名不虛傳,綜觀整個香港島的一面,這段燈光秀主要由名建築師貝聿銘設計的中銀大廈、匯豐銀行總行大廈、香港大會堂、友邦金融中心這幾棟大樓的燈光與顏色會隨著音樂節奏而有不同的變化,其他的建築則是以閃動的方式展現。在餐會中,大家聊著此次的大會點點滴滴,在知識層面上,有了不少收穫;在國際舞台上,也得到許多的尊重。並且更加確定祐生在10多年前提出來的全球暖化與共生理念,在本屆會議中再次被提出來當作重點。在這邊吃高檔料理,邊吹涼風看燈光秀的氛圍下,如此幸福美滿,夫復何求?一個完美的香港之夜。 After the WSBE17 Hong Kong ended, Secretary General Huang held a feast at Imperial Treasure to reward delegates for their efforts and provide them an opportunity to exchange the lesson learned from the event. From the restaurant, we could enjoy the light show named "A Symphony of Lights". Tsim Shat Sui in Kowloon was the idea spot to appreciate the magnificence of the show. This Guinness World Records light show has a well-deserved reputation. In the show on the Hong Kong Island side designed by celebrated architect Leoh Ming Pei featuring the Bank of China Tower, HSBC Main Building, Hong Kong City Hall, and AIA Central, the light and color changed as the music rhythm shifted, while other buildings were presented in flash. At the feast, everyone talked about the bits and pieces of the conference and agreed that they had learned a lot and earned much respect on the international stage. They also confirmed that the global warming and symbiosis concepts proposed by Archilife over a decade ago were re-discussed as a new focus of the conference. Enjoying fine foods at a classy restaurant and appreciating the spectacular light show with the caress of the gentle sea breeze, such happiness, and perfection, what else more should we ask for? It was a perfect night in Hong Kong. 6月8日一大早,團員們前往實地參觀三間元老級飯店的真面目,依序是1881年建立的「前水警總部酒店」、1901年開業的「香港基督教青年會」、及1928年開幕的六星級「半島酒店」。 In the early morning of June 8, delegates visited three more than century old hotels: Hullett House built in 1881, The Salisbury - YMCA of Hong Kong started operations in 1901, and The Peninsula Hong Kong, a six-star hotel opened in 1928. 參觀完這三座元老級旅館後,接著出發前往南ㄚ島,遠離塵囂,走向自然。南ㄚ島榕樹灣居民以農、漁業為生,大多生活資源皆從外島運來,因此物價也相當高昂。但因為安逸寧靜,吸引了許多外國人士來此居住,街上也因此開設了不少西式餐廳、酒館及手工藝品。黃秘書長也宴請大家到「B。B海景餐廳」大快朵頤一番。 After visiting those three more than century old hotels, they set out for the Lamma Island to be free of the hustle and bustle toward nature. While Yung Shue Wan citizens are mostly farmers and fishermen and daily materials are shipped from outlying island, the local commodity prices are very high. However, many foreigners settle here for its serenity and quiet. There are many western restaurants, bars and craft shops in the street. Secretary General Huang invited everybody to enjoy a great meal at the B‧B Seaview Restaurant. 吃完正餐後,就開始當天的爬山行程。一路上,草木扶疏、綠意盎然,團員當中有半數是生物學家,此時也開始討論起動、植物辨識,像是為數眾多的燈籠花、落地生根、竹節秋海棠、三角霸王鞭等等,都難不倒大家。大家也邊走邊聊著植物的用途,讓人不禁聯想起,生物多樣性資源所代表的,就像是銀行裡的存款,資源與金額雖然會緩緩的增加,人類若適當取用,有效管理,存摺的數字就會越來越多,若抱持著榨乾、貪婪的心態來經營,最後將會提前用盡存款、債留子孫。人類與環境共存共榮,乃是永續發展的根基。 After the meal, a hiking trip began. On the road, grasses and trees were exuberating and the sense of green abounded. As half of the delegates are biologists, they began a plant discussion and identification, such as the lantern flowers (Agapetes lacei), the air plant (Bryophyllum pinnatum), the trout begonia (Begonia maculata) and the marble column (Euphorbia trigona). When they were discussing the application of plants on the way, we cannot help thinking that biodiversity resources are like savings in the bank. Although the amount increases slowly, through proper use and effective management, the number will gradually increase. By contrast, if we run this mission through exploitation and greed, the savings will be depleted earlier and debts will be left to future generations. The co-existence and co-prosperity between human beings and the environment is the foundation for sustainable development. 在經過一段翻山越嶺的「家樂徑」後,在一個轉角的大樹旁,團員們看到一大群鳳蝶在樹的旁邊漫天飛舞,有的團員你一言我一句地唱起了「梁山伯與祝英台」,路過的旅客紛紛拿起相機,讓翩翩起舞的瞬間,成了永恆的畫面。 After finishing the "Family Walk", we saw a swarm of swallowtail butterflies (Papilionidae) dancing around a tree in the corner. Some delegates began singing the song "Butterfly Lovers". Other travelers took out their cameras to capture that dancing moment into eternal pictures. |