Sponsorship of MOPCON 2016
Author: webmaster Published:2016-11-10 Read: 1122 reads
MOPCON 2016 行動科技年會贊助案

Resized Image  MOPCON行動科技應用開發者年會自 2012年開辦至今,邁入第五屆,有別於台灣大部分資訊科技相關大型活動都在北部的狀況,MOPCON自開辦以來便主打「濁水溪以南」,至今年亦成長至1,200人左右規模,已成為南台灣指標性之研討論壇,並專注於App開發、雲端服務、海量資料、物聯網、穿戴裝置及其他各種與行動應用相關之面向。
  It has been the fifth year since the first MOPCON(Mobile/Open/Platform Conference)in 2012. Unlike other major IT events in Taiwan which are mostly held in the north, MOPCON has been pegged as the "south of Zhuoshui River" IT event from the beginning. With attendance reaching approximately 1,200 this year, MOPCON has become the indicative forum in southern Taiwan, focusing on app development, cloud service, big data, Internet of Things, wearable devices and other mobile app related aspects.
Resized Image  MOPCON 2016於10月29至30日在高雄國際會議中心舉辦,大會上探討議題包括:行動裝置科技趨勢、VR與遊戲的未來技術及市場發展、物聯網整合應用與安全性、雲端應用技術、行動應用技術與使用者經驗、行動應用之於生活與公共事務,乃至機器深度學習等最新技術相關之議題等等。祐生研究基金會過去數年來支持國內開源資訊社群,亦樂見相關活動於南台灣蓬勃發展,故希望透過本次MOPCON贊助案,對此貢獻一份心力。
  MOPCON 2016 was held at International Convention Center Kaohsiung from Oct 29 to 30. Issues discussed at the conference included:technological trends for mobile devices, future technologies and market development of VR and games, integrated applications and security of IoT, cloud application technologies, mobile application technologies and user experience, mobile applications in everyday living and public affairs, and deep machine learning. In the last few years, the ARF has been supporting the open source communities in Taiwan and is pleased to see the vibrant growth of related activities in southern Taiwan. The ARF hopes to contribute its effort toward such development through the sponsorship of MOPCON.
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