Archilife Living Special Team Conferences
Author: webmaster Published:2015-12-30 Read: 1801 reads

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To investigate the plan for strengthening the livability of the Archilife Sub-Shield Center and draft the evacuation strategy from disasters caused by climate change, the Archilife Living Special Team held special team conferences on a weekly basis over a six-month period since January 2015 to discuss relevant issues. Under the supervision of Professor Su Ching-hua, team leader Ms. Cheng Wei-ning chaired these conferences with members including Ms. Tang Shu-chen, Mr. Chung Cheng-hsin, Mr. Tsai Kun-hsien, Mr. Luo Yang-ching, Mr. Gao Chuan-chi, Mr. Day Yeong-tyi, Mr. Lin De-en, Mr. Wang Wen-an, Mr. Liu Ding-chyu, and Mr. Chen Tai-an. The outcomes of each stage are as follows:

Resized Image  自104年1月9日起至6月26日止,召開104年上半年特組會議。在十九次的會議中,除依據潛盾計畫中心野化過程的觀察結果,就伊波拉病毒、禽流感等疫病的防疫措施;共生物種與非共生物種的判別原則與處置方式;潛盾計畫中心能源自主通盤檢討等議題,進行研討並提出對應方案外,亦分別於104年1月17日、4月26日兩度前往龜壽谷進行實地勘察,依據人造土木、大地環境、氣象資訊、農務生活、生態環境等指標,評選未來若發生災難發生時,能滿足緊急避難需求之基地。
A total of 19 special team conferences for the first half of 2015 were held between January 9 and June 26, 2015. Apart from discussing and proposing response actions for the measures to prevent the spread of infectious diseases such as Ebola and avian flu; the principles for discriminating and handling symbiotic and non-symbiotic species; and the general review of energy self-sufficiency at the Archilife Sub-Shield Center based on the observed outcomes of rewilding the Archilife Sub-Shield Center, the team conducted two on-site surveys at Kueisho Valley on January 17 and April 24, respectively, to select a site meeting the evacuation demands during disasters based on indicators including artificial and civil structures, the earth environment, meteorology, and the ecological environment.

Resized Image  自104年7月17日起至12月18日止,召開104年下半年特組會議。在二十次的會議中,除持續依據潛盾計畫中心野化過程的觀察結果,就各季節栽種植栽的種類之規劃;評估暴雨、冰雹等極端天氣事件對潛盾計畫中心之影響與對應的防範措施;檢討潛盾計畫中心現有各系統的防颱措施;研擬傳統型化糞槽內容物送檢、分析作業之SOP等議題,進行研討並提出對應方案外,並彙整100年7月至104年8月潛盾計畫中心野化過程的觀察紀錄,以作為規劃下階段潛盾計畫中心運作方向之依據。
A total of 20 special team conferences for the second half of 2015 were held between July 17 and December 18, 2014. Apart from discussing and proposing response actions for planning the variety of crops grown in different seasons; evaluating the effects and countermeasures of extreme weather events such as torrential rain and hailstorms on the Archilife Sub-Shield Center; reviewing the precautions against typhoons of the existing systems at the Archilife Sub-Shield Center; and drafting the examination and analysis SOPs of the septic tank contents based on the observed outcomes of rewilding the Archilife Sub-Shield Center, the observed records of rewilding the Archilife Sub-Shield Center between July 2011 and August 2015 were summarized for planning reference of the Archilife Sub-Shield Center operations in the next stage.

Resized Image  本會期盼生活特組能持續對潛盾計畫中心進行野化觀察,針對共生循環系統已存在或野化過程衍生之問題提出解決方案;同時,加強面對氣候暴烈化有避難需求時相關因應方案之研擬,以為人類求生存、謀生計、延生命作出貢獻。
Archilife hopes that the Living Special Team can continue to observe the rewilding process of the Archilife Sub-Shield Center to propose solutions for the symbiotic circulation system and problems derived from the rewilding process. We also hope that the team can draft solutions for evacuations from violent climates to contribute to survival, living, and continuation of humankind.
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