Archilife Environmental Control Special Team Conferences
Author: webmaster Published:2015-07-27 Read: 1476 reads

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To examine if the effectiveness of the action plans implemented by the government based on the “National Sustainable Development Policy Guidelines” and “Adaptation Strategy to Climate Change in Taiwan” meet expected outcomes of these guidelines, the Archilife Environmental Control Special Team began holding the special team conference on a weekly basis since January 2015 to discuss relevant issues. Under the supervision of Associate Professor Tsay Yaw-shyan.Team leader Mr.Chiang Yi-chang chaired these conferences with members including Mr.Lin Fang-ming, Mr.Li Yen-yi, Mr.Chen Nien-chu, Ms.Lin Yi-pin, Mr. Liu Chien-chi, Mr.Chung Po-jen, Mr.Wang Min-chou, Mr.Sun Ta-lun, and Mr.Lee Tzan-chain. The outcomes of this stage are as follows:

Resized Image  自104年1月5日起至6月30日止,共計召開二十五次會議,針對政府相關部門依據「國家永續發展政策綱領」,就節能減碳與氣候變遷、國土資源、生物多樣性、能源與生產、交通與生活、科技與評估、城鄉發展、健康與褔祉、教育與宣導等分組,於102年下半年、103年上半年推動的永續發展行動計畫;依據「國家氣候變遷調適政策綱領」,就災害、維生基礎設施、水資源、土地使用、海岸、能源供給及產業、農業及生物多樣性、健康等調適領域推動的調適行動計畫等之執行成果進行研討。
A total of 25 conferences were held between January 5 and June 30 in 2015 to discuss the implementation results of the following between the second half of 2013 and the first half of 2014: the action plans for sustainable development implemented according to the “National Sustainable Development Policy Guidelines”by relevant government departments for energy saving, carbon reduction, and climate change; land and resources; biodiversity; energy and production; transportation and living; technology and evaluation; urban and rural development; health and wellbeing; and education and publicity; and the adaptation action plans for disasters; critical infrastructure; water resources; land use; coastal area; energy supply and industry; agriculture and biodiversity; and health implemented under the“Adaptation Strategy to Climate Change in Taiwan”.

Resized Image  經研討結果,環控特組表示,政府推動國家永續發展與氣候變遷調適的相關作為已展現初步成效,惟未來除追求量化指標的達成,亦應隨時檢視相關行動計畫的執行成果,是否已實質推動台灣永續發展的進程或已逐步強化台灣調適氣候變遷的能力。此外,環控特組表示,政府各部會仍未能建構有效的溝通平台,導致多項行動計畫無法發揮加乘效果,建議應成立新部會負責統整各項行動計畫,同時掌握經費分配並稽核執行成果,才能集中有限資源,因應氣候變遷的挑戰。
After discussions, the special team found that preliminary effectiveness has been achieved in actions for promoting national sustainable development and climate change adaptation. To achieve quantitative results in the future, the effectiveness of relevant action plans should be reviewed at any time to ensure the progression of sustainable development and strengthen the ability of climate change adaptation in Taiwan. The special team also found that no multiplier effect is achieved by the number of action plans in the absence of an effective communication platform among government departments. Hence, a new department should be established to centralize all action plans, capture fund allocation, and audit implementation effectiveness to deal with the challenge of climate change by centralizing limited resources.

Resized Image  環控特組的任務至本年度已暫告一段落,本會期許該組能持續關注政府相關行動計畫的推動,協助政府逐步落實綱領描繪的願景,為台灣締造永續發展的未來。
Although the mission of the Environmental Control Special Team ended this year, we still hope that the special team can continue to keep track on relevant government action plants, so as to help the government to progressively enforce the vision depicted in these guidelines and achieve sustainable development for Taiwan in the future.
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