Sponsorship for the Poject in Sao Tome and Principe
Author: webmaster Published:2013-06-13 Read: 2281 reads

Resized Image  為協助政府鞏固並深化與現有邦交國之關係,祐生特別應允贊助由本會成員蔡坤憲博士主導之「聖多美校園瘧疾防治教育宣導暨抗瘧種子培訓計畫」,並於2013年2月撥款NT$1,509,651(USD50,830), 供「臺灣駐聖多美普林西比瘧疾防治顧問團 (臺灣抗瘧團)」統一運用,協助聖國人民早日脫離瘧疾感染的威脅。
  Archilife Research Foundation sponsored the project on "Malaria Prevention Education and Incubation of Malaria Prevention Seeds in the Campus of Sao Tome and Principe" orchestrated by our member, Dr. Tsai Kun-hsian, to assist in bolstering the friendship with countries that have diplomatic relations with the ROC. An amount of NT$1,509,651 (USD50,830) has been appropriated in February 2013 for the use of “Taiwan Advisory Delegation for the Prevention of Malaria in Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe (Taiwan Malaria Prevention Corp) for assisting the people to be free from the threat of malaria as soon as possible.

  聖多美為台灣在非洲現有四個邦交國之一,亦是祐生評估在面對全球氣候變遷挑戰下相對安全的國家。而瘧疾是聖多美最重要的蟲媒傳染病,為了使其早日根除,台灣自2003年起開始協助聖國政府對抗瘧疾,使當地瘧疾感染率從41.16% 降到目前的2.04%,此項成果亦備受WHO重視,有機會在西非締造根除瘧疾的佳績,也是臺灣在西非外交工作的重要指標。
  The Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe is one of the four countries with diplomatic relation with the ROC, and is a country of relative safety under the challenge of global climate change under the assessment of Archilife Research Foundation. Malaria is one of the most critical insect diseases in Sao Tome and Principe. For the extinction of malaria in this country, Taiwan started to assist the government of Sao Tome and Principe to fight malaria since 2003. The result is positive, and reduced the malaria infection rate of this country from 41.16% to 2.04%. This result has attracted the attention of WHO, which makes it possible to eliminate malaria in west Africa, and is also one important indicator of the diplomatic effort of Taiwan in west Africa.

  Malaria cannot be eradicated overnight. There must be a viable and sustainable system to reduce the infection rate incrementally and the elimination of the disease from the territory. As such, we responded to the project. Through educating the schoolchildren the proper concept for prevention of the disease, we help them to completely improve the health environment for the effective protection of the health and life of the people there. This move helps to bolster the bond between Sao Tome and Principe and the ROC, and to effectively reinforce the function and role of Taiwan in public health at the global level.

  The project aims at the cooperation with the health authorities of 7 provinces for education in fighting Malaria, and the advocacy of malaria prevention and health education in campus. In addition, public health and personal hygiene and health will also be augmented. School bags and stationary with the logo of malaria fighters will be presented to schoolchildren participating in the campaign as incentives. The donation was effected on September 18, 2013 at the Disease Control Center. The Ambassador, Mr. Cheng Yu-tai, praised highly that Archilife gave timely assistance and acted on behalf of Archilife in the presentation ceremony and officially donated the materials to this country. The heads of 6 provincial health authorities of Sao Tome and Principe were present in the ceremony to witness the effort and express their concern.

  Archilife hopes to free Sao Tome and Principe from the ordeal of malaria through this project, and upgrade the overall health standard of its people in order that the national power of this country could be augmented. In the future, this country may emerge as our refuge in braving the challenge of global climate change for us.

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